Saturday, December 16, 2006

Entering Day 5

I'm sick in bed since Tuesday night, hence the lack of activity here. I don't like to make this blog about myself, but I feel like I need to excuse my absence. Shabbos Chanukah In Bett? You bet. Kam, Kam Getzunden licht.


  1. We've had our disagreements some vehement but not personal.Feel well soon so you are in form for further debate!
    Refua shleima.Btw, I imagine you have the flu, if you do, would you take the flu shot next year?

  2. רפואה שלמה בּמהרה בּתושּח"י - רפואת הנפש (קודם) (ואח"כּ) רפואת הגוף.

  3. Vhu Rachum:

    The Doc said nothing about the flu, but he did tell me I have strep. That becomes a bigger problem, me having a house full of kids, ka"h. I thought the flu shot is for kids and old folks, no?

    שכוח פאר די ברכות

  4. Refuah shleima. I used to take the flu shot (free on my insurance), but it did me no good last year and this year I skipped it because of the flu shot related deaths in Israel.

  5. Oy Tzigaleh, feel better and eat loads of chicken soup.......Refuah Shlemah!

  6. Refuah Kroiva broiv shira vzimra

  7. הירשל בּן ?

    אלע בּלאג חברה זענען געבּעטען האבּען הירש'לן אין זינען.

    הירשל, אִויבּ איהר האט כח לערן א שטיקל אבי עזרי.

  8. כ'האב ניט זיינע ספרים אין שטוב, אפשר ווילסטו געבן א נדבה לכבוד חנוכה

  9. וואס הייסט ? שונא מתּנות יחי' !

    עס וועט זיין א גרעסערער זכות אויבּ איהר קויפט עס אליין.

  10. You can find firewood a lot cheaper than that.

  11. Just wait a couple of weeks, and the shcheynim will be giving away wood as if it grows on trees...

  12. "You can find firewood a lot cheaper than that."

    איהר זייט גערעכט. דער ספר איז טאקע א שּטיק האלץ - א געוואלדיגער שטיק האלץ פון דעם הייליגען עץ חיים, עץ חיים היא למחזיקים בּה. און פון דעם שּטיק האלץ קען בּרענען א גרויסער פייער פון תּורה און יראת שּמים.

  13. Rafuah Shalaemuh, Hirshel. I certainly am much closer to your most bitter opponents, but consider you a formidable presence as far as charedi apologists go, and certainly only wish you personally the best.

  14. A little chizuk coming up as a sign of good faith, well wishes, and respect.

  15. David

    I'm not sure I understand the last comment you made here. What is it about Chizuk coming up here?

  16. David, Hirshel may be many things, but a charedi apologist he certainly isn't! If anything, he is an equal opportunity charedi skeletons in the closet story teller.


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