Sunday, December 17, 2006

Chanukah flashback

Chanukah 5710
Menayreh of Hirshel Tzig
גרויסע רבי קליינע מנורה
Reb Shimon Shept Nachas


  1. "Groyse Rebbe Kleine Menorah" was a great post. Last year I showed it to my kids and it had a positive impact on them. They mentioned it last night.
    Thanks for showing the world that not everyone is so materialistic.

  2. It doesnt look like \\\\////

  3. well, it used to be, when I was quasi- self employed, that I would use cotton, cut strips, make wicks, fasten them with those thingies, and it would be nice Begashmiyus U'BeRuchniyuys. Today when I arrive home way after the beginning of the Zman (after sunset), and with little time to spare, I use the floating wicks. Insert and light. I still need to rinse out the glass, pour in the water and oil, and place the wick. At least I don't use the ready made glass with wick and oil. So there's still SOME part of preparation for the Mitzvah on my part.


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