Friday, January 19, 2007

Is Baruch Chait creating Snag Kids?

Ages 8-11 / With the SS Gaavatanic sunk at the bottom of the sea, the shipwrecked passengers must learn to work together to survive on a desert island. Under Rebbe Lev Tov's wise guidance, the lessons of good interpersonal relationships are taught and the "incredible voyage" continues with this exciting sequel. For children and adults alike, this book will open the reader's eyes to the beauty of good middos, and provides the key to acquiring them.

Does anybody else here have kids who convinced you to shell out big bucks to buy the "Tikkun HaMiddos Island" books by Baruch Chait? Do you too feel that the kids focus only on the negative character traits of these figures? All I've seen are his 39 Melochos books in Yiddish, and I did grow up listening to Baruch Chait on Kol Salonika, but I need to hear more about it. Tell me your experience here, and tell me if you agree with these charges. I'm just surprised that none of the Haskomoh givers realized it if this is indeed the case.


  1. I doled out the big money for the books (mostly because the Gadi Pollak illustrations are far better than anything else in the Jewish market), and I even bought one of the Dubno Maggid books Gadi did, but I got rid of them after a while.
    The truth is that this may go to the root difference between Mussar and Chassidus; the entire message in these books - if you ask me - is negative and all about repression. They arent inspiring at all, and mosty are depressing and stifiling. The diference being that Chassidus is warm, positive and decidedly inspiring.
    And let me tell you, the kids I've seen (mine as well) with these books tend to "koch" in the bad middos much more than they "koch" in the good ones.

  2. (BTW, I have met R' Chait and he's a very fine fellow. I don't mean to slight him personally in any way, C"V.)

  3. amazing. CE, me, and tzig agree on something unanimously. the 39 melochos book is great; also silmiilar one on brochas i think. the other ones I have thrown in the garbage upon discovery in my house and ossured the rest. I even called my son's cheder to tell the menahel my opinion and suggested that they too rid themselves of the books. There is a book called the gyvanic that details all the details and sub details of gyva a person could have. these books drag a neshoma thru the mud deeper and deeper, poison really..... it may sound like i am over reacting, my wife initially thought i was crazy too, but I'll defend my position.....

  4. N,

    We are 100% in agreement brother.

    But even more than the specific books, I think that it is the specific "mood" of the Mussar approach that these books represent that is at the heart of the matter...

  5. I haven't thrown them out; instead I read them to my children who can't read on their own yet, and explain the pictures in my own words.

    For kids who can read for themselves, Tintin is a lot better

  6. and whats wrong with asterix?

  7. I happen to like Tintin but they say that Herge was not so Jew friendly

  8. I and my wife are also in agremeent as to this book (and a few other so called 'Middos' books). But what dose this have to do with Snags. I am a Snag. I guess anything bad in the world is Snagy!! You are an anti semite!


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