Monday, January 29, 2007

Yud Shvat at a desk in Manhattan

It's times like these that we know that Chassidus was made for BaaleiBatim, and those that actually work for a living too. For the others it's too easy, they can just roll into Yeshivah or Kollel and automatically have an inspiring Yud Shvat or other Chassidishe Yom Tov. If you need to spend your day and evening at a desk in Manhattan, and with people who have no concept of the day's significance, then that's where the challenge lies. Not for nothing did the Rebbe Rashab say that "Er iz nisht zicher mit a Bocher biz er vert a Yungerman." Although the vort definitely refers to mostly more significant challenges, I would venture to say that it could be extended to be relevant at times like these as well. Ah Gut Yom Tov!


  1. since when is yud shvat a yom tov?????

  2. As previously stated I am not a Chabadnik. But I think the RaShab's observation has universal currency. Irrespective of what stream of Torah V'Avodah one is mechunach in it becomes a much tougher row to hoe once the juggling act of familial and professional responsibilities, triumphs, dissapointments, challenges and distractions begins.

  3. Nice to hear from you again, Chaim G. don't be a stranger. For some reason I think that in the velt popular opinion differs. A Bocher needs to be watched like a hawk, and there's a new set of rules, much more relaxed, for a married man. I understand that a Bocher is more vulnerable, but by no means is a married man out of the woods.

  4. True. I merely meant to say that not every outsatnding Bochur does as well when confronted with the "multi-tasking" nisyonos of the Ba'al HaBos.

  5. Two points about Yud Shvat, to HT:

    1) By the seforim case, when our lawyers spoke to the Rebbe in his room, and asked when did he become Rebbe, he wrote the civil date corresponding to Yud Shvat 5710!

    2)K'poshut, that acc. to "u'ba.., v'zorach.." - it was (at least, in hindsight) in 5710.

  6. nice to see you write in a subdue mode


    "zi zich machazick"

  7. As a bocher in yeshiva I often heard the following at farbrengens. “The years of a bocher are comparable to a furnace that heats up the rest of the life, when you are at a burning hot temperature as a bocher then you stay varm for the rest of your life”. I think there is a lot of truth to that. I am not saying that its impossible for a “chilled out” bocher to straighten himself out after marriage but its definitely more difficult.

  8. we never heard the term gut yom tov either from the rebbe, or even chassidim till now (this year - after gimmel tamuz)
    yud tes kislev, rosh chodesh kislev, bais kislev hai teves etc, but yud shevat?
    a shliach

  9. here is the translated link:

    'we have been screaming this from the rooftops for years'...for a message to be taken seriously, it needs to come from a mesenger with credentials...This is such a big topic..I am sure Reb Yoel is delivering this message now because its the best time....we are going to be smarter than him too? ....perhaps before lubavitch would have split and worse if the firefight started earlier...i heard rabbi emanuel schochet once say that many have taken a big man and made him into a little moshich.....

  10. Tzig
    I'm ignorant, but can you tell me the 'great' significance of yud shvat for you?Did you know the ba'al hilula at all?No.
    If you were such a mekishar, why did you not take the day off?
    (and don't dare badmouth your 'snag boss' like you did once about his son in kolel.For some reason you show signs of ingratitude to the people you owe it most to)

  11. SM

    Admitting the problem is half the solution, so you're on your way.

    Yud Shvat's significance is not so much the Hilula of the Frierdiger Rebbe, but rather the Yom haNesius of the Rebbe. At least as far as we're concerned. The Rebbe I did see, and I try to be Mekusher to him, so the day is quite special to me.

    I never called my boss a Snag, although I did say I was jealous of his Son-in-law sitting and learning in Yerushalayim. Because I have Hakoras haTov that's why I didn't take the day off when the boss needs me at my desk.

  12. forgive my ignorance. What does "snag" mean when used on this blog? (I fear I may be one!)


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