Thursday, February 15, 2007

New Hate Mail on old Discussions

Sometimes people find old posts of mine by Googling words like "Rav Shach" and "Lubavitch." Here are 2 comments that were posted today by a very brave young man who's not afraid that people will see what pent-up rage he has, and was kind enough to give us his name, occupation, and city of residence. He seems to be on the Misnagdic fringe, the equivalent of a Lubavitcher Meshichist. I thank him for his comments, and was told by a Landsman of his that he's a "very nice guy."

See the Misnagdic Love

There's more!

In both cases click on the link and scroll down to the end of the page for the last comment, it'll be worth the clicking and scrolling in both cases. I apologize to the Lubavitchers amongst us for printing such Apikorsus, but he shows us what we face daily.


  1. Um, Mr. Lazar:

    where were you taught to speak that way? was it by Reb Meir Stern? I don't think so, he seems to nice for that. I would go out on a limb and say that you decide for yourself based on statements made by certain Roshei Yeshiva. Yet they never spoke that way about the Lubavitcher Rebbe, and never downplayed his Gadlus in Torah and status as a leader of a large segment of Torah Jews. So please don't give Yeshivah Bochurim and non-chassidim a bad name.

  2. Where do people get that much hate for a group that (clearly) know so little about?

  3. HT,
    Can't you link to the specific comment?

  4. Efsher yener iz a Kurenitzer chossid?

  5. I could link to that specific comment, but it still only takes me to the top of that page, not the specific comment. You're spoiled by Haloscan, this is blogger.

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. Itzhak

    It checks out, I asked some Passaic people, although he doesn't go by Jonathan.

  8. Strange. A practicing dentist would usually have some sort of presence on the Web.

  9. Are you sure it's him ? Maybe someone used his name.

  10. The guy in my opinion is spot on.He should however tone down the rhetoric and sharfeh personal attacks.Dos past nisht far an eideleh yid, leave the curses and personal attacks for the Lubavitcher and Ponim Chadoshos,and the Tzig, if he chooses to copy his newly accepted chassidus

  11. You know, if Rav Shach could earn his chelek in the olom hazeh of the friendly and inviting “yeshivish world” by having the guts to spout hatred on other Jews, why shouldn’t this chosid of his do the same.

    Indead, your dislike for dentists might have something to do with your nationality instead.

  12. Veyelepol:

    funny you should speak of newly accepted Chassidusen, you being a member of the distinguished Vyelepoler community and all....

    I'm not quite sure how he can be "spot on" and still tone down the personal attacks. Isn't the whole comment a very personal attack?

  13. Who DOES like dentists?!

  14. HOO-HUM.
    Noch ah farshtunkener ferd vos redd. Funny how I used to get all hurt and offended by scum like this. Gut, Reb Jonathan First of all your beloved maran would have preferred you to go by your Jewish name, you know, the one your daddy gave you at the bris milah? Second of all just continue your beautiful example of what a “ben torah” is supposed to be I am sure all your rebbeim and teachers are shepping nachas from you.

    Oy, vi layng muz dos mamshich?

  15. This dentist is a real ohev yisroel. He should be zoiche to pull out all of Moshe Aryeh Friedman's teeth, one by one. That would be a good way for him to channel his hatred.

  16. I once heard that dentists have the highest suicide rate out of all professions.
    Why am I not surprised?
    a certain goy might call him dee dee dee.

  17. The poor guy probably doesn't know about this whole thread since he commented on something a year old! Imagine him missing all this talk about him. It's a crying shame.

  18. I think it is absolutley amazing that you completely ignore the very same personal attakcs made against Rav Shach on the same thread. Rabbi Lazar proves that you arev ery biased.

    Herschel, are you sure he is a Rabbi? I looked into it. No one really thinks of him as a rabbi.

  19. זע דעם סוף פסוק






    השם ירחם........

  20. Is this the all-caps nut from mentalblog?! Hee! More fun!

  21. Tzig- this was too much to stomach, I think you should delete the crazy comments.

  22. "....No sensible person could ever fall for such dumb stories as you hear every day from Chabad."
    so true, no sensible person should... yet tragically, their victims are many, who don`t even realise what is the spiritual abyss they are drawing judaism into.
    it is not as one said a religion closest to judaism. it is not judaism, nor a religion.
    it is a dangerous cult!
    those crazy among them, are not a minority as they would have you believe, the clever ones, conceal their beliefs, as they are bad for fund raising yet.
    unfortunately, fools who do not care about their religion being hijacked and distorted, are willing to sell their souls to the devil, for a free plate of chulent. yiikes.

  23. There is nothing more nauseating than hearing about how Chabad 'loves every Jew' and is engaged in wonderful outreach work while 'lazy' litvishers sit in Brooklyn. Shluchim are interested in one thing only, their own power and self-aggrandizement.

    Here at UNC the Chabad shliach went on a slash and burn campaign against the new campus Orthodox rabbi in what turned out to be a power struggle maybe befitting a Latin American dictator but certainly not someone who purports to be a rav.

    Not only did he engage in disseminating lies about this new rav but even went so far as to manufacture false reports about him and attempt to harass students involved with his organization by spreading lashon hara (for example telling people that certain students involved with this new rav 'had mental problems' in an attempt to discredit them).

    Blogs aren't what turn people off to Chabad, it is the actions of their megalomaniac shluchim who believe that certain states are their own personal fiefdoms

  24. Sid

    I feel for you brother, I really do. Here you are spreading lies and nobody is as outraged as you.

    Here's this Orthodox Rabbi, who only wants to do "Kiruv", and does it all L'sheym Shomayim, comes along to a school with a Chabad presence for over a decade (It may be well over that) and he's not welcomed with open arms by the Chabad guy who only wants to be "self-aggrandizing" and cares nothing about spreading Torah! how dare he! He needs to let this new Rabbi come and teach everybody how Chabad is not really Judaism and that they should all drop him now, right? and let the new leech reap the benefits of all that hard work, right?
    Go learn some Shmiras HaLoshon!

  25. Sidney ...Are you Mordechai ?

    I saw your same comment at Cross Currents ...
    Comment by Mordechai
    Is This You ?

    Mordechai John Deluca

  26. >>Go learn some Shmiras HaLoshon~

    I strongly urge you to review the lies written by Rav Shach on this blog. Best of luck in honestly coming to terms with your bias.

  27. Forget apikorsus, this "Lazar" guy exposes plain stupidity and ignorance. Here's an example:

    The Rebbe did not encourage Messianism? Look it up. There is a video on Youtube which exposes his encouragement. There is nothing wrong with that? Then what did Yoshke do wrong? What did Shabbetai Tzvi do wrong?

    If this guy doesn't know what Shabsai Tzvi did wrong, then he clearly knows nothing at all about him, and is not qualified to comment on the entire subject. If he thinks ST's aveira was to proclaim himself Moshiach, I don't know where he's been, but he's so mistaken it's not even funny. Not only wasn't that his only aveira, it wasn't even one of his aveiros. If that was all he did, nobody would have opposed him, and his followers would still be accepted as 100% erliche yidden, if a little nutty.

    As for Yoshke, three answers: 1) ein hochi nami, who says he did anything wrong? 2) if you accept the stories that he did aveiros, then there's your answer right there; and 3) he didn't promote his own messianism! He never claimed to be the moshiach, and hushed up those who did make such claims for him. There's reasonable evidence that his chasidim (his brother Yankel and his chevre) were accepted by Chazal as good yidden, nutty messianism and all; and if Paul hadn't taken the group in a radically new direction they'd still be accepted today.

  28. I don't get why Lazar is referred to in quotation marks. His comments are one thousand percent in consonance with his personality. Those who know him well (not from the outside, but for the past 10 years or so as he only became frum about four years ago) can attest that he is a very nasty, passive agressive son of a @#$%.
    To get to the point. Ariel Sokolovksy and others pronounce the shem elokim because Moshich is here. He writes this in his own blog. I think what Mr. (NOT RABBI! Even Mr. is too civilized) is saying (and I heard him personally say this is his daas Torah view) is that the Rebbe enouraged this by supporting the contention that he is Moshiach, ie, that he should have qualified his being the Moshiach with some qualifying statement--or some other big guy in Lubavitch should have done this.

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