Received via e-mail (writer's identity unknown)
(edited for clarity and grammar)
"Your blog is dead and you deserve it.
Your immature obsession with spinning Lubavitch as 100% pure and almost all others, especially 'snags' as 100% treif has done you in. Even Lubavitchers, notorious for twisting history and making up stories about themselves and their Rebbes, have abandoned you, frankly because even they have had enough of your silly, self congratulatory, back-slapping.
A blog is about news, ideas, and intellectual challenges, not the same dumb, repetitive, Lubab nonsense. You did not even cover the sad elections of your clowns in Crown Heights also known as 'Rabbonim'(Off on a tangent here, but it's takkeh sad the Lubavitch cannot even come up with even mediocre acceptable תלמידי חכמים with some basic שימוש אין הלכה, וכדי בזיון וקצף)
No coverage of the fights with וועד הקהל(and I'm not pushing you to that btw, cuz there is no reason to be מרבה מחלוקת, but you, a real גראבע עם הארץ, has the gall to attack, תלמידי חכמים who have been learning non stop for 70,80 years, but suddenly are חושש to לשון הרע וכולהו, when dealing with convicted felons and סתם verifiable feeble minded idiots)
Zero coverage of the two bozos whose credentials to lead the largest חסידות, even if that חסידותwould be split in two, is their brand new white knickers. Oh, I forgot, they are related to you. Btw, the man they want to replace had not better credentials, besides having a whiter beard.
No coverage of the תורה תמימה debacle.
No דברי תורה.
Your worn out lines that anybody , רב or laymen, who had anything negative to say ,about חסידים, was fed 'lies' or is bad' is mind-numbing stupid. The best proof is your own sick Lubavitch cult and the best proof in your own cult is the guy who proves the fears of Rav Shach, who said about Lubavitch "לבסוף וועלען דינען עבודה זרה 'Rabbi' Ariel Sokolvsky.
The manic depressive Russian בעל תשובה that caused you to open your own blog to 'defend' (lol) Lubab, runs at least an interesting blog. He is creative, quite open, at least on the days he takes his meds,and brings up interesting discussions about Lubavitch, but not only. Some of the historical stuff about Lubavitch discussed there is very interesting without any negativity.
The little action you did have on the blog was in the posts and that has been killed by moderation.
To sum things up Tzig: You probably are not a real bad person, but must be kicking yourself, at least subconsciously, for joining the Lubab and therefore are now looking to 'prove' how 'bad' snags and others are to feel good about joining a mad, עבודה זרה cult.
As a post note:The leading Lubavitch yeshiva in the U.S.A for teenage Lubavitch bochurim has a larger than full size portrait of the Rebbe in the Yeshiva's בית מדרש!!!! (more than 6 feet tall) This is a clear sign of how the Rebbe is soon going to be worshipped just like Sokolosvky does. In the meantime the picture in 'only' in the back of the bais medrash, but it's just a question of time till it's moved in front the ארון קודש.(this fact is not widely known, since Lubab, thankfully are still ashamed of this, but eventually the לכתחילה אריבער attitude will 'win') "
Wednesday, May 17, 2006 1:19:34 PM
[ I apologize to anybody offended by his words, but I needed to keep his original "thoughts" intact)
So what do you think? Any valid points made?
Rebuttal to follow shortly, Iy"h.
Hirshel: I for one read your blog because like me, you are interested in Jewish history. Many of your postings deal with historical matters and how they relate to today.
Blog what you find interesting. If others don't like it they can go somewhere else.
yes one comment...how are you related to satmar?
I think that someone is off his meds, has no life, and is jealous. Other than that, whoever posted this screed is a fine person and a fine Yid!
a short story i heard rabbi yisroel shemtov. (aka the red devil") a little after gimmel tamuz he was sitting at an affair (i am not sure if a BM or a wedding or maybe in a resturaunt for sheva brochois)so a group of bochurim ask him nu so now after gimmel tamuz without the rebbe here how will lubavicth be seen by all the other kreisen he say wait one second i will find out. so he goes to another table filled with (andrere kreiesen i am not sure if they wer litvish yeshivish chasidiash all the name that are used they just were not lubavitchers) and asked them what they think of lubavitch. they expressed their opinion in a very negative way and i mean very negative. he say to them thank you refuah shelaimeh. and goes back to the bochurim and tells them "guys were still number one" nothing changed
from the above story i think you can understand my message to you
Thank You Litzman, a nice story about a super guy. I don't see where the "devil" knickname came ffrom, he's the nicest guy in the world.
If tzig debates every point with the intent of winning he will have missed the value of this guys indictment. Take away the inflamatory lubavitch bashing and the guy is making some valuable points. If we can learn something from a cat or a goy, we could certainly learn something from a yeedle (inflamatory and sometimes erroneous as he may be).
He makes some good points,but his shprach is a shtickel over the top.
Could you or he please tell us which Lubavitch Yeshiva has the more than six foot tall portrait of the Rebbe in the beis medrash?
I am a lubavitcher myself and to be perfectly honest I think he makes a few good points.
the site should be more interesting and I agree with him that you are a little too protective and paranoid with regards to your lubavitch-hood.
I am sure you are well aware yourself, which of his points you should take note of, and which are just an outpouring of his hate or better said, ignorance with regards to lubavitch.
I agree with N.
Funny how you call the red devil "The nicest guy in the world." I once saw him by a Kiddush in 770 call Rabbi Nissan Mendel "Mengle." (Rabbi Mendel happenes to be a holocaust survivor! To me, any man who can do such a thing is far from the "Nicest guy in the world."
(Sorry for having to mention such a sad story.)
About your blog in general - keep up your good work.
The yeshiva this anti semite is reffering to is Oholei Torah Zal!
there is a large beautiful picture of the Rebbe hanging in the new Beis Medrash.
Good points.
And that is EXACTLY why I took the link to you blog off of yeshivaworld.
Get over your stupid misnagid vs chosid problems. They don't exist anymore. If you want proof, just look at the fact that the Gerrer Rebbe Shlita is traveling the world bringing chizuk to jews with R' Shteinman Shlita.
Get with the program, Tzig.
The only problem the Litvishe world has with Chassidim is the MISHICHIST sect of Lubavitch whom you KNOW is TAKING OVER the entire chassidus. You never address this issue. These people are a raging bunch of lunatics who make the 10% of non-mishichisten look BAD. You know this, and you choose to ignore it. This is all FACT. Go into 770 and take a look around.
Examples: The Rebbe's "kos" is filled in the exact time that he used to make kiddush every single Shabbos (I WITNESSED THIS). [Not to mention the fight that the gabbai had with some kid two months ago - when the kid filled the Kos instead of the gabbai; because THE REBBE WAS COMING INTO THE ROOM AND THE GABBAI WAS NOWHERE TO BE FOUND.] The Rebbe is DANCED into SHUL at least once a day (Mincha) from what I've WITNESSED (also available for public viewing at www.770.org. There are HUGE pictures and signes hanging accross the walls proclaiming: LONG LIVE THE REBBE KING MOSHIACH FOREVER....ETC.. There are practiclly NO seforim in the Bais Hamedrash other then Sichos and Tanya's (I'm not saying that those seforim are bad. I've learned Tanya myself...BUT WHY ARE THERE NO RESHONIM AND ACHRONIM AL HASHAS OR AL HARAMBAM??!!) Why are there COUNTLESS websites that allow you to write a LETTER TO THE REBBE???? Why does 50% of people (40 year old's included) walk around with stupid pins & stickers glued to their hats and underware with YECHI on it. Why did HUNDREDS of Bochrim participated in the REBBES PESACH SEDER IN 770 (I spoke with an EYE-WITNESS). Why do people get away with doing total asanine dumb rediculis things such as the MORON WHO GIVES OUT DOLLARS EVERY SINGLE SUNDAY??? Why did HUNDREDS AND HUNDREDS of TOTAL JERKS walk around in a single formation line with cups in their hands to receive "kos shel brocho" by "Seudas Moshiach" from the Rebbe? Do you think that ANY CHILD WHO SEES THIS IS GOING TO GROW UP NORMAL??? How can they? These things are totally retarted!! I like Lubavitch very much...BUT WHEN I MYSELF WITNESSED THEM CALL OUT YECHI IN FRONT OF AN OPEN SEFER TORAH ON A SHABBOS MORNING, AND A THOUSAND PEOPLE ANSERING I START TO PUKE!!! WHY DO THEY CALL THE REBBE UP FOR THE FIRST POSUK OF ATO HAREISAH?? ARE THESE THINGS NORMAL??
PS: I can write another few hundred idiotic things that go on there....but we will start with this.
I happen to agree with yw editor. They are truly an out of control cult that you choose to ignore. They consist of more then half of Lubavitch, and frankly what was once a beautiful chasidus is now turning into an out of control speeding train.
Deal with it dude.
Your examples of the insanity that now rules in 770 are beyond impeachment. That said, however, your assertion that "The only problem the Litvishe world has with Chassidim is the MISHICHIST sect of Lubavitch" is absurd. That is, unless you are asserting that the Yeshivische/Litvische worlds objection to Mivtzas Tefillin and NeSheK 40 years ago was because of the Meshichisten. Or that objection to the regular cycle of RaMBaM 20 years ago was because of the Meshichisten. Or that the Cherem on Bor Al Gabei Bor Mikvaos 20 years ago, in direct contravention of accepted halachic mesorahs to date, was because of the Meshichisten...
The Litvische world has had problems with Lubavitch for generations. Each time another excuse can be found for renewing tensions but the real reasons lie elsewhere.
I read your blog every day, and love it. I don't comment because I don't know enough about the issues you write about.
Any YW editor, your statement that mishichistism is the only chip on the snags' shoulders is historical revisionism, if not worse. You feel comfortable saying that because you finally have a scapegoat you need not distort (which you still do!) in order to project Lubavitch negatively.
We fail to realize one thing: that these Rosh Yeshivas who takeh learned for 70-80 years, have evolved, they've become soothsayers. They "KNEW" what will happen in the future, so they warned us in advance.
I also have some prime suspension bridge property for sale. For details send me an e-mail.
Oy Hershel,
I think he has a point.
If you take away the anger and the chutzpa, I think his point is correct. (I still follow your blog because of your occasional worthwhile posts. And sometimes I'm in the mood of a good old-fashioned Lub vs snag argument.)
What a wonderful world the internet is! It seems that all the illiterate, ignorant and just stupid people can sit at home and feel important by anonymously writing garbage on other people's blogs.
Maybe some people find this blog or others (mine included) boring. Big deal. Don't read it or even better start your own blog and see how easy it is to come up with interesting posts.
This anonymous letter writer just proves that opinions on this blog are at least 90% correct. Tzig - keep up the good work!!!
tziggy, please answer yw point by point. I haven't been to crown heights for shabbes in quite a while...i don't remember this...sound wild..that 10% are meshichiten is way off. Lubavitch demographically is very complex to analyze and many of those who were 1st degree meshichisten in years past have cooled off, nevertheless 770, is certainly a collecting ground for a lot of this mayhem. What is ironic is that if I were given the job and one hour to think I beleive that I could offer a very feasible ten point plan to restore order with no blood.....why are not smarter people doing something to clean it up? We don't have a physical rebbe, but we do have live rabbonim with mouths...right? where are they? what are they saying? if we defend lubavitch all the time for everything because its our family, we are guilty of fostering the mayhem and dysfunction......
YW's points are basically redundant ones. He's speaking of a HANDFUL of loonies who take advantage of the leadership vaccum and do as they please. The Gabboyim would rather have that than have Rabbis Shemtov and Krinsky in charge, so they allow them to run amuck.
Other than that he lies and exxaggerates, but we're used to that by now.
Please be a man and post this.
I happen to think that yw has some valid points. As a mispallel in 770 for over 25 years I am starting to get sick to my stomach from all the yinger pishers from tzefas and kfar chabad who invade and take over the show.
There are many many things that should have been stopped many years ago. i would never allow my son to stand on line and get kais shel brocha.
We already have verification on the full size picture in Oholei Torah zal.
Is this 'shpitz' Chabad yeshiva run by a 'bunch of loonies'?
The truth about what really is going on in Lubavitch is difficult to tell but one cannot blame a casual visitor to 770 for thinking that Lubavitch has been taken over by aliens.It is not a HANDFULL,the loonies represent the yeshiva in Tzfas which is the largest yeshiva in Lubavitch today, over 400 boys
I think that you and your Sfeikos in Emunah are what's the problem here. The picture is there for the same reason you see pictures of you-know-who in Bnei Brak and Lakewood. The fact that it's 150 feet tall notwithstanding. That's just overzealous businesspeople trying to make a buck, nothing more. Let's not forget that these people had the same complaints when the pics were 1 foot tall.
can I let you in on a secret? I don't daven there either, and that's why I will not write about it. As far as I'm concerned 770 is gone. It's been taken over by --------------------, much like the building of Chachmei Lublin in Poland.
ASJ (of Thursday, May 18, 2006 6:39:11 PM)
please do not use that handle in this blog, you had me suspecting a Simple Jew of writing such untruthful and hateful words.
You said "What is ironic is that if I were given the job and one hour to think I beleive that I could offer a very feasible ten point plan to restore order with no blood.....why are not smarter people doing something to clean it up? We don't have a physical rebbe, but we do have live rabbonim with mouths...right? where are they? what are they saying? if we defend lubavitch all the time for everything because its our family, we are guilty of fostering the mayhem and dysfunction...... "
Here I do agree. I do not have the answer, I would assume because of old disagreements with the ones who would be in charge were it not for the mayhem. They don't want that to happen, so they allow what goes on now.
For starters Rav Shach was a yid,so don't start with the 'you- know - who' allusions.He has a name and you can call him by his name. B)When was the last time you were in Lakewood or Bnei Brak?I guarantee you no yeshiva has Rav Shachs' lifesize portrait in the beis medrash a place also used for davening.A picture of any man has no place in a beis medrash used for davening and is a violation of halacha.A lifesize portrait of a rebbe especially in a place like Lubavitch that has some nut jobs who have mixed up the Rebbe and the aibishter is a compounded problem.As usual instead of granting the point you 'blame' the other side for doing similar, which is totally not true here AND for good measure you add that anybody who has a problem and questions the practice has 'sfeikos be'emunah'
Get real, please.
tziggy, anytime we agree is a very good day.
YW's points are basically redundant ones. He's speaking of a HANDFUL of loonies who take advantage of the leadership vaccum and do as they please.
I rarely daven in 770 but when I am there on a Shabbos, it seems that each time there are fewer and fewer people paying attention to nuttiness like the shvil, the bottle of wine on the table for farbrengen, etc, etc.
In fact I davened in a very late maariv minyan last night in 770, and even though that is nutter hour (nutters were farbrenging behind a curtain up front, and these were hard core meshichisten along with not a few absolute head cases), not everyone even responded to the chazzan's yechi.
>>We fail to realize one thing: that these Rosh Yeshivas who takeh learned for 70-80 years, have evolved, they've become soothsayers. They "KNEW" what will happen in the future, so they warned us in advance.
I am sorry. According to you, a basically average man who forced himself into the position of being the Lubavitcher Rebbe and suffered from delusions of grandeur and thought himself to be Moshiach--a man who brought about destruction of the klal akin to Shabbetai Tzvi and Yoshke--DID have ruach hakodesh? The man was a walking turd, a menuval, and a piece of garbage.
>>YW's points are basically redundant ones. He's speaking of a HANDFUL of loonies who take advantage of the leadership vaccum and do as they please. The Gabboyim would rather have that than have Rabbis Shemtov and Krinsky in charge, so they allow them to run amuck.
Then why doesn't anyone do anything about the loonies? Could you imagine loonies taking over any other institution with impunity? You, sir, are a liar.
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