Yitzchok-Ben Aron died this week. He was the founder of the current day Labor party in the Holy Land, and a political mentor to the entire Israeli left, of which there are many.
He was a child from בוזשינטשע Bukovina (Chassidic parents perhaps? is Vizhnitz to blame for this? Do we string up the Ahavas Yisroel and deem him a failure as well?) who decided to join the Shomer HaTza'ir as a youngster. Like all others of his generation who rebeled against prevailing Jewish society he had no love for Torah or those who observe it. He seemingly retained the old Russian manner of thinking, namely that it's my way or the high way. When the Likud was voted in to power in 1977 he was quoted as saying that if "this is will of the people we need to change the people".
What caused people of that generation to become sooo far removed from Torah? Was it so revolting to them that there was any observance of Torah? If it was the Golus look and mentality of Jews that so irked them why hate even those who did integrate into modern society while retaining their religion?
He asked that upon his death his body be donated to medical research. Some would say that the Holy Land is proud not to have him buried there.....
Some would say that the Holy Land is proud not to have him buried there.....
Hirshel, is that comment in line with the ahavas Yisroel that the Chassidic movement talks about so much ?
What is the big thing if you have only ahavas Yisroel for those who like you ? If you have ahavas Yisroel for people like this niftar and (lihavdil) for snags, then you have real ahavas Yisroel. If you only have love for Yidden like you or Yidden that don't oppose you, that's a shvacher ahavas Yisroel (if it could be classified as such at all).
Those Chassidim that hate snags but preach about Ahavas Yisroel are phonies. Real Chassidim would love snags. If you a real chossid you should love people like מרן הגה"ק הרב אלעזר מנחם מן זצוק"ל נבּג"מ זי"ע
Forgive me for writing here, but I couldn't put in it's proper place. I am moicheh at using the photo of Rav Boruch Ber zt"l to illustrate the post re the Berel blog.
Mah inyan Reb Boruch Ber zt"l eitzel Berel fun crown heights ?
Yes, Lazer Vaboylniker would've been proud that he wasn't buried there, his Ahavas Yisroel was for the ages. All I said was that some would say, and you took th bait.
the picture of Reb BB is what the blogger has as his photo, ונימוקו עמו
Good try to try to separate yourself from that idea now, but is that what you meant when you wrote it ?
So you are maskim that real Chassidim must love frum snags and lihavdil people like this niftar ? If so, why did you just remove the title of מרן הגה"ק הרב אלעזר מנחם מן זצוק"ל נבּג"מ זי"ע ?
Please answer clearly - do you hold that Ahavas Yisroel means that Chassidim must love snags (and I am talking about real snags, not nit-Chassidim) - or may or must they hate them ?
Of course it means Snags, they already love their own brothers, no?
That's why so much emphasis is placed on the idea, because loving snags can be very, very difficult. They just don't let it come easy.
if you ever learned tanya chapter 32,that is the moreh nevuchim on the subject of ahavas yisroel, you probably reliazed that there is a obligation to be moche on a frum jew, but if he is not a vessel for that, then you just go ahead and love him, if my mind serves me well in the back of the Masse Rav of the Gra they bring down from reb chaim valozhiner that our era is not capable to be vessels for machoa,so getting back to my point, by being critical on someone you consider them closer to the fold.
By being critical you consider him closer?
why criticize if you know the man knows not what you want from him? why criticize and scfream at a third generation Mechalel Shabbos who knows nothing?
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