COL reports on the Shliach in Kazan, Russia naming his son after the last Rov, הרב שמריהו-בנציון-אלתר סטאלאוו , who passed away in 5728. He was a Talmid of Tomchei Tmimim who remained behind in relative obscurity doing what his Rabbeyim taught him to do; have Mesiras Nefesh for other Jews. The name Kazan got me thinking.
I remember reading 2 years ago about the passing of R' Yitzchok Silber, "The father of the Russian BT movement", or "רבם של יוצאי רוסיא" in Hebrew. As is the custom of the Artscroll/Agudah world we live in today, whenever they find somebody other than Lubavitch doing "outreach" they go into full PR mode. That person becomes a Tzadik, chief Rabbi, pioneer, you name it. Those of you who remember the Eliahu Essas parades will know what I mean, but that's for another time.
In the obituaries written you would think that RYS he lived alone in Kazan all those years, hiding from the authorities, בקדושה ובטהרה, with no contact between him and other other frum Yidden. He would learn in the dark fearing the knock at the door at any time. A quick glance into the Kfar Chabad magazine, biased and prejudiced as it may seem, would've told you otherwise.
Silber had plenty of contact with Chabad in Russia, EVEN AS FAR AS HIS SON, HIS SUCCESSOR, LEARNING IN TOMCHE TMIMIM TASHKENT FOR YEARS, WITH HIS CHAVRUSA LIVING IN ISRAEL TODAY. His son would probably not have remained Frum today were it not for that. Of course the "rusty nail" publishers would have you believe that his father taught him Gemoroh underground , making him a Talmid Chochom all by himself...
Upon leaving the Soviet Union (if my memory serves me correctly) he traveled to New York to have Yechidus with the Rebbe. THE REBBE was the one who told him to travel to Israel and do "outreach" with Russian Jews, something that he had no interest in doing. I would imagine that were it not for the Rebbe he'd remain an unknown, which was what he was upon leaving the Soviet Union. Why did none of the Charedi rags mention any of this? probably because these 2 Tzaddikim, upon reaching Israel, realized that it's not something you want to mention in Today's Lithuanian-controlled society, so הכרת הטוב be damned, make up a story if you have to.
Upon returning to his hometown many years later Silver encountered Lubavitcher Shluchim there, not emissaries of the Agudah. He as warmly greeted there by them and encouraged the work being done.
That's what the name Kazan conjures up in my mind.
Same old garbage again.Get over it, won't you?
Has your mind become totally corrupted that any words or images are immediately attached to some old lubavitch-misnaged fight?
What a one track mind.
Dude, get out of the gutter of machloikess from time to time.
I don't think it's possible for you to have read the whole post nd understood it in such a short time. Review what I wrote and then come back to me.
A hadras panimdike Yid . Noch dos benk ich.
May I amke a suggestion now that the Communist government is finished why not send a team of researchers to Russia to research those Chabad chassidim who actually stayed there and followed the rebbe's orders loally rather than those who without any prejudice left Russia for the US and Israel.
Just for the record those who left have been written about by their children etc those who stayed like rav Stollov are mamesh unknown.
I'm a fan of yours, but this is ridiculous. The article was two years ago. Genug with the "We were in Russia first." It's so old already. Yes it's true. You were there first. And because you were there first, tens, no hundreds of thousands of Jews living in the Soviet Union were frum...
Now please blog about something interesting.
we discuss stories and issues of 60, 100, and thousands of years ago. Why is 2 years ago too much?
Why? Because you are doing the same thing over and over again. Because you are proving that the e-mail writer from last week was right. That's why.
Had it been current, you'd have an excuse. Lebn mit di tzeitn. But two years later...?
Hershel, keep it up!!!
Don't let a few hot headed folks stop you from revealing the truth. The more we see and read, the more we know how Agudah, Artscroll etc. cover up the truth of what was really happening at those times.
Is it such a slow news week that you again resort to ancient and frankly boring 'hate' news.
Some ideas...
Cover the Gerrer Rebbe/Rav Shteninman respective visits.I'm sure the readers would appreciate your knack for interesting pictures.
You want Lubavitch news:Great! Let's discuss if the recent crime reports featured on Crownheights.info are a real crime surge (seems so to me)or better reporting.
Both examples of clean, non hate news.
I've got to be honest with you,I'm starting to hate myself and all frummies the more I read these hate filled blogs.Aren't we, frum jews supposed to be better?Why all the focus on how 'our' group is better, holier that 'their' group?
Let's take an example from the Gerrer Rebbe and Rav Shteinman who could easily continue a history of tension between the groups they represent and instead show us fellow jews that what unites us is much more than divides us.Please try
I disagree with those who accuse you of "hate". I hate it when people use that word in reference to those who disagree with them. Like "sonei-Chabad" for those who are legitimately bothered by some of the stuff that goes on etc.
If you want to do the compare and contrast thing, talk about hashkofos, attitudes towards learning Chassidus... Just some ideas...
First, let me welcome you to our blog, and thank you for your maiden comments here. We hope to hear more of you soon.
Second: I find it hard to believe that you'd be interested in ho-hum news, as exciting as crime in Crown Heights may seem at first. There are more than enough sites that deal with "up-to-the-minute" news in Crown Heights and in Lubavitch.
I will post my take on the visit, I just hope y'all won't have complaints about the coverage then.
In the case of HaRav Steinman, it's not by coincidence that HE'S the one making the visits, despite his old age, because he's not like the others, the ones that've sown the seeds of hate and division amongst (Frum) Jews.
What! HT, was that a hint of respect for the Ponevitzer R' AYS?
I gotta get my glasses checked...
Rav Steinman is RY of Geon Yaakov AFAIK, although he was once in Ponovezh Le'Tzeirim, and yes, that was a hint of respect, more than I'll ever get from the haters here for the Rebbe.
those who are bothered by things going on usually take the time to find out what really goes on, instead of being fed lies by rabblerouser who surround them. Those that care about Chabad, and appreciate its rich heritage, will try and correct flaws they see by contacting those in charge of those matters, or by speaking to the people directly. Not by attacking them in newspapers and at speeches at political rallies.
Since you have listed R' AYS as approved for respect, acan you provide a list of the (let's say) top 10 respectable "others?"
BTW, who can explain the goal the this 2 gedolim want to accomplish with this exploration voyage?
or how about the gerer bochurim who went to the ohel and had a farbrengan with r. groner. was it 30 or 70 bochurim? either way this sounds like a major news story....in a world where lubavitch is largely ignored on an official level.....
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