Monday, February 12, 2007

Slow Blog Day

ATM installed in Kfar Chabad. I guess that's reason to celebrate in a town like that. Imagine having to drive to the next town just to withdraw some cash.

Chassidishe Sushi available in Paris! What would we do without it?

Rabbi B.M. Ezrachi visits Lithuania last summer (Video.) Born and raised in Israel, Rav Meir Chodosh's son-in-law lectures at the Choral Shul in Vilna, in the Chofetz Chaim's Yeshivah in Radin, and in other Litvishe sites of interest. Quite a gifted speaker in the Litvishe style is Rabbi Ezrachi, full of animation, using both hands and face to illustrate his points. The trip was made as a preparation for the Elul Zman in "Ateres," and was attended by both students and alumni of the Yeshivah. RBME's father was a Talmid of Chevron Yeshivah in Chevron, as was his son. After his father's passing RBME started his own Yeshivah in the tradition of Chevron/Slabodka.


  1. Rabbi Ezrachi the son was a Talmid in Chevron-Geula, Kemuvon, since the Yeshiva was only in Chevron for 5 years, from '24 to '29.

  2. R'Ezrachi was a magid shiur in the Chevroner yeshiva.His father in law was R'Meir Chodosh mashgiach of the Chevroner yeshiva.(R'Meir was from Paritch and had some connection to Chabad in his youth)Later on he opened up his own yeshiva Ateres Yisroel

  3. I recently read the book about Reb Meir written by his daughter Shulamit, Rabbi Ezrachi's wife. The latter part of the book is devoted to her husband, and she basically writes that the Yeshivah (Chevron) was not "big enough" for her husband. Being a Maggid Shiur was not enough for him, he needed his own place, and his father's passing was just that opportunity. Chevron still is that way, family only as Roshei Yeshivah, and being the Mashgiach's son-in-law still didn't qualify him to become a Rosh Yeshiva there.

  4. Look at those pics from Kfar Chabad, and how so many of the people are dressed. Never realized so much of chabad in EY was no longer Chareidi. Sad.

  5. Umm, I see 2 perfectly "Charedi" dressed men, one man who is probably wearing a knit shirt because it is fitting for the kind of work he does (this is midday and note what looks like a commercial logo on the shirt), and the fourth person really looks like a mekurav or a student at the trade schools.

    However, even in Yerushalayim, EY Chabadnikim are less formal than their US and European counterparts. So are many other EY charedim, outside of Yerushalmim and old line Bnei Brakers.

  6. Tzig,
    You are wrong about Chevron:The two current Roshe Yeshiva in charge of accepting new talmidim are NOT mishpocha.The are:R'Dovid Cohen, aynikel of the R'Zvi Pesach Frank and R'Shlomimeh Katz, an ayneekel of the Zveeler Rebbe.
    The other much older Rosheiyeshiva, R'Zissel Broyde (son in law of the Alter Mislabodkas son)and R'Avrohom Farbstein (son in law of R'Chatzkel Sarna)are deceased.
    I believe that R'Farbstein has a son in the yeshiva and R'Yitzchok Chevroiny, adminstrator, and son of Rosh yeshiva, R'Moshe Chevroiny, also has a son and son in laws as ramim,however the yeshiva rests on the two non mishpocho.Since they became in charge the yeshiva has grown to about a thousand boys

  7. Schier
    Eretz Yisroel chareidim are much more formal than black hats in America and Europe.

  8. Resnick

    You are wrong about the Tzig. I said that over 30 years ago there was only Mishpochoh in Chevron, although that may have changed by now. I still believe that Rabbi Dovid Cohen is a son of Reb Aron Cohen who was a son-in-law of Reb Mordechai Epstein? (If my memory serves me correctly.) But I was also speaking of Roshei Yeshivah, not Mashgichim or administrators.

  9. Tzig, this is what you said 'Chevron still is that way, family only as Roshei Yeshivah, and being the Mashgiach's son-in-law still didn't qualify him to become a Rosh Yeshiva there. ''

    And I told you you are wrong.
    R'Aahron Cohen had no kids.R'Dovid is the son of R'Yosef Cohen who is son in law of R'Zvi Pesach Frank

  10. and what's Rav Yosef Cohen's exact job there? I was speaking of Roshei Yeshiva, not Mashgichim etc.


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