Friday, April 6, 2007

A Seder in Bushwick

I'm currently in the middle of writing of the "Chulent" seder that I attended after my own, but this thread will discuss the other chulent seder, which took place in Bushwick, Brooklyn, with a much larger, more colorful crowd in attendance. Here's a short report, as transcribed by Heshy, a former kid from Willy, - now all "Rasta" - the "Rebbe" of the Chulenters. I guess a "Chossid" needs a "Rebbe" after all....

"There were 40-50 people it was great, mamish amazing. It was a seder way beyond. It was very special and great.The only thing was that we pretty much forgot was Haggadahs, but since we were doing this all our lives, together we managed to remember and piece it together and we said the whole Haggadah Ba'al Peh!. There was enough wine, food, brisket, Matzah, K'yad Hamelech! It was a good Shefa of everything, a place where u can fully feel the potential of Chairus."

That's all I have for now; I'm hoping Radloh or some other guy would come forward with some more information. I feel like I owe that much to the donors. I'm over-the-moon excited that that many people showed up; my estimates were twenty to forty. I'd like to know more about the mood, the discussions, and the general atmosphere. I'd like to know the makeup of the seder; from where and what kind of groups these guys and gals come from, and what brings them all together. Would somebody please help me out here?


  1. radloh said he didn't go.

  2. I know that, Hmmmm, I wrote that in the previous thread. It's just that he's my only "contact" in the Chulent right now. Other than Schonfeld of course.

  3. Aherrrm!

    Oh right, I forgot that my opinions don't matter to you because I'm a "nebach" and a "yosom".

  4. No Sholom'ke, they usually don't count because they're so hateful and incoherent, your father's status notwithstanding. The "Nebach" is af unz.

  5. Anonymous, go fuck yourself.

    To clarify, Hirshel; I was at both S'dorim. You mention that you need a contact within this "oisvorf" scene, and I would gladly offer my assistace in the general realm of reportage.
    That is: I WOULD, were you not so dismissive of me.

    E-mail me, and we'll negotiate a truce.

  6. Sholom, I wish you wouldn't swear like that here, it's bad for business. Y

    I wouldn't call myself necessarily dismissive of you, it's the message I dismiss.

    A truce you say? Sounds like an idea. (did you bring that --- sandwich with you?)

  7. And the "yosom" sticks with the "nebach" friends...... I really wish I could have been at the Seder in Bushwick, But I wasn't. Heshy, and all the other "Chulenters" or "Bushwick crowd" are really amazing ! I spent the Shabbos before pesach with them in Bushwick, It was awsome! All of them are full of life and when they get together to do something they go all out, and give it all they got. I think some of the "Chassidim" should take an example from them.


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