Monday, April 30, 2007

A Worthy Cause

Tzemach says: Save the Tzig

He says I'm locked in this vicious cycle of attacking Snags incessantly for the last while. While I attacked his obsession with the Kanovsky suicide, a worthy cause, I'm just obsessed with irrelevant issues like what somebody said about Lubavitch Twenty years ago. Is it really an obsession with me, and internally I'm insecure with my decision to join Lubavitch so many years ago. Or, is it just a reaction to the society I live in, where I'm degraded and made into a sub-Jew by the powers that be. I wonder sometimes. Here are some of the comments from mentalblog.

Faruq says I'm insecure, like a Soviet Citizen abroad

I'm also bemoaning the fact that I never went on Shlichus

Chabakuk Elisha says it puts my consciense at ease

Then again, is reporting on sexual abuse in the frum community also an obsession? Does non-stop coverage make you obsessed, or worse yet, make you into a clandestine victim of abuse? If the guy has been dead for twenty years, yet he allegedly abused many, many children, is it an obsession and a sign of insecurtity to expose him for what he was? Most of you would say that it's fair game. Is there no such thing as journalism when it comes to uncovering issues of old? Do we ban all books discussing the wrongdoings of certain countries and corporations during the Holocaust since sixty years have passed? I really I'm not discussing agregious crimes against humanity here, but in my own little way, on my own little blog, I believe all the issues and people discussed here are just are pertinent today, no matter how many years may have passed.

I'd like to hear from my readers what they think.


  1. Has Tzemach ceased posting? Why would you?

  2. Tzig,

    לא ידח ממנו נדח. No matter that you decided to become a Lubavitcher many years ago. It's never to late to recognize your mistake, to do teshuva, and go back to דרך אבותיך.

  3. an ailemesher

    stop playing around. I know you're a Lubavitcher. Besides my derech HaOvos is long gone. Swallowed up by the Satmorim and the Lakewood machine.

  4. I have my doubts about you:Are you a negative mushchas who joined chabad because he picked up that in chabad everybody else is nobody and they are da bomb ie. muschosim or are you a good guy who has been ambushed by Lubavitch.

    See, if you had joined Lubavitch because of chassidus and other positive things, why would you always dirty yourself by badmouthing other groups, rabbis.Why would you be interested in a fifth hand story about R'Kamenetsky, told to you by a middle aged guy who never sorted out his emotional problems with his parents??

    And why would you not post something about the beautiful kidush Hashem, when the Gerer Rebbe and Rav Shteinman join hands in unity, on a trip to be mechazek yidden in Europe??Apparently you are not attracted to the positive.

  5. the tachlis of the blog is anti-tzemach/snag, if you want the good side of them,find a different blog.i don't mean to be nasty.

  6. tzemach has sunk to a new low, reporting suicides.
    he claims its "to make the community aware"
    and with that he goes ahead and names people, shaming them and their families for "a good cause".

    i think we should be worried for him, he seems ill, he might commit suicide.

  7. what happened to chabakuk elisha , why is not posting


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