Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Rabbon Shel Kol Yisroel

Listen to the Rebbe's words forty years ago. See why the love shown to the Rebbe is כמים הפנים אל פנים. See why it never ends. Then talk to me. This is not about Kochi VeOtzem Yodi, nor is it about "I told you so." It's about showing how a true leader cares for his people.


  1. we love the Rebbe, why hasn't Moshiach come already.

  2. The Rebbe was a great Jewish leader, but quit with the 'Nosi HaDor' and 'Rabbon Shel Kol Yisroel'. Jews who did not (and do not) look to the Rebbe as their leader are also included in Am Yisrael.

    Why does no other group in Judaism say the same about their own leader? Why do none other of us have the gall to call our own Gedolim the undisputed leader of all Israel? Why only Chabad.

    And you wonder why Chabad is shunned.

  3. oh please.

    have you ever of RashkeBehag? i.e. Rabbon shel Kol Bnei HaGolah? is that not used all the times by all Chassidim, especially Satmarer, and by many Misnagdishe groups as well, especially about the Ponovizher Rosh Yeshivah, and the Steipler, and the Chazon Ish? Is that any different? were they the Rebbe of all Jews?

  4. Is Ger not calling all the Rebbes Rabon Shel Kol Bnei Hagoleh,on the front page of their seforim,they (meaning the beis Yisroel and his holy brothers) didn't worry much for anybody out of there chasidim.

    Isn't the Avi Ezri the Rabon... in the eyes of the Yated people. Just now 1 of the ideologues of the movement R,Mordechai Grosz, wrote a mamar on the resemblance of The Avi Ezri and Rashbi,


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