Thursday, June 21, 2007

What Lakewood/Satmar talk can do

(site stats as of 11:57am on Thursday June 21, 2007)

We were doing quite good beforehand too, but nothing like this. I realize that it was a one-time deal, and that soon it'll be back to normal, but still. I see that if I get the Yeshivishers and the Satmarer involved this blog can really go places. I was helped by links on a Satmarer forum on HydePark, and links from such sites as OnTheMainLine, AtTheBackOfTheHill, and DixieYid. Chaim G also was kind enough to promote his post on DovBear. The Lubavitchers are too busy discussing Cunin and Shemtov over at mentalblog, so maybe I should change the course of Circus Tent. I'll need to discuss this with my Mashpia.


  1. Me and my 3 friends agree,that the popularity of this subject can be atributed to the tone of your post which indicates a yeshiva world insider as opposed to the usual Y.U "harrys" who usualy adress these yeshivisha '
    "hock" subjects on other blogs.

  2. LOL always happy to help a fellow yid from another zerem

    (and to shamelessly promote myself).

    Hey anonymous I'm hurt. I thought tht my crisp and metaphor-laden writing might have had something to do with it as well.

    PS How can you tell I'm not a YU alum?

  3. Tzig
    The reason this post was well accepted and discussed was because A)It was well written B)Closer to heart of many readers, most people have read enough and are not very interested in the Lubab/Snag back and endless forth C)The 'hmmm' guy you attracted from some Lubavitch high school.This guy really kills discussion.Nasty, partisan arrogant kid.

  4. Oh well, I've been banned from mentalblog for reasons unknown, so you have me now Tzig. Maybe my comment about tantzen oif ale chasunos was prescient...

    Why would you need to change your course? Just add Satmarer and Yeshivisher content to you already running issues.

  5. well, Guravitzer

    I guess his loss is my gain. The question is why we thought you were who we thought you were....

    I just may not have the time for both topics, that's all. The question is where to focus my time.

  6. Guravitzer
    Give me some idea about what Mentalblog meant when he said he had 'retired' you?
    It seemed to come out of the blue.
    He seems to be a manic depressive with a border line personality, who is always feeling rejected for unknown reasons by people who tried their best to be friendly and supportive towards him.
    Btw, I'n no Lubab or supporter, actually I have major problems with their whole ideology so I'm not saying this and the following to butter you or Lubab inc up:You happened to be one of the decent normal people there, prepared to think a bit different than the official pary line (unlike the host here...lets see if he posts not arrogant like another pompous brat-know-it-all over there (I'm sure you know who I mean but don't want to push the patient hosts buttons all the way.and no I don't mean Heshy the Tzig)

  7. I have never found an official party line, other than the words of the Rebbe himself. Even the precise meaning of the Rebbe's words rarely has a party line...

    Every one of us are made by our experiences. Tzig was made by his - I was never sold the stories he was about Lubavitch or others growing up in Boro Park, neither was I sold major stories about Misnagdim (the standard yes, but not to the degree that would evoke the reaction Tzig has to these issues). You were probably made by yours. The tone of the argument does not necessarily invalidate the argument.

    By retired he evidently means banned from his blog. If banning me somehow contributes to his feeling better, who am I to stand in the way of a Yid feeling better?

  8. A more cynical view is that this subject has united both the yeshivaliet and Chassidim (except that nutty over the top AT partisan). The Chassidim are stam happy to disparage the yeshiva as being sell outs for money (as though Chabad etc dosen’t do anything for money), and many yeshivaliet are genuinely upset, hence we all get to criticize and feel superior.

  9. Your nemesis Atlas is looking for a guest blogger. Tzig, you think you could stoop to that level?

  10. I am an IT idiot. What do the various bar colors actually mean?

  11. There's a little "cheat sheet" on top that tells you exactly. Page loads (the green bar) means how many times the page was accessed, including the same person looking at it multipe times a day. The blue bar tells you how many unique visitors came today, meaning new Ip addresses. Most broadband visitors will have the same IP address for numerous days, so when they come back they're not added to the total. I don't really bother with the orange bar. :-)


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