Thursday, September 20, 2007

"מרבין בצדקה, רבותי"

Feed BP's Hungry!


  1. you think Tzemach will cover it, since he moved to Reshimu?

  2. Out of love for a fellow Jew, I will refrain from commenting on Tzemach. I hope he settles down soon.

  3. Re: Tzemach:

    I have taken Gil Student off the featured bloggers list
    Ben Atlas's picture
    Sep 20, 2007 4:44 pm Ben Atlas

    * Reshimu


    * who we are

    Gil can do the Classic Coke thing now... His participation here has been a major distraction. But on a personal, disappointing level, this affair has exposed his fan base. And Gil's claim about the "anonymous comments" notwithstanding, this opened the shameful case of the fundamentalists that are filled with uncontrollable hate. This is grotesquely juxtaposed against the hypocrisy backdrop of the Loshen Hora jive. This is not all about clicks or money, this is about us. I feel that Gil should be ashamed about the tone that reared its ugly head online and offline. This is not a sickness unique to Modern Orthodox fundamentalist. All too many groups today have cultivated culture that defines people by what they are not, instead of what they are.

    I am on the record of making similar protestation against the Lubavitcher Rebbe himself. There is no an excuse for a religious leader of any kind to preside over a group of people whose surface piety is a fig leaf for the streams or rage unleashed at the slightest provocation.

    You don't what to go to Reshimu, fine no problem, but why use this as an opportunity for personal attacks? I will take Luke Ford or Scotty Rosenberg or the French kisser Josh, or the Cows over any of the constipated chest beating clowns. I feel that Hirhurim should think twice about people they surrounded themselves with. Naturally this is no all of the readers and commentators but there is a large enough group of people who are a shame for Yeshiva University or any other alma mater or really of anyone who calls himself or herself human.

  4. Tzig,
    Why no comment on Tzemach's meltdown? We await your words of wisdom on his unfortunate nervous e-breakdown.

  5. meltdown? this is nothing new. I could be grinning from ear to ear with glee, but I'm not that kind of guy. Besides, I'm busy building my sukkah.

  6. "מרבין בצדקה, רבותי"

    Is that a quote from Reb Meir Ranis?


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