Sunday, September 23, 2007

פאריז, תרצ"ב



  1. Wow! Thank you, I don't visit shturem regularly, wouldn't have seen it without you.

  2. I love it.
    Classic pre-nesius introspective silent type.

  3. Truthfully, first thought - that I have never seen the Rebbe that relaxed, not in person or in pictures. What we did to the Rebbe...

  4. Interesting-

    On (Chabad French website), if you scroll down to the photo - you'll see what is likely to be that positioning of the Jardin as it is today.

  5. Mazal tov on being linked to by Ben Atlas. Hashem must have heard your prayers yesterday :-)

  6. Friendly

    thanks, I did not see that. Believe me, that was not part of my prayers.

  7. Can't tell that much from the profile, but I can imagine what seekers of the "truth" about the France years would say about this picture.

  8. friendly:

    I thought you meant being linked by Ben meaning being placed on his blogroll. The link to the "obituary" I did see.

    By the way, what do you think those people think about the picture?

    Mottel: your comment should read "truly an amazing," not "truly and amazing."

  9. Is that a surdut or an over coat ?
    What is the source of this photo ?
    Yasher kayach its a fine matana for the upcomimg yontev.

  10. Shneur,
    It's a suit jacket.

  11. As is well known, the Rebbe wore a gray hat and sporty jacket almost until the Nesius.

  12. "sporty jacket?"

    no siree. a suit and tie, yes, but not "sporty."

    I'm not sure the term sporty even existed back then.

  13. What we would now consider sporty. Not the typical cut then.

  14. the pics you see of the Rebbe next to his FIL seems to have him wearing a typical grey double-breasted suit. I'm not sure what you mean by not-typical.

  15. It should be sports jacket which means a jacket not in the same color of the slacks (called odd trousers in the parlance of Brooks brothers) it is a tad more casual than a suit. But i think the rebbe here is wearing a suit.

  16. The distortion of the shading in this picture makes it hard to tell. Could be.

  17. Late at night and after a full day, the picture even be 'truly and amazing'.

  18. my first thought - i've been there too. jardin du luxembourg. I don't think the Rebbe would have been caught dead there, staring over the railing, as it was when I was last in Paris (Summer 1989, enroute to Israel) - lots of sunbathers on the lawn below that railing.

  19. 1) in 1932 people didn't sunbathe, even in France.

    2) do we know the exact date?

  20. The shturem article itself (and info in English) seems to give a good reason for the Rebbe's introspective pose:
    In the book “Yemei Melech” which documents the Rebbe in his early years before assuming leadrship and after he became Rebbe, there is a story that on a certain occasion during a private audience with the Rebbe of a French journalist who became observant of Yiddishkeit, the Rebbe showed him a picture of himself when he was standing on Le Opera Square in Paris.

    The Rebbe told him that the picture was taken following a poor man who approached him and asked him for a donation. The Rebbe added, "it is brought down in the holy books that when you come to a new place and you meet a poor man it awakens in you the feeling that the Shechina is in exile and of the Final Redemption.

    The Rebbe stopped for a moment to meditate on this and a photgrapher recorded the moment."

  21. Where is the sefer? You'll never see a picture of R. Aharon Kotler without a sefer.

    (Just teasing. It's a great picture)

  22. to ailmesher, your comment just shows how narrow minded you are and how little you know about chasiddus and the depths of true yiddishkeit.Do you really think the rebbe needed a sefer to think holy thoughts?But if it makes you happy you can walk around with a sefer all the time, maybe you will be able to impress your family any litvak freinds.

  23. sorry ,I didnt notice the (just teasing) on the bottom of your comment ailmesher,Im new to this blog I am just ticked off at seeing such comments on other blogs.Hirshel I really like your blog, good work.

  24. To thanbo,

    Besides for the fact that no one really sunbathed in the 30's, you may have noticed that the Rebbe's eyes are closed...


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