Sunday, September 16, 2007

Who needs Rabbis?

When we have Rebbetzin Kanievski. (Hebrew.)

Sorry about not posting Rosh Hashonoh wishes on Wednesday, I was busy doing Tshuvah for all my misdeeds. I am human after all, contrary to popular belief. I also procrastinate, so I missed the Tammuz early-bird specials.


  1. צרת רבים חצי נחמה
    i didn't beat the elul rush either

  2. Who needs Rabbis if we have the Rebbe, nosi hadayr ?

  3. Is she as big a tzadeikis as Rebbetzin Musia was?

  4. Note that it says that her most fervent followers are Sefardim.

    The description in the article does sounds overblown, but a) I don't have personal knowledge so am reluctant to comment and b) not everything newspapers write is totally accurate.

    Also, I think Chassidim are to blame, at least partially, for this phenomenon of Chassidicization in some Litvish circles. They farkishuft many people with their tales of mofsim, so some Litvishe felt compelled to adopt similar ways to keep up, bigeder 'if you can't beat em, join em'. Or perhaps that their followers felt compelled to do so. It doesn't always come from the top, sometimes it's איתערותא דלתתא.

    Anyway, bottom line is, that in these cases, often, the 'Chassidim' of these 'Litvishe Rebbes' are not real Litvaks, e.g. of genuine Litvishe descent, themselves, rather they are from the masses from other backgrounds that have attached itself to that group.

  5. There are plenty of litvishe baale mofsim brought up since the Gaon and on. This has nothing to do with beating them or joining them--rather, it is about the sad fact that everyone is becoming more shallow. Litvaks today in many cases are as shallow about their Judaism as the chassidim of old. THAT is the shame.

  6. Kanievski family aren't litvish. They are hidden Chernobylers really.


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