Saturday, November 3, 2007

Blogging ain't all fun

I get the nastiest ad-hominem attacks based on peoples' personal taste in music, or because I sniveled at their favorite Psychologist. Not even when discussing Gedolei Olam do I get such personal attacks on my integrity and intent. Why should AB and his son-in-law be defended more so than the late Ponovizher Rosh Yeshivah? Please realize that I'm a very sensitive guy who tries hard not to hurt anybody else's feelings, as hard as that may be for you to believe it. I don't "do" scandals and abuse, nor do I write about internal struggles, whether Chassidish or Ponovizish. So if I gently tell Abish Brodt to come off his high horse don't jump all over me just because he once loaned you 100 bucks, or his SIL gave your BIL a job.



  1. In my opinion the reasons you got so much flack for your post about Abish were:For people who know him and his family and son in law Itchy:The nasty tone was uncalled for, Abish and Itchy are very decent, well like people,ALSO, they are private individuals why would you want to attack somebody beneath the belt.
    (orur makeh reihu baseiser?)
    About his music and voice:Again, both are very popular and very 'yiddish' and yes Avremel and MBD may have better voices and be more populare but Abshs music is the traditional, warm heimishe niggunim style we are used too (and if I want goyishe style music there are many out there that beat Avremel easily, and my personal fav's are the Beatles and none of the Yiddishe guys come even close)

    What probably bothered you most about Abish is his singing at the Siyum, but see, most people don't realize what's wrong with that, including regular Lubavitchers.You who has decided to prove your 'Shpitz Chabad' credentials are bothered by Agudas succesful Siyum, again proving that a gevorener is erger vi a geboirener.
    (I know that you are not big in 'Hakoras hatoiv' cuz you made comments about your boss that prove it, however for most people getting a decent paying job is a big thing and many people have gotten jobs from Madison title, Abish and Itchys business)

  2. Cute cartoon, where did you find it?

  3. Mottel

    I realize that you think that I took it from yours, but I didn't. It was sent to me by a friend, and I had it saved for a few days.

  4. ok, lets all be honest for a second. i also bash tzig sometimes, but for a second, when i started reading tonite, i thought he was going to say that he is stopping the blog, and my heart almost fell out of my tuchus.

    we love tzig.

    yes, he is a little narrow minded ,and yes, a little litaphobic, but his blog stands alone; it is usually interesting and compelling without hardcore loshon hara, shmutz or bizui chachomin. you all know it,-its in your favorites because it speaks to you. it is nt holier than thou and boring like some, and silly like others. the 'hack' is normal hack, the inspiration is normal.

    we love tzig and applaud the service taht he is providing us.

    hershel, dont take all the criticism to heart-your great at what you do.

    and btw yankel, i am sure tthat you make plenty of fun of your boss behind his back, tough guy, if you even work for a living.

  5. our poor tzigeleh is hurting...tsk, tsk,
    tziggaleh, if i were you, i would not write about anybody's voice in a blog. vd"l

  6. The tone on your post about Abish is nothing short of disgusting. The way you write about Litvaks in general is nothing short of disgusting. OF COURSE, you do this only because you hate them and want to hurt their feelings or their memory. Go back at your posts, look at your tone. Please don't tell me you are so indifferent that you can actually lie otherwise.


Please think before you write!
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