Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Conniptions and Cosmopolitan on Coney

Yehupitz commenting on When Yeshivas Rabbeinu Chaim Berlin celebrated 100 years ------- The reason R Schechter and R Hutner refused the hazmono is that they were not goires R'Moshe. Something unknown to the world at large (because the Satmar Rov became the public face of the dispute) is that when R'Moshe issued the Artificial Insemination Teshuva, R'Hutner wrote him off as a godol and was not goires him. At Ner Israel, there was a private mesora that once when R'Ruderman and R'Hutner were sitting next to one another before a meeting, R'Moshe walked into the room and R'Ruderman was starting to rise when R'Hutner pushed hard on his seatmate's leg to stop him from rising. It would make more sense to state that R Schechter could not get onto the Moetzes until R'Moshe, whose Beis-Din he defied, was niftar. To understand R'Hutner's views on his rights as a Rosh Yeshiva, one would have to wait for a history of the Beis Hatalmud Yeshiva in Israel he led briefly with R'Schwartzman the ex-son-in-law of R Aharon Kotler. An Ashkenazi admirer says: Rav Hutner z"l was feisty and made many enemies among both chaveirim/peers and talmidim. Harabbonim Shurkin, Cantor, Kleinkaufman, Shvartzman just to name a few. IMO the touchy-feely model for G'dolim (e.g. Rav Pam z"l) is not the only one that is valid. Rav Hutner's alienation of some do not diminish his stature in my eyes any more than do similar alienations by the Rambam, the Kotzker and the Satmar or, for that matter the Ba'al Shem or the Ba'al HaTanya do. Different shorshei neshoma, I guess. As a matter of fact several years after moving to EY but back for a Yom Tov in America Rav Hutner was asked if he would be keeping Yom Tov Sheyni and quipped "lu mir nuhr zehn, ikh hob ah voinung in EY un ah voinung in America, ikh hob talmidim in EY un talmidim in America, ikh hob SONIM in EY un SONIM in America. Altz vuss ah mentsh darf hubin hub ikh in baida pletzer, verrt es guhr ah shvereh shaila.... Mashgiach woes at Chaim Berlin adds: Rav Shlomo Carlebach was the Mashgiach Ruchani for about 12 years, but when Rav Hutner and his son-in-law went to settle in Yerushalayim to build their new "Pachad Yitzchok" Yeshiva, they left Chaim Berlim Yeshiva in the hands of R. Aaron Schechter as the Rosh Yeshiva and Avrohom Fruchthandler as the President. Rav Carlebach was put in the tough situation of being forced to work UNDER Rav Schechter as mashgiach but he refused to be an "eved knani" to Reb Aaron. Rav Hutner asked him if he would be prepared to be an "eved knani" under Rav Aaron and he told Rav Hutner (b'zeh haloshen:) "I ain't no eved knani" --- so they told bachurim not to go to his chumash chaburas, then they told him to leave, and when he refused they took out his chair, table and shtender. He took them to a Din Torah by Rav Moshe Feinstein and they refused to go. The rest is history. Since then, Rav Carlebach has written five machshove seforim that are called "Maskil Lishlomo" on what he calls "Emunos VeDeios" in beautiful loshen kodesh. In style and content they are almost identical to Rav Hutner's Pachad Yitzchok seforim. The intensity of the machlokes is still known by many people and there is still no sholem. It is assur to mention Rav Carlebach's name in the Yeshiva Chaim Berlin.When Rav Shimon Groner passed away after struggling for 25 years as Mashgiach Ruchani, Rav Shechter appointed his oldest son, Rav Mordechai Zelig Shechter as the new mashgiach ruchani of Yeshiva Rabbi Chaim Berlin. Rav Yonasan David is still in Yerushalayim, but he comes to Chaim Berlin, where he sits in the front with Rav Shechter and they both say the Ma'amorim with Rav Hutner's Toyra on Pesach and Sukkos.... I believe it was Henry Ford who said "show me a man who's never made an enemy and I'll show you a man who's never made anything."


  1. This supposed "snag vee in pusik shtait" (Groner) took an aidim Rav Yisokhor Landau who was the Yosom son of a Soviet immigrant. For years he was considered from the shining ligts of KGA and is now a 10th grade Rebee in the Mesivta.

    If he had stuck with his impeccable "gehzah" credentials what are the chances that Rav Shimon would've been meshadekh with a Russian immigrant (may have been a BT don't remember)?

    Camp Morris has played host to Ateret Torah (Khakham Harari Raful) for decades. CB had a large Iranian program when the Shah fell and has many fine Russian, French, Bukharian and Israeli buchrim and yungeleit.

    BTs have no problem placing their kids in MRCBs elementary or high school divisions. Nor do divorced parents. The Yeshiva runs big brother programs with Be'er HaGolah, Sinai and R'tzad.

    A lot of groups talk the "Ahavas Yisrael is colorblind " talk. MRCB walks the walk.

  2. Chabas is DEFINITELY not colorblind. Just read the posts on this blog, oozing with sinas yisroel and ahavas machlokes.

  3. Chabad has more Sefardim, Teymonim and other Minorities than mYCB and any other Yeshivah combined. And they don't wave that fact around like a Kosherer Chazzer Fissel either.....

  4. Why are you using derogatory terms for sefardim on this site?

  5. when Rav Hutner arrived in the airport after his hijacking there were thousnds of Yidden waiting to greet him. In a private room were the closest talmidim and gedolim.

    Rav Hutner entered, greeted Rav Moshe with a kiss, and then bentched Goimel.

  6. i really enjoyed the post of the ashkenaxi admirer. that is the true attitude to gedoley yisrole - we dont make our own sugar-coated immage what we like to see and pasel all the others
    yashar koach!
    you can see beyond the anonimity - one can tell that ashkenazi admirer is a frum and learned person while the anonymous that spits venom all the time about the rebbe and others is a frei single bitter person

  7. Question:
    What is this "new" discussion supposed to be about if it's just reposts from the Thursday, November 22, 2007 post
    "When Yeshivas Rabbeinu Chaim Berlin celebrated 100 years -------" below?

  8. Rabbi schechter has a son in law who is sephardic, Rav Haliwa- He's huge. Aso, Pachad Yitzchok is fully stocked with sefardim,

  9. indeed true that chabad has "more sefaradim, teymonim than others but they have to be willing to be totally subserviant and know their 'makom'.
    in general i believe that one has to be 'melamed zchus ' on the sinas chinom of chabad since they certainly hate each other no less than they hate others!!

  10. One man's "Kosherer Chazzer Fissel" is another man's "avodas hakodesh"
    This discussion is so dumb! In fact it's not even a discussion, it has lost all its ta'am as a repost!

  11. "Chabas is DEFINITELY not colorblind. Just read the posts on this blog, oozing with sinas yisroel and ahavas machlokes."
    CIRCUS TENT has DEFIANTLY not been hired by chabad to be its spokes person to the blog world.
    BUT as the Rebbe said concerning Zionism (to a satmer guy who asked the rebbe hayetochen he dose not hate Zionists): we don't hate Zionists we hate Zionism.

  12. >>we don't hate Zionists we hate Zionism.

    The "rebbe" hated the Chazon Ish and was mevazeh him b'rabim, even though he was already niftar.

  13. The "rebbe" hated the Chazon Ish and was mevazeh him b'rabim, even though he was already niftar.

    back to this nonsense again?

    by the way, why do you continue to use quotation marks when writing Rebbe? Was that not how he was referred to?

  14. Not nonsense, facts. . . .

  15. It is a fact the Rebbe made a mistake in what he saying by stating motzi shem rah about the CI. Its not nonsesne, it just makes you very uncomfortable. Face it, that man was far from perfect. Loving Jews outside his fold was not something he did. He was only mikarev people to Chabad, not Judaism.

  16. why repost:

    it's called "comment-mining," taking a comment from an old post and using it to start another. That way the conversation keeps going without pushing the old one to the top.

  17. people like this anonymous guy here are what reinforces within me the idea that this blog has a purpose. He's a current-day Avigdor who's nothing but a Samech-Mem henchman. May he die a horrible death, speedily in our days.

    This is what we're dealing with today, and this is why we're here.

  18. MAy you die a horrible death, but only after you witness your entire family experiencing the same.

    Your behaviour is what reinforced all the truth exposed about Chabad in recent times.

  19. Who'se the one that: "May he die a horrible death, speedily in our days." ?
    Creepers jeepers that sounds weird, who are you referring? to as I know for a fact that there is more than one anonymous poster here. If you want us to stick around stop saying such terrible things please. Otherwise it sounds like a sick mind talking and then for sure I am outa here....
    Please be specific, and careful, with your words especially when dishing out klolas, they may backfire and then what?
    Is that the way Jews talk to each other?
    Forget what any Rebbe said about anyone, it's so dumb to even get involved in that, how about what did our helige Yidishe Mamas teach us about talking with derech eretz to ANYONE..?

  20. I refer to the one who uses words like J---s when referring to the Rebbe, yet gets upset when I don't write a Reb in front of Malkiel Kotler's name.....

    a Jew - someone who's even B'shem Yisroel Yechuneh - would not speak that way. Therefore I deduced that he's really one of the Malachei Chaboloh and wished him a Misheh Meshuneh Bimheyroh BeYomeinu

  21. >>a Jew - someone who's even B'shem Yisroel Yechuneh - would not speak that way. Therefore I deduced that he's really one of the Malachei Chaboloh and wished him a Misheh Meshuneh Bimheyroh BeYomeinu

    This is exactly what I deduced about the "Rebbe" and yourself after all he said about Gedolei Yisroel . . . only I wish it on your entire family first. . . and I don't want your family to go quickly, I want it to go very slowly so that you watch them suffer.

  22. >>Creepers jeepers that sounds weird, who are you referring? to as I know for a fact that there is more than one anonymous poster here. If you want us to stick around stop saying such terrible things please. Otherwise it sounds like a sick mind talking and then for sure I am outa here....

    Tzig has been doing this for years. Look through the archives. Now he is getting it back, and he cannot handle it. His klolas mean nothing, he is garbage.

  23. >>I refer to the one who uses words like J---s when referring to the Rebbe, yet gets upset when I don't write a Reb in front of Malkiel Kotler's name.....

    Tzig, you are the biggest hypocrite in the world. After every dusgusting thing you said abd wrote about gedolim much bigger than your "rebbe," you go crazy when someone does it back to you? You curse others? You are a lowlife. A sick vermin. If anyone can have tannas, its the anonmous fellow who is just giving it right back to you.

  24. I was warned by someone who knows that I would get this kind of "treatment" if I write about the Kodesh HaKodoshim on Coney Island Ave and the Kohen Godol that served there. I now see how right he was.

    Tell me anonymous: Your name wouldn't be Fruchthandler, now would it?

  25. Okay, okay break it up....hershel have a cup of coffee, (vodka?) anon, go learn musar, ths is immature and silly.

    Need i refer you to the gemara in sanhedrin about klalos, even as a joke, bris krusa etc. about yehu's words? be careful children.

    May we see the rebbe, duh lemata, teikaf umeyad, beeinei basar, vhu yigaleinu, etc. hershel, this is the result of a chassidus that teaches you that words and expressions are cheap.

    they aren't.

  26. ahhhhhhh! What happened to my husband? He just keeled over ad died? Help? Who did it?

  27. And speking of words being cheap in lubo, they invented a new yom tov -today- and churned out words and words makng beleive that it is a real yom tov, and we all have to suffer along with them.

    As for the kodesh hakadashim and Rav Hutner, your rebbe was dying to keep him as a chassid, he just couldn't hold on. Once the Rebbe became 'nasi' (his own words, pretty modest), Rav Hutner told him to jump in the lake, saying that you are now a 'nefesh haklalis' (meaning a nut) so i can't learn with you. Bye bye now.

    Rebbe tried so hard to hook CB talmidim as a 'shtoch' on RH but was pretty unsuccessful. Whenever he saw CB boys at dollars etc. he would say 'regards to your RH' hahahah...poor loser

  28. Is that what Ikey Hutner told you guys?! that he dropped the Rebbe?!


    gotta love Ikey, he was a smoooooth operator, especially after he put on that funny fur hat......

  29. He didn't tell me anything, the fur hat was his birthright, he was an einkel of Kotzker chassidim, a nephew of R Benzion Ostrover, the legend of Kotzk.

    He laughed at how the Rebbe never tired of going after his men. R Elya Weintraub was almost lost to the Rebbe's clutches, but Rav Hutner saved him. As a result of that near miss, he had to teach him Kabbala.

    He laughed how the Rebbe very presumptiously addresed his letters to klal yisroel 'el bnei ubneis yisroel' as if the whole nations gives a damn..Rav H thought it cute that the Rebbe would do that and address it to the ladies.

    Just look around and tell me who won?

  30. I have nothing to do with CB. In fact, I have never been there. My message is not about CB or any other Gadol, per se. Its about you, and the fact that you are a hypocritical. Stop insulting every Gadol in the world just to hype up your "rebbe." From your uncontrolled responses, it is clear you cannot handle the heat. No one in the 20th centure was more controversial than your "rebbe." And it was not because of misnagdim (everyone got along with nearly every other Admor) or jealousy (of WHOM?!?!) as you try to frame it, or anything else. It was for very serious problems. I don't blame you for glossing over his glaring problems and emphasizing, in whatever tiny, insignificant way you can, the "good" he did (Hitler kissed his mother, too). But if your blog is full of archived comments and posts where every Gadol under the sun is maligned and denigrated, you have no right to demand inordinate amounts of respect for the most controversial orthodox Jew in the 20th century.

  31. SO WHERE was his birthright when he looked like a Mafioso in Slabodka?!

    where was his birthright when he was in Berlin?

    was that also a birthright from Reb BZ Ostrover?

    Can there be a more obvious case of Tantzen af beide Chasunos?!

    You naive little fool, he was a jealous old fool who never got over the fact that he wasn't considered the Godol Hador, and the fact that he was second to giants like Reb Moshe Feinstein and others. Every fiber of his being was Gayveh, plain and simple, and there are countkess stories to support that fact. You naive American fools were prime targets and bought the plagiarized Torahs hook, line, and sinker.

  32. >>Okay, okay break it up....hershel have a cup of coffee, (vodka?) anon, go learn musar, ths is immature and silly.

    You would have to be completely crazy to suggest that Hirschel does not have to learn Mussar and that I do. He is being taken to task for the nasty, evil things he wrote about every gadol under the sun. If you cannot see this, you are one very jaded man. Maybe you ought to learn some mussar.

  33. No, the "rebbe" was the biggest baal gaava in the world, and the biggest sone yisroel. And Rav Hutner is a recognized giant. The "rebbe" is not.

  34. >>Can there be a more obvious case of Tantzen af beide Chasunos?!

    Yes, not wearing a yarlmuka, not learning a blessed word of TOrah, and calling oneself a chossid, of all things.

  35. you, in your tiny eensy weensylubavitch mind cannot understand something; people grow. especialy people like rav hutner. while your rebbe was running wild in paris, he was absorbing the slabodka derech, looking like four hundred other kedoshim, many of them future gedolim. while your rebbe was covorting in paris, he was in chevron learning twenty hour a day.

    he never stopped growing, or being mevatel himself to true gedolim. there are various instnces when he negated himself completely to r aron kotler and he was completely batel to the daas of the chazon ish. look wht the man created!

    look at his talmidim, r dovid cohn, feivel cohn, myer belsky, hillel david, mendel morris, yosef ecihenstein, yitzchok solovatichik, simcha solovaitchik, r yonasan david, etc.

    the rebbe made am haaratzim and drunks- even bechayov- and by that i mean when he still had a pulse- the ch beis din was a kangaroo court, and everyone knew it- the chasidim laughed at the rabanim and it was havoc, all the more so after the rebbe (seemingly) died.

    you are horse manure.

  36. C'mon everyone its Rosh Hashana lachassidus 2day...we're being judged. right?

    would you act this way on real Rosh Hashana?

  37. Hey, anon, you missed Rav Hutner's most chishuv tamid by far, Rav Shloime Fryfeld! Shame on you.

  38. Man

    I thought Lubavitch was bad at history, you Berliners take the cake.

    Dovid Cohen is a Ocher Yisroel

    Reb Feivel is OK, but I would imagine that's despite CB. A Ish Halochoh doesn't come out of there.

    Simcha is what?

    Mendel who?


    What about the Apikorsim and AmeRatzim that came outta there, do we credit him with them too?

    You take a man that taught for 40+ years and that's the best you can up with? 2 above average Talmidei Chachomim and some average guys that could've come out of RJJ or MTJ


  39. May he die a speedy geath?!?!

    Hamispallel b'ad chaveiro hu neheneh t'chilah! I'd watch what you ask for.
    What a disgraceful exchange!

  40. sorry SDR et al, maybe I got carried away. Can you blame me?

  41. Charlie

    Rav Freifeld was Nischametz later on, he discovered Chassidus, he doesn't count in their books, only Dovod Cohen does....


  42. Carleachian;
    Rav Dovid is a gaon and recognized poseik. Rav Belsky brough Yahadus to Memphis way before your shluchim and their prutza wives were inviting rich israelis for Shabbos. R Yitzckok Solo knows kol hatorah kulo and learns all day and night in his Yeshiva in Y'layim. RMendel Morris is a known Monsey tzadik, and the Rav of the Breslov shil there .( I know, I know, you guys don't fargin Brelov the whole Uman wish they would come to MOntefiore)
    Rav Yakov Weinbrg, Novomisnker Rebbe, Reb Aron Licjtenstein all agree that their Rebbe knew everything, the language for each of them...there are so many more- who are the talmidei chachamim of chabad? Shmuley Boteach or Jacobson? A bunch of tuchus licking money grabbers

  43. to Anonymous Thursday, November 29, 2007 12:01:00 PM...
    RYH was hanging with RJBS listening to kol isha at the opera not hanging out in slobodka stealing notes from the divrei yechezkel.
    when the Rebba ZT"L was learning
    dont take my word for it hear it from the historians

    @ about 1:12:08 into the shuir


  44. Carlebachian-Fryfled was a talmid till the end, he was maspid his Rebbe in Lakewood, and in fact, put on the furry hat out of kovod for Rav Hutner

  45. By all accounts, Rabbi Hutner stopped learning with the Rebbe way before the Nesius, because he didn't enjoy being wrong constantly...

    The fact that the Rebbe spent his entire time in Paris when not in school in his one bedroom apt learning is attested to by every person who met him.

    Tzig, there's an article in Kehillah you need to see: Kehillah

  46. You are overlooking YCB'S greatest contribution to Klal Yisroel, the hundreds of ehrliche, chishuve, derhoibene Yidden they sent out, not Rabbanim or RY, but good baalebatin with beards and peyos oozing with Judaism and Torah. Many talmidim that do credit to their grossie Rebbe Rav Hutner.

    Also whether or not RH listened to the opera early on is irrevelant; he was a great man later on...noone claims that he was moshiach, a kodosh merechem, just a great man and teacher!

  47. right, right, and the Rebbe has a bunch of Tukhes Lekkers as Talmidim, right.

    And you say that I live in a teeny weeny Lubavitch world?!

  48. >>sorry SDR et al, maybe I got carried away. Can you blame me?

    Yes, you got carried away only when you got what was coming to you, and you did not do teshuva. You are a disgrace. Feh to you and Feh to the "rebbe."

  49. >>right, right, and the Rebbe has a bunch of Tukhes Lekkers as Talmidim, right.

    Exactly, wake up and smell reality. The "rebbe" has no talmidim. He was too small to teach anyone except gerim and ballei teshiva.

  50. The oe thing that CB and Lubavitch have in common

    They are the biggest tuchis licking, money loving chonfim that there are.

  51. Add Belz to that list...they will lick anyone for money...and lakewood-

    Not, Mir, Brisk, MOnsey Vizhnitz, and many others who go after their own and not the rich frei'e

  52. You can also add Artscroll- they wrote the book (;) on getting money
    from poeple they laugh at in private.

  53. IIRC in Chabad on Yat Kislev halayla holekh akhar HaYom. If so, besides being the Alte Rebbe's Chag hageulah ..tonight is Rav Hutner's z"l yohrzeit(20 Kislev)! What a coincidence!

    BTW vis a vis the Chazon Ish. Though they never met in person Rav Hutner considered him a Rebee Muvhak. When he was nifter the Roshashiva came into Stone Avenue, raiised kriah and sat on the floor.

    The CI was lo aleinu childless. B'Kahyim Khiyuso Rav Hutner said kaddish and hareni kaporas mishkovo when mentioning the CI until the 1st yuhrzeit. To this day Rav Ahron, Rav Yonoson and Avrum Fruchthandler all say kaddish on the CI yuhrzeit.

    Tzig:You started it all.What reason did you have to bring out one-sided-politics based on Wiki to bash people who are dead??
    Next step is you curse a yid with such terrible curses???
    To the 'other-side'.Please don't fall inti the Tzigs trap.Don't use inappropriate language on rabbonim.

    To Amshinover:
    I know the Amshinover from Bayit Vegan well, he is the 'real deal' an Ohev Yisroel.I find it difficult to believe that you are his follower.You are a cynical and arrogant fool.

  55. Don't you guys know that it's לא תעשה to curse another yid? Do you eat pork when you lose your temper?

  56. IIRC in Chabad on Yat Kislev halayla holekh akhar HaYom. If so, besides being the Alte Rebbe's Chag hageulah ..tonight is Rav Hutner's z"l yohrzeit(20 Kislev)! What a coincidence!

    Ashkenazi: I liked that, it's a welcome change from the slime that the anonymous Malach Mechabel posted here.

    I don't get the whole Talmid Muvhak thing, if he never saw him how was he a Muvhak. But that's me.

    I'm sure you don't know that the Shabbos when Rav Hutner was hijacked the Rebbe spoke about it by Farbrengen. He said that (and I paraphrase) s'iz doh a Yid vos "kocht zich" in sifrei Maharal un gefint zich yetzt in an Eys Tzoroh. Zol der zchus funem Maharal em bayshtein un er zol aroysgein min Hamaytzar el HaMerchav. Vekach Haveh.

  57. Shkoyakh Tzig.

    The talmid Muvhak thing is especially intriguing inasmuch as Rav Hutner slammed bookish learning without the personal kesher of a Rebee to a Talmid on a personal level.(In the language of MRCB zikh tsushtellinAKA hiskashrus). Anyone familiar with Rav Hutner's ouvre knows that he devoted a great amount of thought and koikhos to examining the dynamics of the Rebbe/Talmid relationship and to cultivating same. This was among the many chasidisher concepts that he imported into his own being and into his Yeshiva.

    In MRCB they are fond of saying over this pisgam from Rav Yisrael Salanter: dee Litvaks meinin az zai darfin nit ah Rebbe, dee khasidim mainin ahz aei huben ah Rebbe. Baida zaynen zikh toeh.

    The implication being that here in MRCB we will sensitize our talmidim to the need and provide the wherewithal to fullfill the need and slake the thirst.

  58. Zol der zchus funem Maharal em bayshtein un er zol aroysgein min Hamaytzar el HaMerchav. Vekach Haveh.

    i know that you said you were paraphrasing but do you chop the clever, kishron-dika double-entendre of the Rebbes brocha? el HaMerchav
    המרחב-ראשי תבות מתיבתא ר' חיים ברלין

    An alumnus that give a shvach to the RBS"o ahl sheh...

  59. An unsolicited leter from the CI to RH to stick it out in America, when RH hadnt even asked the question made him into a lifelong chassid of CI

  60. interesant...source please?

  61. It's hard to believe that not a single soul here has noted that today, Friday, chaf kislev, is Rav Hutner's heilige yohrtzeit!
    He passed away in 1980 at the age of 74, see his biogarphy on Wikipedia:
    It was motzai yat kislev, and the Rebbe was farbrenging in CVrown Heights when he heard the news that his great chaver was niftar in Yerushalayim, Ihr Hakoidesh, after having suffered a serious stroke three weeks earlier from which he never recovered.
    He left an everlasting legacy of Toira, especially in his Pachad Yitzchok ma'amorim and seforim, talmidim from all walks of life, many of whom became famous roshei yeshiva, rabbonim, mechanchim, rebbes, poskim, menahelim, askonim and more
    Rav Hutner had a big heart and even greater vision. He was larger than life and we should respect the legacy of such great men.
    Yehi Zichro Boruch, Omein!

  62. It was mentioned here yesterday, by "Ashkenazi admirer" if I'm not mistaken.

  63. This a total lie that he didn't learn from the Rebbe after the nesius, there are letters to proof it, look in one of the early Heichel Habesht there is a correspondence between the Rebbe and Hutner on a question in chassidus.

    when did he stop being a Chosid of Rav Kook ?

    I don't see why Reb Mottel Ashkenazi and the Kalmanson brothers are less Talmidie Chachomim then the before mentioned I am not talking about their yiras shomaim vs. a guy like the letz Belsky that can sell you the bridge and your mother for a price as he did with the Get in Torah Vodath

  64. Hirshel,

    Haven't read the entire post, but as one who was there, I'll throw in my 2 cents.

    RSC was sweet guy, down to earth, someone who stood on his own two feet, and the guys loved him. RAS was pompous, not genuine, and looked upon as a boot licker (you figure out who's boots!)

    So, when the time came, it would have been impossible for RAS to keep him around, he represeneted to big a threat to his fledgling reign.

  65. Okay, just stumbled across this repulsive circus tent. How could you bash R' Hutner just like that? Let me just remind you that Chaim Berliners never made him into mashiach, as much as they revered him.
    Yehi zichro baruch.

  66. what would be wrong if someone from his talmidim would believe R Hutner is mashiach? from everyting that i read it seems that if a person fits the criteria ( comes from davidic dynasty etc etc ) its is praiseworthy for his talmidim to think that if mashiach will come today he is the one ( as explained in masichta sanhedrin ).
    i also stumbled across this tent and all i am asking is - before people assert some premis or curse it out bring sources. thats what judaism is all about.

  67. I haven't seen a Chaim Berliner yet who disclaims the fact that R' Hutner is dead. That's enough proof for them that he's not mashiach.

  68. now i am really perplexed. why cant reb yitzchok be moshiach after he is dead? what happened to the gemara in snahedrin, abrabanel, sdei chemed, r chaim vital that all say moashiach could come fom the dead? i dont think its very smart to say that "thats enough proof" without any proof. rav moshe feinstein bemoans in on of his teshuvot people who make assertions on torah and halacha based not on torah and not halacha. on my part if a real talmis of rav hutner would hold he is moshiach i would salute him.

  69. The comment of BPunbound should really be deleted. He can repost with his real name if wants to.

  70. Michoel,

    If you were there and know better, by all means, show me wrong.

    Otherwise, move along.


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