Monday, November 12, 2007

Kudos to the Hamodia

It was tough to read, but they did make the effort. This weekend's English edition had two full (!) pages on Chabad Kiruv and the ongoing שלוחים convention. That's almost as much as they write about the "Philadelphia Russian Kollel," or the Shalom Torah Centers. Not to be outdone, they managed to write just as much about the D.A.T.A. Chanukas HaBayis this week in Dallas, so that ch"v there wouldn't be an outcry from the Oylem.

בעסער ווי גארנישט


  1. Hamodia does not write anything about Shalom Torah Centers. That's Yated's territory. But in any case we get your point. I think Hamodia is a pretty fair paper on all fronts.

  2. why don't they write about them?

    I seem to remember seeing something there, although maybe a long time ago.

  3. glad to see that Tzig broadens his horizons by reading the yated.
    We wouldn't suspect him of reading it al m'nas lekanter

  4. To give Hamodia some credit, they do often feature Lubavitch articles as well as listing the Rambam Yomi.

  5. They list the Yerushalmi Yomi, which even Gerrer Chassidim don't learn, to not list Rambam would be a crime.

  6. Wow!
    How the Lubab crave attention!
    So the Hamodia mentioned them.Big deal.
    Btw, when was the last time a Lubab publication had anything about a non Lubab convention,yeshiva,rabbi/rebbe.
    Oh, but they are allowed to criticize, because they are special.

  7. when was the last time you read a Lubavitcher publication, moron?!

  8. i read kfar chabad monthly, they didnt even carry the siyum hashas, or the deaths of any godol that didnt pay homage to the rebbe mh'm nasi doreinu beis rabenu shebebavel

  9. Lubavitch has no newspaper that is run by them as Klal Yisroel's newspaper, Satmar has 3 and Ger has 1. Kfar chabad is a chasidic newsletter as Gilyon Sanz of Sanz in Israel

  10. Yeah, what a moron..Lubavitch ALWAYS mentions other charedi groups!!

    Kfar Chabad magazine is full of stories about Chinuch Atzmai and Skulener mosdos

  11. So why do you think they printed it? Do you think it might be because they're selling lots of papers in CH? It definitely was not written by 'unzere'.

  12. Lubavitch does not need attention from a bunch of bums like you.
    You talk and write but do nothing to bring Yidin to Yidishkeit. First they said that anything Lubavitch does is not good then comes the Misnagdishe Kreizen and copy what Chabad does calls it “Kiruv” and its Kosher.
    Tzig I will never understand why you have to go out of your way to show the good deeds Chabad does, these Bur Am Horatzim don’t wont to know and just looking for any reason to bash the Mivtzoim to bring Yiden to Yidishkeit. They are all jealous of the Hatzlochoh Lubavitch has. The only fault they will find is that some of the people want the Rebbe to come back and bring Mashiach. My children are all Shluchim we are very proud of their work, its much more than I can say for all these stupid people with there Sinas Chinom to another Jew.
    I was raised with all kind of Jewish People never have I heard or seen such a Sinah from one Jew to another. Shame on them and on us by letting them write such a horrible words of hate. They call themselves Jews they are Misnagdim to what? Who are these elaborate Chachomim? How much Torah did they learn? And if they did learn Torah its even worst because they should know better.
    I’d like to know who and which Rabonim give them this Heter to bash a Jew.
    Our Rebbe thoughts us that we are all a Chelek Elokim Mimaal and Afilu Im Chotoh Hu Yisroel Hu. We learned that we have to love every Jewish Person and if we behave like the writers on this blog Hashem Yerachem, and Forgive us.
    Shame on you people Molei Mirmo.

  13. The Modia is not controlled by the underlings of R. Elia Svei or the American Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah, but the Yated is. Yated=Degel HaTorah in America. And the Modiah=Agudas Yisroel of Israel in America. The Modiah is more Chasidish-friendly. The Yated is a shpitz Yeshivishe paper.

    The Modia also publishes a weekly column by Rabbi Shaul Shimon Deutsch and his doings at his Living Torah Museum in Boro. It's very interesting stuff, about all those old coins and old trantes from Roman times.

    Anyhow, it is very far-fetched to assume that Lubavitchers read the Modia. It's very much a "Boro Parky" paper designed and sponsored by and for the Gerrer oilem. It has also beaten the daylights out of the Yated. And both the Yated and the Modia have been punched in both eyes and the nose by the glossy Mishpacha with its five sections.

    Anyhow, fact is that as far as anyone knows, Lubavitchers don't read any of this stuff, so why mention it on a blog that is devoted to promoting Chabad views?

    There must be a list of all the Uforatzta-type magazines and newsletters, but honestly, they are soooo boring to read. How many times can anybody read about how great one Rebbe is? People like variety nowadays. And in any case with the web and the huge amount of koiches Chabad has put into online publications -- written, sound, and video, and in this they are way ahead of everyone -- it's doubtful anyone in Chabad cares or gives a second thought to what the "old style" Haredi print media is doing or saying.

  14. wow.i smell the vodka in your breath

  15. Hirshel

    Take it from me, your site is checked out every day by Hamodia reporters.

    As somebody who has intimate knowledge of the inner workings of the English Hamodia, I can catagorically state that 'no special thought' goes into considerations of how much coverage or space a story gets.

    Most stories are driven by outside suppliers of pictures articles etc. If a Lub guy would take the time and send pics and articles (of course it most have some interest to the avarage reader) it will be published. There is very litte involvment on who gets covered. Except the problamatic figures and obvious reason. But on a regular basis, it's up to the supply of news.

    The various 'hoifen' of large or small Rebbe's have regular connections to Hamodia and they supply all 'news'.

    Hamodia is run by Gerrers but you must remember that the English weekly edition sells about 50,000 copies a week worldwide (no it is not a boro park paper by far). Yes 50K Heimishe mishpochos read Hamodia every shabbos!

    It reaches the vast majority of charedi families of all stripes.

    However, the fact that Hamodia has very few sales in CH which only proves that the Lub community for whatever reason is not part of the general chareidi concensus.

    Reading this blog should give the reader an idea why it is so.

  16. Yosef718

    I'm not sure what this blog has to do with it, and I don't appreciate the last line of your comment. Other than that it was educational.

    I know many, many Lubavitchers who read the Hamodia.

    Maybe it's a case of what came first, the chicken or the egg? Lubavitchers need to realize that they're being catered to as well, just like much effort goes into trying to sell the paper to Litvishe circles. Lubavitchers have no allegiance to the Jewish Press, so there's no reason why they wouldn't buy it en masse. They're just slow to pick up on it, I guess.

  17. i dont know what yosef's credentials are for saying that hamodia sells fifty thousand papers each week, but teh nuber is false. i work in advertising for all the papers,placing inserts and leaflets inside, and i can tell yu that the jp sells 14000, the yated 20000 and hamodia 22000, with mishpacha leading the pack, with 27000

  18. somehow, in my store, the mishpacha is always sold out the first, and the others sit there

  19. When I was in Australia I used to read the Hamodia a lot, but maybe because thats the only Frum newspaper that reaches there. I found the magazine inserts very enlightening with good Halacha discussions, stories, etc., whereas the news was- as Hamodia stands for- sheltered and partisan.

  20. Familyman:
    Yosef 718 is generally a reliable guy,I've known him virutally from here and bechadrey for a long time.
    The fifty thousand number sounds high,BUT,he said it was WORLDWIDE.You refer to inserts in the United States probably.Years ago I spoke to the Gerer yingerman who publishes the European edition, which is a bit different than the American one, he claimed 7k at the time, today I think a figure of ten thousand is reasonable.So 22k in America+10k in Europe and maybe 10k in Israel(I can't even guess the number, but it would make sense)would give us a total in the 40k+.
    I'm also curious about the 14+ number for the Jewish Press, does that only include newstands?I would think that with subscriptions they are at least 10k larger.
    This is just my opinion about the various publications:
    Hamodia:Surprisingly good for a Chareidi newspaper.Reach out to all segments of the community.Graphics are good too.
    Yated:The best written one when it comes to the quality of the English, grammar etc.More of a narrow approach than the Hamodia, but still pretty inclusive.Again suprisingly good for a Chareidi newspaper.(despite the Tzigs rumblings, Yated is a good newspaper.The Tzig has a bias and Yated is not Chabad friendly, though I don't think there are negative articles there, not anymore at least)
    Mishpacha:As its name implies a weekly for the whole family.Kids in my experience really love it.Graphics are good, the writing can be good,sometimes.Its the kind od mag that most people will find interesting but lacks intellectual stimulation.
    Jewish Press:This is a very weak publication.Trashy comes to mind actually.Most Tri State residents buy it for the ads and classifieds.The quality of the writing is pretty poor, there biases are many:Very pro Zionist, backers of the more extreme elements (although years ago the slime balled Meir Kahane taking out his weakly column after he was banned from the Kneset, so they lack conviction)Quite an anti Chareidi bias, which is quite surprising since their readership is heavily Chareidi(but again few people read the paper, it's mostly for the ads that it's bought).They also bring a lot of family biases which drive their 'reporting' for example their 'aguna' page is driven by the owners own bias and is very unobjective.

    And yes...a surprise..Kfar Chabad:Actually a pretty well done magazine.It is obviously heavily biased and totally focused on Lubavitch but the graphics are good and if your are onto Jewish communities and Jewish issues can be interesting especially if you want the Chabad angle.Since this is in Hebrew they don't get exposure in the English speaking world.Years ago the had an English edition that folded, leaving the field open for Bais Moshiach a bi-lingual meshichist weekly.
    I'm quite surprised that Kfar Chabad does not print an English edition, unless their English readership could not sustain such a publication.

  21. Hirshel

    The last line was not a swipe at your blog.

    I meant the sum total of all comments by you and others on this blog can give the reader an 'idea' why the lub community is seen by itself and by others as being 'apart' of the rest of the charaidi worldwide community.

    The fact that it is so is beyond arguement. We can only argue about the causes.

  22. Yated still makes the occasional swipe against Chabad . . .

  23. 'The fact that it is so is beyond argument. We can only argue about the causes.''
    Since when do facts stop partisan folks?
    The world knows many facts and still Lubavitch 'argue'
    Examples:Kherson genizza, clear fraud, agreed upon by all,BESIDES....
    Moshe ben Admor Hazoken:Facts are clear to all, BESIDES...
    'Gimmel Tammuz':Facts are clear, BESIDES....
    Lubavitch:A world apart from the rest of the Hemishe,facts are clear,Besides....
    Tzig, keep up the kool aid!
    You've convinced at least one person!(The Tzig himself)

  24. Yossef
    your numbers on the Hamodia is exaggerated big time, I also had to do a insert for them and it was only 22000 pcs.

  25. mishpacha is dumb except that serial about the working guy in lakewood which is right on the money, nothing else there grabs me. yated is yeshivish and on cheap paper besides, modia is trying ti be fancy and uppity and manages to be plain boring...which leaves us with circus tent.

  26. anon did you do a worldwide insert? wow u must be selling 'mesivta' shas or what?

    No the numbers are not exaggerated.

    Hamodia sells in North America USA Canada in all major and minor jewish centers plus England and to English speakers in Israel. So yes your number for the Greater NYC area might be something like 25k but as I have pointed out I was reffering to worldwide sales which exceed 50k

    T.Mandel I don't join long listed barrage on Lub. and your including "moshe" the son of the Baal HaTanya is shamfull of you.

    David Assaf himself does not write with any hard facts about "moshe" and he admits that. And even his book was well 'diconstructed' [particularly the Moshe פרשה ]in עצור כאן חושבים on hyde park.

    It is one thing to attack anomalies of contemporary Chabad but to attack the Holy of Holies the Baal HaTanya is sinful!

  27. hey- lets make a circus tent weekly newspaper, he has no biases! the serial story in mishpacha is bunk and unrealitic and never ending.

  28. I would do the newspaper, but since papers run on ads I'd close down soon after. Nobody would put their money where their mouths are.

  29. you for sure lost madison title...

  30. ...and artscroll and ponevezh and akewood and aish- whose left- women of lubavich advertising shabbos candle times

  31. Yosef718
    David Assaf has the actual conversion papers.Are those not 'hard' facts?
    He writes that the family acknowledged his mental issues and brings the sources.His story was not deconscructed in Kahn Choshvim.All I saw in Kahn Choshvim was that even the few Lubavitcher intellectuals that still exist are not trustworthy when it comes to anything that involves OBJECTIVE discussions of Lubavitch.
    I'm a bit surprised at you,Yosef, of all people, accusing me of belittling the Alter Rebbes kovod.Did not Avrohom have Yishmoel,Yitzchok an Esov etc and bichlal apparently he suffered a mental malady which shows nothing about the father.
    N.B All I wanted to show with that list was that when it comes to facts Lubavitchers are unswayed.I think that the real problems with Lubavitch are not their biases when it comes to history, rather a symptom of the problem.

  32. To Crasy Mandel
    If the AR is not defamed by his sons shmad,Then whats your problem? Then let me bless you that all your kids should be as Reb Moshe, you nut case,

  33. Dear Anon,
    There are no 25000 readers outside of NY that are interested in the Hamodia. the only large community that is interested would be Israel for the BP rich yungeliet that hangout in Brisk and in Mir.


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