Sunday, November 11, 2007

Reuniting G-d's Children

That's what these men do; They reunite the Jewish family, bringing back long lost memebers, some of which have been gone for generations.

Watch the Banquet live


  1. ... and they lead them to messianism and rebbe worship.

  2. Let nobody blame me for not trying. It's trash like the 1st anonymous that COMPELS me to be offensive in my posts.

  3. Let's ne honest..the BEST part of Chabad chasidism these days is the work that their shlichim do in distant outposts. In places like that they do much good and raely any bad.

    OTOH Chabad shlichim or shluchim in larger Jewish places are often on the slippery slope mattir issurim and gve Orh Jews the impression that they aren't too far from Reform - in someof their behaviour

  4. sad thing is, tzig, you probably wrote comments #1 yourself.

    Hey by the way - this is waht these men do: They arrive at 770 late at night after the shluchim orgy all stoned drunk - and beat the crap out of each other!

    remember last year?

    come on!


  5. Anything interesting on or in the menus?

    Surely by now the shluchim have picked up different tastes by living and even being born in all the far-flung medinas?

    Was it something like: For American shluchim steaks. For Europeans beers. For Latin Americans chili. For Easterners sushi, or is it sushi for the velt nowadays?

  6. Since when do two wrongs make a right? Derech eretz kadima l'Torah is null when someone insults you first? News to me.

  7. snag10

    Please. I have standards.


    I guess you're a downer by nature? always seeing the negative? You see death in 80 years when a child is born?

  8. Rivkah have you anything concrete to bring to what you say? Or do you just liken writing baseless accusations?
    I know it's easy -it's just as easy for us to write that all Litvishe Yeshivas produce drones of apikursim as it is for you to write what you do . . .

  9. one is forbiiden to comment on shluchim unless you spent a shabbos with one of them at least.
    choose any shliach, he might even have chumus if he were in isreal...

  10. Mottel since when was anything written on this blog backed up with any sort of evidence? I don't see why Rivkah's comments should be the start of something new.

  11. Tzig may bring slightly wild raios, look for fights that are barely there etc. But he doesn't make moronic statements based on nothing but hate.

  12. The real Tzig's attitude towards shlichus is shown by his deeds my more so then by his posts. He selflessly decided to throw himself and his children into midbar-shemomos of Boro Park and arim-Monsey, spreading there the good word, besoiras hegeulah and what have you. Sure beats Kinshasa.

    For every "BT" that were brought back to fold, however clumsy, can you count how many of these shluchim's children LEFT the fold, grew up deprived of almost any education or of normal family lifw and robbed of their childhood altogether ?

  13. Thanks, U N, I appreciate the kind words. Monsey and BP ARE Midbariyos, being that they're full of Peylishe and Snags.....

    we also appreciate your concern for the "lost childhoods" of shluchim's children. Whereas I had a real childhood in BP, full of wonderful, joyful memories............

    Tell me, did they do experiments on children in the old Soviet Union? did they play with your mind?

  14. If you really hated your childhood so much in BP, you wouldn't subject your kids to living there. And you can ask one of your own elders what they did to children in the old SU.

  15. I didn't hate my childhood in BP, only certain people and attitudes. Maybe I should begin to tell my life's story. Would you like that?

  16. Your current sad state of affair is deeply rooted in your life story. You may want to tell it to yourself yet again, and finally stop hanging blame on the exterior.


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