Monday, January 14, 2008

Al HaPerek - Artscroll

As Promised - The Garelik Rant....


  1. LOL:
    איזי טו לורן

  2. This is not a rant; its a serious issue.

  3. The only thing I find serious is that a Rosh Yeshivah wants people to stop learning Gemorroh. I'm flabbergasted.

  4. what is this guys problem?who is he hacking away?is it art scroll?
    or am i missing something


  5. This is such a red herring. The whole premise of that article is false.

    Some people who come to my gemara shiur use Artscroll. None of them think they are Talmidei Chachomim because of it. None of them fool themselves into thinking they now have skills they lacked before because of Artscroll. They use it so that they can poshut follow along. I sometimes wish they just brought a pencil and wrote in the margins. But they want to participate in the discussion and not spend all their time translating aramaic words and conjugating aramaic verbs.

    But I have never seen anyone claim greatness or chochmo because of it. The one thing it does is keep maggidei shiur on their toes, since they realize they can't fake it if they don't understand a word here or there, since the balebatim with the Art. will be there to correct them.

  6. >>The only thing I find serious is that a Rosh Yeshivah wants people to stop learning Gemorroh. I'm flabbergasted.

    This is the not the point of the article. You are deliberately misrepresenting his view.

  7. Anonymous,

    That is exactly the point of the article. Am Ha'ratzim should learn mishnayos. The only reason the CC was mattir Daf Yomi was against the Reformim.

    What a putz!

  8. >>That is exactly the point of the article. Am Ha'ratzim should learn mishnayos. The only reason the CC was mattir Daf Yomi was against the Reformim.

    No, its not. If Am hoaratzim are willing to learn Torah the way it supposed to be learned, they SHOULD and MUST learn Talmud. If not, they ought to stick with other things.

  9. I have a certain amount of sympathy with this so-called rant, for two reasons. One is that the study of Talmud has become over-emphasised, when in fact most peope would get more from studying Tanach, Mishnah and so forth. The other is that because of this overemphasis we are losing (or have lost) the intellectual tradition that accompanied the study of these things. Even "Eyn Yankevf" has its own depths that are distinct from the source from which it was derived - but who is preserving it? Who treats Mishna as anything more than a prelude to the Talmud?

  10. Reb Joe

    I agree with you and Schneur, but I don't think Rabbi Garelik is longing for the Eyn Yankiv Yid." He has a different agenda.

  11. Tzig,

    I heard that Chaim Rappoprt and Laibish Heller, responded in the last Kovetz printed. if you have a copy, please post.

    Thank you.


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