Thursday, January 10, 2008

Horror Caught On Camera

Kiev and Babi Yar, 1941

In color, Noch.... (NOT FOR THE FAINT OF HEART!!)
What we have here is photos of Jews being marched through the streets of Kiev to the mass grave of Babi Yar. There's also the piles of clothing and belonging that was nicely sorted for the Germans and Ukes to loot after they were slaughtered. My Russian-speaking friends tell me that the conversation in the forum where the pictures are featured is revolting. Words like "war is war," what can you do, and how brave the POWs were to work without masks....What's most horrifying is the expressions on the faces of the local Ukranians, Yms"h, and the collaboration that went on with the Germans, Yms"h. For them this was a great victory. Not that any of this is actual news; but the pictures are, relatively anyway.


  1. I want to kill every goy I see on the street when I see things like this. I am boiling with rage. I can barely contain myself.

  2. When I visited Babi Yar, I was shocked to see people out running on paths next to the ravines and carrying on like there was no significance to this place.

  3. Anonymous ;just remmember that the goy you want to kill,is a grandson or a great grandson of an american soldier that risked his life,and liberated our grandparents from hitler,is this how you would show your gratitude? by killing him?
    i hope you realize what an ignorant and stupid statemant that was

  4. if copy and paste some of russian in google search it takes u to a link that allows u to trabslate the russian to english

  5. here is the web page in english
    Though the Grammer is not good.

  6. harry you're nuts. anonymous is outraged at the callousness in which goyim over the generations have killed the Jews. Main nish far a minit az di amerkaner volten nisht getoon di zelbeh zach. bechasdei Hashem mir leben in sholom.


  7. "Main nish far a minit az di amerkaner volten nisht getoon di zelbeh zach"

    Why not? Most folks who came to America did so precisely to escape the sorts of attitudes that yielded hundreds of millions killed in their former homelands during the brief existence of this country. As a rule the principle of "all men are created equal" is taken very seriously here. Let's not impute the callousness and eliminationist obsessions of the old country on our fellow landsmen. That those attitudes can be found in pockets here is but an entertaining footnote rather than a cause for concern. Witness how pres. candidate Ron Paul is going down in flames following the revelation of his past newletter publications.

    There has been no better country for Jews to live in anywhere, ever. Yes, that includes that sliver of land on the Mediterranean that is SUPPOSED to be the best place but is not by a wide margin...

  8. bizt takeh gerecht az yetzt iz dos a goldeneh medinah uber nor bechasdei Hashem az se volt zich gegeben a gelegenheit oif anderesht un a se git zich a ker loi ulainee az de goyim huben dos shver iz al tashlichainee lais truble.

    men darf davenen far Mushiach un dosiz ales. Toiv shebegoyim zolen gayen kaken oifen yam.

  9. "men darf davenen far Mushiach un dosiz ales."

    On this point, at least, we are in agreement. ;-)

  10. >>Anonymous ;just remmember that the goy you want to kill,is a grandson or a great grandson of an american soldier that risked his life,and liberated our grandparents from hitler,is this how you would show your gratitude? by killing him?
    i hope you realize what an ignorant and stupid statemant that was

    I meant Germans and Ukranians, buttmunch.

  11. tzig,

    a very decent post, thank you. i am very familiar with the exact streets of Podol pictured here, so it is a disturbing sight.

    as the narrator notes, the gleeful local in uniform is an apparent collaborationist dressed in a soviet uniform, but with OUN sleeve-badge. The same OUN/UPA/UNA/UNSO that are actively whitewashed nowadays as "heroic fighters against the Soviets".

    Comments aren't as terrible as they could've been, given the popularity of over antisemitism and antisovietism stance in some circles of today's "Russia". They're basically saying that whatever the pictures, Soviets who were just bunch of "kikes" and "kikey intellectuals" were so much more worse then the Germans.

    If not for the Soviets, not a single Jew would've made it out of the entire eastern europe.

  12. That first comment has to be deleted. It is disgusting what he writes. Chilul Hashem.

  13. The bigotry and tribal hatred expressed in a few of the comments above drive home how alike some of our brethren are to the Ukrainians, Poles, etc.

    At least the Ukrainians' excuse is a primitive culture, subjugation by the Soviets and poverty. What excuse does the comfortable American Jew have?

    And you wonder why they hate you. Your hatred begets their hatred.

    Shame on you and your teachers.


    And you wonder why they hate you. Shame.

  14. The last two comments are so stupid, that one wonders whether they are even Jewish. Those who know nothing should shut the hell up.


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