Friday, February 1, 2008


.........אלץ פאר'ן אייבערשטענ'ס וועגן

See Here

פאר די פילאנטראפען


  1. Wealthy Satmar Chasidim spent a quarter of a million dollars for the Seder of the Satmar Rebbe R' Zalman Leib. The new Rebbe could not use his father's (the previous Rebbe's) things because of the dispute between him and his brother. Therefore his Chasidim bought all new stuff. Here is a partial list of what was bought:

    Kos Shel Eliyahu - $80,000. The cup weighs 70kg (154 lb) and holds 26 liters (6.8 gallons). Below is a picture of the cup

    Kiddush Cup - $30,000
    A bed for leaning - $25,000, made out of gold, silver, and silk
    Matzah Cover - $6000
    Kapotah - a few thousand dollars, made from white silk and pure gold

    All in all $250,000.

    Rabbi Akiva also became very rich

  2. ashreinu ma tov chelkeinu! In Reisin this style does't fly

  3. Happy to be a misnaged. Arois gevarffena gelt!

  4. And it is also the chassidim of the Satmar rebbe RZL - who have built the Chabad mikva in China and gacve a reputed million dollars to renovate the Chabad House/restaurant etc in Bangkok.

    Zeh Keili ve'anvehu, maybe not our style - but who says we are correct? Buying a rebbe malchusdig tashmushei kedusha and even lav davka those objects was obviously the styl eon many groups - including Ruzhin, Viznitz, and even early Lubavitch - according to some sources.

    We too hel the rebbe as a melech (amongst the other accolades) so lets not get too holier than thou.

  5. Why do Satmarers need two living Rebbes? It is becoming a trend. Bobov also has two living Rebbes now. Wouldn't it be cheaper for everyone to have only one live rebbe?

    Surely Breslovers and Lubavitchers are saving a lot of expenses by only having non-living Rebbes?

    Why are the Gerrers able to keep their act together and not split up into two or three Rebbes every time one of the older Rebbes leaves this world, and it definitely saves them a lot of money knowing that they have to pay for only one living Rebbe at a time.

  6. Happens to be that this Tu BiShvat party took place at a rich guy's house, and not at the Satmar Rebbe's. Still, I find it revolting.

  7. A melech isn't mechazek avodah zorah by going to arkaos shel goyim over gelt! Se Rashi unfang parshas Mishpatim.

  8. Tzig, I never can understand what bothers you with these expenditures... It's kinda communistic of you. People have the right to give to whatever causes they find compelling. Live and let live.

  9. None, One..
    The answer is simple,Ger is better at choking dissent, herd mentality unfortunately this is what happened from Kotzk

  10. Meanwhile, 4 out of every 5 people that knock on my door, begging for a handout are Chassidish. Disgusting.

    The more I see of this behaviour, the more I want to add a brocho in the morning, thanking Hashem for not making me a chosid.

  11. anon:

    and every appeal in the Hamodia, Yated, and JP is for some Litvak. So what?

  12. I'm not going to defend the litvishe world either as I thank G-d I'm not one of them either.

    That said, there's a difference between institutions raising money in newspapers and people knocking on my door after I've worked all day and am tired and cranky and just want to hit the sack. And I resent them putting me in the situation where my kids might think I'm a stingy miser when nothing is further from the truth.

  13. sorry that your tired. but if thats why you dont want to give your just as selfish as all of them. fine if you dont want to give because you dont believe in the cause, but because YOU are tired.
    grow up

  14. And this from A Rebba who made new Takonos to curb lavish expenditurs

  15. ער לאכט פארן גרויסארטיגען ארץ ישראל'דיגען אתרוג ווי א זיבעלע אויפן טהרה-ברעטל, ווען נעבן אים שטייט בין לאדין, אנשולדיגט, משה גבאי וועלכער וועט אים עווענטועל נעמען אויף דער זעלבער רייד וואס ער האט גענומען זיין גרויסן פאטער

  16. If you read yiddish then go read the linked article that the picture was taken from. It's not R' Zalmen Leib's house, and it's not his breakfront or silver or fruit or esrog. He's at a fundraising party being hosted in some rich guy's house and the guy put out all his silver and all the fruit and bought the esrog in honor of the rebbe. Is it a major crime on R.Z.L.'s part that he attended or that he allowed all the silver to be on the table? I'm sure there are better things to criticize. C'mon guys.


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