Saturday, March 1, 2008

Reb Chatzkel Besser ZG"Z Speaks

The Jews of New York - Watch It



  1. I am a longtime admirer of the man, I have often wondered how he managesto be so liberal and openminded and still be considered a sheine Yid by the Agudah/chassidic world.

  2. Hershel, what's with the Besser fixation that you have? Just because he liked Lubavitcher Rebbe?

  3. I wasn't aware there was a problem with admiring a Yid from the old generation....

  4. I davened by Rav Besser several times, he is a real class act and Kidush Hashem. So warm and pleasant to be around

  5. In the video you see Reb Nachhman Elbaum (B-I-L?)
    2. In the end what's the peice with the Boyaner?

  6. Is he boyan chusid? I think that he is close to bobov.

  7. he is original a Radomsker einikel and chosid

    in our day and age he is a little breath of fresh air

  8. i think he says he is a lubavitcher einekel on one of the jem videos

  9. i spent shabbos in his shtiebel once for a simcha, he is so warm

  10. Rabbi Besser is essentially a modern orthodox rabbi with a beard and bekesheh.

  11. Hi, someone sent me this link and I just dicovered this blog. Just to set the record straight; Rav Besser is my Rav and he is a true paragon of a heimeshe Yid and oheiv Yisroel. Yirbu komohu beYisroel.

  12. his wife is a lubavitcher einekel

  13. mazel tov to his wife

  14. rav besser is extremely close to boyaner rebbe shlita always visits him in eretz yisruel when hes there and comes with a kvittel

  15. Rabbi Besser is FANTASTIC!

  16. What a splendid Jew! Thnks Hershel.

  17. Tzig: This is sooo boring, you do a lot better when you stick to controversy! Or at least to stirring the pot.

  18. This is pretty boring interview although the man is fascinating. Herhsel, can you find the clip of him discussing the Rebbe and post that?

  19. "invented the miniature talmuds"?

    huh? I have 18th- and 19th-century miniature Talmuds. I've seen 17th-century in a museum exhibit.

    I also have other miniature German seforim (mishna, Medrash tanchuma, etc.) from between the Wars. Very handy on the subway.


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