Wednesday, August 20, 2008

יש תקוה

(L-R) Yudi Tzeitlin of COL, Pinchas Lipschitz of Yated and Rabbi Dovid Eliezrie of Chabad in California)

They all get it, do you?

We can all learn a thing or two from the editor of the Yated. He seems to know when to drop the "ideology," especially when the livelihoods of so many people are at stake, and when people seem to have lost their minds. Kudos to PL for taking such a firm stand and for speaking out when others were afraid to. Maybe there's hope for the rest us too.


  1. Please don't entertain such ideas yourself, Tzig. I enjoy your gossip too much.

    At least wait till Erev Yom Kippur

  2. Looks like the Bobover Rebbe’s shuir has been cancelled

  3. RPL is one of the most underated people. Becuase of Israeli Yated, ppl assume he is a close-minded Yeshivishe bigot. In fact, he is the opposite, open minded, normal and bright.

  4. As a fellow chasid im very impressed by what rpl has done and written.And it makes me wonder in the oppisite situation would we do the same would a chabadsker editor do the same for a proud litvak company.I wonder

  5. anon; my thoughts exactly. would kfar chabad do this for litties?

  6. You did not see Chabad mags/blogs running anti-Litvak articles about Moshe Finkel episode.

    or can someone dig some up?

  7. kudos to the commentors for their never ceasing ability to find negative spins on positive statements/issues.

  8. BTW PL is not a misnaged
    he davens hassidic nusach safrd.
    but a lover of chabad not in this life

  9. I just want to point out that he is in many ways echoing his Rebbi, HaRav Shmuel Kamenetsky (who like his father is no Chabad lover).

    I personally know in the past (about 15 years ago), that when anyone who lives in New York would ask R' Shmuel where to buy meat in NY, he would tell them Rubashkin. And when the questioner would ask "But they are Lubavitchers!", R' Shmuel would answer "That they are very ehrich and reliable".

  10. PL by no means davens sfard; his family are all a bunch of litvaks!

  11. Who cares what nusach Lipshitz davens?
    Also can someone tell Zetlin and other Lubab to waer normal kappels.
    Thank you

  12. what exactly is the definition of normal Kappel?

  13. what exactly is the definition of normal Kappel?

  14. Is this one of those situations it's better not to know how it started or can someone fill me in on what I missed? (No LH please!)

  15. Pinny wears a gartel and davens safrd in chym zayv levatan's asknazi shul on olympia in mUnsey

  16. Anon
    I think the Mishne Berura has a bigger problem with the Lipschutz Beloris then with Zietlins Yarmulke

  17. How can Lipschutz daven Sfard and wear a gartel if he is from such a Litvishe background ?

    You mean to say that he went off the derech ?

    Nowadays you never know, but I still find it hard to believe. Maybe I will have to try to check it out myself.


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