Tuesday, August 19, 2008

?מי האנשים האלה

(Reb Mendel or Reb Yisroel Chaim Kaplan, perhaps?)

Seriously. I need to know for a friend who these 2 gentleman are. The first one looks familiar, I know I've seen it before. The second one I've never seen.



  1. Definitely not Reb Mendel.

  2. I think I've seen the bottom picture before (maybe in the R' Shraga Feivel book from Artscroll)

  3. I think the top is R' Shloime Heiman. The bottom, not sure.

  4. maybe the bottom one is Rav Shachne Zohn, the one who just announced that the CC came to him in a dream and told him that Moshiach is coming soon.

    I seem to remember that picture and his name underneath it.

  5. I think Yeruchem is right (or at least close), as well as anonymous 3:36PM. I seem to recall seeing the image in a photograph with Reb Shraga Feivel 'Mr.' Mendlowitz. There were a few people walking together in the photo, it may have been going to a dedication of a YTV building or something like that.

  6. As per my earlier comment as well as the last 2 comments, this picture does appear in the Artscroll book on R Shraga Feivel. He is talking to R Shraga Feivel in the picture which was taken at the Chanukas HaBayis in Torah VoDaas. The caption does not say who he is. R Shachna Zohn is in the picture as well, together with R Gedalya Schorr, R Nesanel Quinn and R Baruch Kaplan. It is on Page 85 of the book.

  7. 2nd one is rav chinitz from torah vodaath

  8. anonymous:

    what was his first name, and what was his background? do you have more info on him?


  9. He was the third year magid shiur in Mesivta Torah Vodaath and a rov in East New York


    Growing up in East New York and Brownsville, I can tell you that these neighborhoods once boasted some unbelievable shuls and gedolei Torah. In the early 50s, East New York-Brownsville was home to Rav Moshe Rosen, Rav Tomashoff, Rav Notelovitz, >> Rav Chinitz, <<
    the Novominsker Rebbe, Rav Telushkin, Rav Sheps, Rav Chaim Rosen, Rav Meir Cohen. The Ashford Street Shul (Rav Menashe Frankel) was home to the Bais Hatalmud after the Mirrer Yeshivaleit came from Shanghai in the late 40s and included such luminaries as Rav Shmuel Charkover, Rav Leib Malin, Rav Levi Krupenia, etc.

  10. The top picture is of R' Yisroel Chaim Kaplan. The picture appears in the book on R' Boruch Ber "Harav Hadomeh L'malach".

  11. the top is reb yisroel chaim kaplan zt'l for sure


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