Tuesday, June 16, 2009

"!מאך דא ארץ ישראל"

Burech wants "sociology," well, then let him study this. Maybe he can explain to all us boors how a society like this one - meaning the society of Kiryas Joel - has been allowed to cultivate and grow with this being their opinion of law and order. How bachurim who are supposed to be ONLY in Yeshivah - which is why going to put on Tefillin with Jews during their free time is assur - think that it's quite all right to confront police officers when they don't like what the cops are doing. And we're not talking about some great injustice or danger either. What happened here was very simple: There was a Rebbishe wedding in Kiryas Joel last week, the Rebbe there married off his granddaughter. Mazel tov. As is customary Chassidim string up lights in front of the shul and the Rebbe's house, and put up signs wishing him Mazel Tov for the Simcha. In Boro Park and Williamsburg these days happen very often in places such as Satmar and Bobov. In Monsey there's a wedding once a month or more for one of the Vizhnitzer Rebbe's grandkids. The lights are meant to give the streets a more festive look, sort of a throwback to the Alte Heim when they did that just to illuminate the poorly lit or dark street. (Sort of like making the lights go off by timer because in di heim iz geven tunkel ba di shaleshudes teyreh...)

We can sit here all day and agree that the authorities and the people of Monroe - the non-Jews - are anti-Semites who wish the Satmars never came in the first place. You won't get an argument from me on this one. We can also agree that there was no real reason to come and ruin the simcha (if that actually ruins it) by coming down there and removing the lights. But I'm sure by now the good people there have enough political clout that it would've taken would be a phone call or two to some local official and the lights would be back up, pronto. Why then the need to confront the police and make a colossal chillul hashem that may have very long repercussions? I'd go out on a limb and say that this is the only way they know. Like in Eretz Yisroel; they think that the only way to do things is to scream "Nazim" at the police and burn garbage. Abi they have taynes to the Tziyonim for provoking the Arabs. I b'etzem wouldn't bother with this as a post, since discussing politics is not my thing, but the likes of Burech, staunch defenders of the activity you see here, will you make you do that, especially when they ask for Sociology... I'm also shocked that the PR savvy knakkers in KJ didn't see this for what it was, a PR nightmare on all accounts, and stop this thing, if only for the consequences!

Watch them all.

זיצן אין תפיסה איז די בעסטע זאך

די בחורים האבען נישט קיין שכל

Tough guys, confronting the cops

Well, at least we see that the womenfolk there haven't lost it completely yet, they're also appalled a the behavior of these kids. I guess just not enough to do something about it. Or maybe they're afraid for their own safety...


  1. א גיט מארגען געלע רעטעך טראגער
    דיין אלטע שנאה צו סאטמאר האט נישט געטראפען עפעס פרישערע נייעס ווי דאס? א ווינדער

  2. your hate for Satmar is so blind. look at the 3rd video where you are writing "Tough guys, confronting the cops" I dont see anything but teenagers walking and talking.

  3. If you were not so anti satmar i'd consider what you wrote but knowing your past i know that its not this that your against its anti satmar
    However its more, you are anti everybody thats not chabad
    Reminds of rav hutners famous statement which iam sure you know

  4. ר' הערשל
    דאס איז אלטע אויסגעוועפטע נייעס
    ברענגט עפעס חדשות און כאפט אריין א וואדקע

    א ליבאוויצער כאסיד וואס האט שוין היינט געלייגט תפילין פאר צוויי נקיבות אין באן

  5. Hirshel Tzig - הירשל ציג
    (Sort of like making the lights go off by timer because in di heim iz geven tunkel ba di shaleshudes teyreh...)
    I just want to make you aware that there is a רמז for this פונעם פסוק אין תהילים - זרח בחושך אור לישרים

  6. .....כך היא דרכה של
    אז מ'קאן נישט ענטפערן צו די זאך פארדרייט מען דעם שמועס צו געלע רעטאך און פרויען אויפ'ן אייזנבאן

  7. Clout doesn't help when zali and b"y clout caused the whole thing.

  8. Oh, I see what you mean. So you're saying that the Zalis and BY called and massered. Fair enough. But why the need to confront the utility workers and the cops?!

  9. First take care of your own problems in chabad like Leah Kleim etc.

  10. ok, fair enough. I'll do that and then get back to you...

  11. "like Leah Kleim etc."
    HIRSHEL cant find her she moved in to KJ with Greenwald and Sabel

  12. Tzig,
    I'm surprised that you read me totally wrong.Why would I defend this kind of behavior?
    Btw, as someone already pointed out the undercurrent of this is the Aroiny/Zaloiny fight.
    Whatever.This is mild compared to other stuff that has gone one in between the two factions.

    But, yes,I agree there should be a sociological analysis for the violence that is quite common amongst frimmeh, mostly amongst non Lubavitch Chasidim.It's notable to note that even though there has been a lot of hate beween Lubavitch and Misnagdim, violence between the groups is almost unheard of.Good question why?
    Any answers?

  13. KY is our land
    These cops they don't have anything to do in KY
    The Rebbe is the authority
    We run KY

  14. unfortunately the sad truth is,that we are [and this includes all chasidus]raising a generation of ignorant savages,like the saying goes ''something is rotten in denmark''


  15. SatmarTC said...
    KY is our land
    These cops they don't have anything to do in KY
    The Rebbe is the authority
    We run KY

    So you have your own medina, Please explain why you are different than the Tziyoinim who have their on medina.

    Aren't we still in golus?

    Why isn't the Rebbe zy"a on the dollar bill?

    Is this is the KY army?

  16. So sakmer TC, according to you your rebbe didn't have a shita against medina, he had a shita against a medina in eretz yisroel. You are nothing more than another Ugandanik. Worse than Herzl himself because Herzl admitted that EY would be better but you spit on it and would rather have your hisgarus b'umos lemehadrin on American soil instead of land given to the medina by the umois you respect so much.

  17. Actually, the real reason I bothered coming to the circus was to ask a minhag question.

    Earlier this week was yahrtzeit for several of the asara herugei malchus. In shul there was a lubavitcher who agitated for no tachanun. Is this an emese minhag or some idiot who wants a shorter shacharis?

  18. KY is the holiest place in America
    the land where more Torah is learned and more mitzvos performed

    Israel is not Moshiach, in fact there is more golus in Israel than here,
    Do you think that Netaniahu is Moshiach, or the Nasi, maybe Shimon Perez or Rabin is going to come back as Moshaich?
    KY is the Beis Rabbeinu in Babel

  19. Sorry, I didn't realize you were joking until this comment.

  20. Modeh
    in lubavich the minhag is to say Tachnun on every yortzeit, even the chabad admorim

  21. אלע קאמענטירען דא זענען אדורך געטראכט און בכבוד'דיג אוויא עס איז פארלאנגט!

    'could have fooled me!


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