Monday, June 22, 2009

ווי א חסיד צום רבי'ן

Why now, you ask? Why do I bring this up now? I don't know. I got them in an e-mail and liked them. I also don't get what the big deal is/was that the Rebbe welcomed him with open arms. As a kid I heard that alot; that KivYochol, the Rebbe's big "aveiroh" was being too friendly with him and others of the Israeli Government. He was coming to the Rebbe altz chossid, plain and simple. He would sit by the farbrengens, listen to every word and do the best he could under the circumstances, especially since it had been a while since he was into learning, if you know what I mean.... Yes, issues of general concern in Israel were discussed in private, but so what? How did that differ from Yitzchok Shamir visiting the Vizhnitzer Rebbe ZGZ, or DBG visiting the Chazon Ish?

Eh. why do I bother?

The photos are from 2 different visits, as is quite clear from the Rebbe having aged considerably. I wonder why they didn't have mounds of fruit and grapes, silver decanters and bechers, and fine bone china dishes....

Purim, 5731.


Mr. Abraham Herman, the Israel Council member in Washington D.C at the time, being introduced to the Rebbe.


  1. "especially since it had been a while since he was into learning,"

    DBG used to study Talmud. So the analogy to this guy is way off, right?

  2. It was a PR?political move like when RYBS when there and had a pained look on his face the whole time. Photo up-propoganga-waisted money- they are desperate to grab souls- they still send Tzivyos Hashem mags to people with great grandchildren, cuz in a sense they are all children who don't think for themselves and care about the goyim doing 7 mitzvas plus tefilin. They especialy love the Mitzvah commanding the Ben NOach (BN) to have court system so they can use it and manipulate it for their own advantage when it is convenient for them- and then they have a new yumtuv- another excuse to drink a lot- as long as you convince yourself that it feels good than it is kosher- put on that smile, white shirt and approach people in Macy's parking lot- they are already littering the streets with photos of that man. they are disgracing his memory- he was an eydele neshamoh and was hurt by all the Dancing with the Photo- which predated Dancing With The Stars- but in its pnimius it is the same thing, because Der Rebbe was a continution of his shver who was the 7 great star.
    The 7 stars are keneged the 7 goyishe comandmants and the 7 mitzvos and the seven points on the pointy smashed hats and the seven points of the Star of David- it is really six, but you count the kollel- er not the one you learn in-

  3. With Der Rebbe it is either all or nothing. If he wasn't a tzadik gomur than all the kashyes are good kashyes. Therefore, it is a vicious cycyle: the more intelligent a chasid is and the more he understands that there are kashyes, the more he has to do the bittul thing and block the good kashyes from his head. he does that by exerting more energies into convincing himslef that Der Rebbe was even greater than he realized the day before.
    It is a bechina of zdoynos nase kizchiyus, how the cheteh itself brings a tikin- more zechusim. So too here, the cheteh of being miharher after the Rebbe has a good ending, cuz it eventually leads to a greater appreciation of the Gadlus of Der Rebbe and more Bittul to the Aybeshter.

    Because one of the ways bittul is gotten is through thinking about the creations of the Creator. When one thinks about der Rebbe and chaps that he was created by the Creator, it leads to greater bittul to the Eybeshter.

    This is what chasidus teaches.

    The photo on the street is a symbol of the inner Rebbe that we have inside of us. We all have the potential to be like Der Rebbe. We might not have his penetrating intellect, his vission, his tzidkus, his prishah, his koyches, but we all must be the biggest Rebbe that we can be.

    We must always ask ourselves when our actions are like the actions of Der Rebbe.

  4. The holy Klausenburger Rebbe Zt"l also met President Eshkol,when he took off his hat, and he never official joined the Agudah, he said I know myself Yoreh Deiah how to kosher the triefene medina money, I don't need Itche Meir to do it for me.His taking off the hat is also one of his cardinal sins in the satmar world, even tough he could argue that according to you, Eshkol is a Goi then its dina demalchusa as the satmarer took off his hat in Romania

  5. Anon 6;17
    You remind of Jeremy Wrights sermons on his pulpit, incoherent sentences,hollering like a ferd,
    they only difference none of your listeners are running for president and winning

  6. Are you going to be having an anonymous booth at the Ohel on Thursday for all your fans to meet you?

  7. Tzemach take a look at the article on Mike Tress Zl is amazing.satmar rak and lubavitch in one article

  8. I was once asked by a Rov in Willi not Satmar background,how on earth can a community like Satmar give honor and make huge rallies with all kind of pep talk of chanifa, and meetings in the mahogany chambers of all the Rebbes for people like mayor Koch, Bloomberg, etc.. the have all the dinie kofrim, moridin veloi malin that every boy in Willi knows by heart, they are pro teaching kefira in school,gay rights. Since when do the greatest issur of our generation chanifa leroshoim, apply only on Israeli kofrim.

  9. Anon 11;56
    I see its a reprint of the Jewish Observer, did they get an approval of the gedolim to mention Lubavich?

  10. why do they need approval if the article was approved in the JO?

  11. I hope that JO got approval

  12. For the amaratzim, who is that man in the pics?

  13. bigtime, good question. "That man in the pics" didn't know himself who he was.

  14. Narisheh post this is tzigs best

  15. do u have any info on the kozhnitzer rebbe zt"l of ny?

  16. Rubashkin is a prominent member of the Chabad-Lubavitch movement in Orthodox Judaism. His attorney, Guy Cook, said the annual event in Cambria Heights, N.Y. is of “exceptional religious significance for those of the Lubavitcher faith.”

    Sholom Rubashkin was allowed to lvisit the Ohel

  17. koznitz of willi? a famous moel

  18. Tzig, efshar a post in honor of the yohrtzeit?

  19. You have alot of sonei yisroel visiting you Tzig. I don't mean sonei Lubavitch. I mean sonei Yisroel. Nobody in their right mind would talk such motzi shaim ra so I'm being dan lkaf zchus that they're not complete mishigoyim.

    It's probably better off. The more time they spend ranting in the cyber-world, the less time they have to do more serious aveiros in the real one that have an impact on people.


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