Friday, June 19, 2009

Imagine yourself in Koretz....

מדרש פנחס

On Simchas Teyreh, in the presence of the Holy of Holies, Di Heilige Reb Pinches Koretzer.... How great and wondrous it must have been


  1. A greyser Yishar koach!

    Which sefer is this from?

    me thinks you are much too inteligent to believe all this nonsense


  3. Hershel whats your point on putting reb Pinchus for a referendum in the comments section, stop the comments

  4. the kedusha and the tahara
    meyen oylam habo

  5. הירשעלע
    כמדומני אז עס איז דא א ענליכע ווארט פון רבי'ן מוהרש"ב נ"ע אז הקפות קריגט מען בהקפה.
    וכידוע אז מען גייט אויף א גלייכן וועג טרעפט מען אן אנדערע.

  6. 'there were seven great stars. The first one was Adam... and the last one was the Rebbe the shver'

    Who said it? Can the Kalman's figure out what is wacked with such a statement?

  7. He wasn't too hot on the Tanya thing ...

  8. UD
    who wasnt hot? the Koritzer? it wasnt printed yet

  9. Why be a Snag
    why be a shotah? does this nonsense have to get in every post?

  10. Hirshel,
    I heard that by the Shinever Zt"l the women used to come in by the hakofas, I heard from a mekor musmach that the Sakmer Rov in his early years on Clymer st , had some women pushing themselves in to the shul on Simchas Torah, and he wanted to stop it until he verified what one of the women claimed that beim heiligen Shinever they also came in the shul, and he kept quiet. but years later in the official shul it was Yerag Veal Yavoir

  11. Why be a Snag
    why be a shotah? does this nonsense have to get in every post?

    Why is it nonsense?

  12. An old man told me that he is from Ratzfert and he remembers Reb Shulem Eliezer's Hakofos (he was a younger brother of the Shinover and a son of the Divrey Chaim of Sanz)

    That the rebetzin and her daughters and many women stood in 'middle' of the shul during the hakofos.

    She was herself a daughter of the Hornosteipeler Rebbe (Twersky). Apparently this was the minhag on of all Europe. But today we have a separation even in all chasidishe frum cemeteries.

    It is no doubt that we in the Chareidi world are becoming more and more 'outwardly' frum.

    But in my opinion: I would never compare the yiras shomayim of the amolige stam yidden to those of our contemporary times with all the newly fangled frumkeit daily additions.

    Yosef 718

  13. Reb Pinches passed away 6 years before the Tanya appeared in print or was even written (the first version of Tanya was written in 5652). Reb Pinches passed away in the year 5651 and the T, was published 5657. So, what is the guy before talking about?

    About woman in Simchas Torah, I recall that some guy Rapport wrote in Ohr Yisroel about woman at Hakofos at Reb Chaim Meir of Viznitz. (IRC, R' Motele of Monsey didnt like it that much)

  14. YOSEF 718.
    My guess is that you would want the women in Shul by Hakofos. I wonder where you daven and how tznius the women are. Do they dress like the Shinever Rebitzin or like lehavdil ...................?

  15. it is indeed a miracle
    that some reached the pinnacle

    highest level of tzidkus
    w/o learning chasidus

    their songs express yearning
    for all the lost learning

    Hey, isn't putting tefilin on Afros a chatzizuh and the shvartza isn't yotzeh anyways

  16. "it is indeed a miracle
    that some reached the pinnacle

    highest level of tzidkus
    w/o learning chasidus

    their songs express yearning
    for all the lost learning"
    Noch ah velts chocum.Misnagdem never sang in der Lita.It is a fairly recent phenomenon that they learned from Chassidim.The greatest yoma depagre by the Litveshe was Tisha B'av.They waited for it an entire year with great anticipation so that they could klug.
    "Hey, isn't putting tefilin on Afros a chatzizuh and the shvartza isn't yotzeh anyways"
    Did you just return from your ancestral home in Zimbabwe?

  17. Anon
    Putting on tefilin is a question of mitzvas Hociach Tochiach as Amisecho, its a matter if you consider the guy with the afro Amisecho, with no particular refrence to chassidus. Why are you Chabad bashers hung up on a simple Mitzvas Eseh?

  18. Anon,
    Sitting and hearing this Shabos from my Shviger that short dresses and short sleeves was more routine in alot of Hungarian households then today, and the Rabonim were constantly on the guard with the shtroif reid,You will always find some picturs of total covered grandma, but it wasn"t the masses in prewar Hungary.

  19. Yosef 718
    I heard that separate cemeteries by chasidim started by the Tifers Shlome, maybe I am mistaking

  20. Anon 6:34,
    Besides the fact that even in most chabad houses the ladies have the sense to dress with a modicum of tznius, it's only during hakafos that the mechitza is down. I don't think ANYONE keeps it down for mussaf.

  21. Yosef 718
    "That the rebetzin and her daughters and many women stood in 'middle' of the shul during the hakofos:
    are you sure that the ratzferter jew is a ish emes? I can not imgine what means in the "middle"
    Alte Feige used to be by the door in satmar Rodney or on stage in MSG Squ protest but it wasn't that obvious

  22. I would hazard to guess that if one of the gedolim of more than 80 years ago were to come to BP or Willy today and see what passes for frumkeit in terms of Hashkafah re: dress, work, society, etc.,they would think that Judaism had morphed into a different religion.
    Many European survivors have told me this.

  23. Yes the Ratzferter Yid is an ish emes and this is not the person, or only example.

    But the fact that she was in 'middle' was pointed out to me that she was a 'real' רעבעצין מיט אוירינגליך [sorry no translation available]

    That was the point of the old man's story that she stood there and nobody dared to said 'boo'.

    As for the cemeteries; no there is no such separation only in the U.S. it is a new thing completely. Chasidim live in Israel too, and over there one can be buried next to a wife.

    This is all new

    As for the Midrash Pinchas it is available online

  24. "Misnagdem never sang in der Lita"


    The point was the Chabad songs of yearning (hishtoykekus) and that's why it said 'not learning'. DUH?

  25. Its ironic that alot of rebeim have the rebetzin buried in the same ohel,but the chasidim are holier and even holier, maybe only the ones that were eating the food cooked by the rebetzin VS. Square etc..

  26. Pirsum rishon,
    Got any?

  27. "Misnagdem never sang in der Lita"

    My!!!!No need to get so touchy.So I didn't understand your poetic prowess.. Nu,whats the avleh?The truth of the matter is they never did sing in the Liteh

  28. "The truth of the matter is they never did sing in the Liteh"


    They sang at levayes, at mussor seder and Magidim where fairly common.

  29. They also sang 'aley tziyon'

  30. That day is approaching

  31. "They sang at levayes, at mussor seder and Magidim where fairly common."
    Thats not singing.Those are called "dirges".We call it "kluging"(I think).

  32. Nope
    I guess you never heard it. It is emesidke yiddishe nigunim. But you wouldn't know

  33. very curious about Ratzfert references, my Zeide was Rov there,groyse Belzer chusid (k'yo'duah RSBR spent WWI years there), Zeide got into some kind of reiberei w RSLH, the 2 never spoke afterwords.
    I hope to be in Ratzfert next week, BTW. Any historical details greatly welcomed

  34. Dirges are songs too.

    (cf. Arachin 12b) but I'm just an mo ignoramus so my svara must be flawed.

  35. keep it up post only such things

  36. Yosef/ Yoine?

    The rov was Rosemberg made a sefer Chemdas Shoul tesuvas,
    I believe Reb Aron the satmar rebbe would probably know some details ask his close people, his father lived there and passed along all his info to him

  37. Ratzferter Rav's name I think was Reb Shulem Vider. He was a Belzer.

    RSLH was known to be a גברי קפדנא
    but why should we talk here...

    there used to be on a site on AOL by a person who posted dozens of pics from prewar Ratzfert. but I cant find it now.

    BTW the entire town is clearly visable on google earth in great detail.

    Yosef 718


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