Saturday, November 7, 2009

מוצאי שבת מואוויס

Untitled from bhol on Vimeo.

Ponovezh and its other mosdos circa 1950. Good stuff. Lots to talk about. A lot has changed since then. One thing is for sure; the Ponovizher Rov was a master builder and fundraiser, and he did it all with a smile.


  1. Truly fascinating. Is that Rav Schach at 10:17?

  2. What is there to talk about?

    "Good stuff. Lots to talk about. A lot has changed since then."

  3. I chap hana'ah how varem Rav Shach is to the bochur talking to him in learning. We are so used to seeing the kanaos we forget about the warmth.

  4. monsey lost a great light with the passing of the stanislaver rebbe ztl....

  5. No black hats? No black suits? How much Torah could they possibly know!!


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