Sunday, November 8, 2009

Professors wanna have fun too

Professor David Berger doing what he does best...


  1. rotflao!
    hes slightly off tune...

  2. Amazing how he can make yechi sound like a Misnagdishe hesped!

  3. It starts out like Kinos but by the fourth round, he starting to get into it ;)

  4. Was Berger in the midst of his usual anti chabad tirade? or trying to humorise a speech? since he is big in to christian thelogy, maybe he found a sect in Africa that said Yechi with the same tone.

  5. I see he is standing near the Zionist flag, I would like to ask him how is Yechi more Kefira in Moshiach then Zionisim?

  6. Reading the tone of responses here , perhaps Berger is really on to something ...

  7. It's criminal how he butchers a catchy tune. If that was the correct way to sing yechi, I would be a misnaged too!!!!

  8. Seriously, by using the dirge-like yeshivish tune, he misses the point of his entire thesis. The (non-philosophical) reason most of these clowns get excited by yechi is because of the catchy old chabad niggun that was appropriated for it.

    To hear him belt it out, that point is missed entirely.

  9. I believe this snippet was excised from a talk מורנו הרב דוד שליט"א gave on Lubavitch messianism a few years ago in eretz hakeydesh.

  10. Schneur, I don't know anyone more anti yechi than myself, but surely you see from this video that RDB

  11. "The (non-philosophical) reason most of these clowns get excited by yechi is because of the catchy old chabad niggun that was appropriated for it."

    What is the history of the niggun please?

    "surely you see from this video that RDB"

    He is a professor, not a singer. Some people are not too adept at singing.

    Anyway, in Lubavitch the expression is tzu זאגען א ניגון.

  12. 1) In a way I have to thank you Hirshel for humanizing מורנו הרב דוד שליט"א to Lubavitchers with that clip. I think many of them have conjured up an image of him as some hate-filled person chas vesholem, when he is really a gantz geshmake zisseh Yid!

    2) Re how מורנו הרב דוד שליט"א says/sings the yechi in the clip - he is demonstrating different ways anash do it. Sometimes they just shout it out without a niggun, at other times they sing it. So מורנו הרב דוד שליט"א is demonstrating different ways it is done by anash. So what is the problem?

  13. Sounds like Kol Nidre in Lakewood!!!

  14. Snag: We find it funny that he can neither say nor sing like the mashchistin in 770! If he'd spent any time at all by them, he'd know he was off.

  15. Twistleton
    sounds rather like Simchas Torah in the old Salabodka

  16. Typical that all the comments are about (snicker snicker) how funny Berger sings.

  17. LKWD

    all he does is sing there, what else should we comment about?!

  18. "Mottel said...
    Snag: We find it funny that he can neither say nor sing like the mashchistin"

    Mottel - he has the basic niggun correct, it just takes him a while to work up to it.

    P.S. Mashchistin? Was that a deliberate misspelling? Freudian slip? Niba velo yoda ma niba?

  19. Snag: I said it just for you. There are mishechisten, which are one issue (good or bad, holy or not . . . that's for another day) and then there are retards. I speak of the later.

  20. all he does is sing there, what else should we comment about?!

    Sorry. ***EDIT***

    Typical that you posted an oh so funny video clip to elicit comments on how oh so funny Berger sings.

    My first comment worked better.

  21. Tzig @ 1:35pm -
    all he does is sing there, what else should we comment about?!"

    Well why don't you post a full clip of his speech.
    You are objective, arent you?
    You do want to "provide a counter opinion to the Chabad bashing that is so prevalent in blogosphere", don't you?
    So play a full speech or post a full shtikel of which he was the author and then let us readers decide!
    (And please don't play the "I won't lower my blog and post such vile trash" card!)

  22. gizt

    did it ever occur to you that maybe this clip is all I got? I didn't edit it, this is what I have.

  23. Hershel,
    Einhachanami, but it's rather cowardly to put up a 1 minute video where he looks like a clown and to make fun of him based on that.
    We all know that you don't like him, as you are a Chabadnik, but a sucker punch like this is too low and childish for you.
    Post a full speech and take him on like a mentch.

  24. The clip is from the Bar-Ilan conference almost eight years ago, which was written about afterward in the Forward in January 02.

  25. From all the anti-snag comments I conclude that Rabbi Bergers shortcoming was his chazonos, not his main argument. You are offended that he doesnt say it with chasidish geshmack and emunah.

    You are right he is a litvak. Stop with the snag talk. It reeks of sinah well beyond the descriptive term Litvak which already conveys some disapproval when coming from a chasid.

    That you are all focusing on the niggun (I agree it has no chasidishe tam) to avoid his message: Chabad chassidim say yechi with a kavanah and that is the issue.


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