Sunday, February 21, 2010

Purim in Berlin

Purim 5725 in YRCB. A very fun listen. It looks like RYH was not used to hittin' the bottle very much - which is a good thing, of course - and he got a little rough around the edges. Minus his usual air, if you know what I mean. The boys sound like they're having a grand old time. I'm a stickler for accordion music, so I really like the Shoshanas Yaakov they have going on there. Who says Litvaks can't have a grand old time?

And who says they can't totally destroy the Alter Rebbe's nigun while having that blast?

Credit: a blog I'd rather not name, due to the juvenile level of grammar etc.

UPDATE: Thanks to Mottel we now have a new link!


  1. Aren't yoiu going to write anyhting about Rav Porush zt"l?

  2. "And who says they can't totally destroy the Alter Rebbe's nigun while having that blast?"

    Why this infantile comment???
    You post an interesting link for once, will not credit the blog you took it from and say something stupid for no reason.

  3. You post an interesting link for once

    look in the mirror, pal

  4. It's taken, believe it or not from a Chabad site

  5. RYH taught the american yeshiva world vuss meint a purim. But, its yadua that he faked drunk and couldnt tolerate even a drop

  6. RYH taught the american yeshiva world vuss meint a purim. But, its yadua that he faked drunk and couldnt tolerate even a drop

  7. The download limit has been reached, could you post it on which has no limit?


  8. The download limit has been reached :(

  9. The limit has been reached...

  10. Anon
    RYH taught the american yeshiva world vuss meint a purim.

    I'm not sure what you mean unless your referring to Kum Rabah Vishachat LR'Zeira.

  11. RYH a Litvak? What you never saw a picture of him in his Spudik? This not being proof to the contrary it remains that Litvak's CANNOT have a grand old time.

  12. Anon@6:50
    "But, its yadua that he faked drunk and couldnt tolerate even a drop"
    Really? Yadua? Good old "yadua"... Please let us know even one half credile source for this. (And "I spoke to people who were there" is not credible if they are not named.)
    Not that it would be much of a problem if true. But it's stam a sheker.
    If CBT was still around he might have a word or two to say about this.
    Speak to those who were at the mesibah in lamed aleph - "geb aher di shlivovitz, b'mookim she'ein anuooshim......" - v'hameivin yavin.
    Ahhh those were the days...
    Agav, the b'mookim and anooshim would normally have been b'makom and anashim. But, interestingly, when RYH was holding by ad d'lo yada he spoke with a chisdishe havara. I suppose nichnas yayin...
    As for the first part of your comment, "RYH taught the american yeshiva world vuss meint a purim." I have to say you're close, but it wasn't the yeshiva world - it was the entire world.


  14. Hershele,

    If you won't disclose the source of link, can you at least email the ba'al ha-blog (the one with the juvenile level of grammar) and ask him to post the clip again? Unless of course it was those infamous Berliners who made them take it down.

  15. -James Dean Spodik aside, he was Litvak.

    Chevra: Purim Tov Shin Chai in Lubavitch (and the YRCB MP3 on Mediafire for those who missed it here ) . . . enjoy:

  16. Someone do a transcript of Rav Hutner and place it on the blog

  17. the obituary on visizneias says that menachem porush was kicked out of eit chaim for embarrasing holy of holies deepest of deep r kook on purim, can u get the scoop on that?

  18. CH; I heard from Nosson Schechter ben R Aron who grew up on RYH'S knee that he drank only grape juice in the silver becher.

  19. Well that clearly isn't the case for Nosson's father. (I sure as hope he is not faking. Why would someone act that way on Purim on purpose)?

  20. Porush claims that he was trapped in mimicking a scene of shooting Rav Kook in a Purim Shpiel, and therefor out of pressure the yeshiva had to let him go.

  21. Destroy the alter rebbes niggun? They did a better job of it than they did at the Rebbe's farbrengen, where they sang it much too fast.

  22. Rav Aron's purim is simply awe-inspiring

  23. anonymous about R' aron's purim. I hope you are joking (or you were never there). If they showed that to possible Kiruv candidates none of them would become frum. What a Chilul Hashem. Bkiso, Bkaso, Ubkoso and you get to see all three in one day! (and it ain't pretty).

  24. Purim is a participatory , not a spectator sport, Snagville, If you beheld ugliness perhaps it was because you were not sufficiently mevusam yourself.

  25. i don't know much about RAS's purim, but I do know that we do not judge yiddishkeit by what potential kiruv candidates. :)

  26. I was once by RAS he looked very fake like vinyl


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