Monday, April 19, 2010

ה' אייר במשנת מרן


  1. But he corrected his mistake in future years didnt he? He wasnt Maran Rosh haYeshiva yet. He was a young up and coming RY.

    What did he say when he was a Gadol baTorah? What did his rebbeim - the Rov - say to him to convince him to change his hanahaga?

  2. Anon,
    You fool, he did it while the rov was alive and he wasn"t a youngster then neither, it just that it was the zeitgeist then to be pro Zionist, and in later years the wind blew a different direction so he jumped on a different wagon,
    what a great manhig yisroel he was

  3. You Fool!
    Maybe he changed his mind. Maybe he realized that the state messed up.

  4. I think you missed it. He didn't want to daven in a place that said Halle with a Brocha. With out a Brocha he could tolerate. I heard from an old time Ponavicher, that when Ponavitch DID NOT say tachnun on Hey Iyar, Rav Sach did quite conspicuously so

  5. Twistleton
    the article does not say your twist, but besides where was is heat for yiddishkiet that he liked to show in Benai Berak?

  6. Anon.
    but didn"t he trust the gedolim as the Rov? Emunas Chachomim?

  7. "Twistleton
    the article does not say your twist, but besides where was is heat for yiddishkiet that he liked to show in Benai Berak?"

    Read what I wrote. It is quite clear that he was being more anti than the Rosh Yeshiva, his cousian. The RY wanted to say Hallel with a Brocha, and Rav Sach said if they do he won't daven there. Where do you see the big shocking zionisim in that?

  8. Twistle,
    In my world that I am circling and in the world of the neo yeshiveshe kanoim (Yated etc..)saying hallel is a sign of Zionism at its worst,

  9. How can you say tachanun when everybody else is not saying it?

  10. would some kind soul please identify the sefer this is quoted from please - many thanks!

  11. “Twistle,
    In my world that I am circling and in the world of the neo yeshiveshe kanoim (Yated etc..)saying hallel is a sign of Zionism at its worst, that.”

    Where do you see that Rav Sach said Hallel? You just see that he refused to Daven in a place that DID say Hallel with a Brocha. Its possible that he did say Hallel with out a Brocha, but it dosen’t say that. Nor is it likely that he wouldn’t Daven in a place that said hallel with a Brocha, but did say Hallel him self. Those who said hallel without a Brocha weren’t so anti with a Brocha to the extent of not Davening there. More likely, Rav Sach didn’t say Hallel at all. But if the yeshiva was saying Hallel without a Brocha (like the Rabbanut) Rav Sach wasn’t going to proptes. With a Brocha he would!!

    As I heard it, Rav Sach would very ostentatiously say Tachnun on Yom Hatzmot in Ponavithcah yeshiva (where the Yeshiva also put an Israeli flag on the roof on Yom Hatzmout).

    "How can you say tachanun when everybody else is not saying it?"

    Why not? What is the question.

  12. Twistle,
    "As I heard it, Rav Sach would very ostentatiously say Tachnun on Yom Hatzmot in Ponavithcah yeshiva (where the Yeshiva also put an Israeli flag on the roof on Yom Hatzmout)."
    As I wrote before in Benai Berak, Kanoais was the new trend for the youth masses and he jumped on that band wagon to get a good grip on the youth crowds, vs. reb Dovid Povarsky never was out Lasois Loi Shem, so he didn"t change his views with the hip crowd.

  13. Rabbi,
    I think(not definite) its reshimos printed in a old Hatzofe

  14. This from

    One story is that when Rav Kahaneman was alive - Ponevezh did not say Tachanun on Yom Ha’Tazmaut. Except for Rav Shach who succeeded Rav Kahaneman as Rosh Hayeshiva of Ponezezh. He was Poresh from his Rosh HaYeshiva and the entire Beis HaMedrash - sat down and said Tachanun

  15. Twist,
    Another Litvish Lie, they are beating chasidim with lies.


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