Thursday, November 25, 2010

Blood Is Thicker Than Water...

Courtesy of the Avner Institute

It's tough to say how many of the Yidden who davened at the shul in 1948 were Lubavitcher Chassidim, or even frum Jews, but there's something very special about the fact that they still had a "19 Kislev Party" after all those years in America. And despite the fact that the "party" was always on a Sunday by that time, took place on Chanukah on that year, and the siyum was only on a seder mishnayos instead of the whole Shas - it still is very special. It's special beacuse it shows us how clinging to minhogei yisroel keeps you in the loop, no matter how far you've fallen. Remember what Luzer Reich wrote home to his parents about the people who came to Yud Tes Kislev in Kfar Chabad? There seems to be a pattern here... I know what you're thinking: "What good is going to a 19 Kislev party if you don't keep Yiddishkeit?!" Obviously we don't say that you're yotze Yiddishkeit with a farbrengen, but if that's what it takes to get them closer, then so be it. In this case you might say that Yud Tes Kislev איז זיי געלעגן אין די בלוט, and the אין מים אלא תורה איז שוין לאנג פארגעסן געווארן, but the blood still flowed after all those years.

"גוט יום טוב - לשנה טובה בלימוד החסידות ובדרכי החסידות תכתבו ותחתמו"


  1. A gathering is only as good as the topics,guidance that are voiced and the environment it is taken place, it is irrelevant if they gathered for shabbos ,yomtov, chanuka,bris ,wedding, or for an outdated fight amongst Jews like 19 kislev

  2. Hirshel
    A gut Yom Tov,
    Did you see Dem Choizers Farbrengen with the cream of the crop of the Emese chasidishe mashpiem in Eretz Hakedesh? Mi Chishav Umi Pilal that we will see Dem Rebbens a Chosid, should be recognized as the authentic dvar hachasidus. As the song in Breslov goes , Becho Reibinie Nogilo.
    A guten Yom Tov.
    Now let the haters come out the woodworks.

  3. רפאוה שלימה בפועל ממש

  4. "Did you see Dem Choizers Farbrengen with the cream of the crop of the Emese chasidishe mashpiem in Eretz Hakedesh? Mi Chishav Umi Pilal that we will see Dem Rebbens a Chosid, should be recognized as the authentic dvar hachasidus. As the song in Breslov goes , Becho Reibinie Nogilo. "

    So, you are saying that until now nobody thought that a Lubavitcher chosid could represent chasidus??

    What exactly are you saying?

  5. Yoni,
    people that were in the know, knew but alot of layers of nonsense covered it.

  6. gotta love the
    מיט ציון גרוס

  7. Dem Choizers Farbrengen ???

    Did not see on COL? Wie?

  8. Tzig, the oilam is waiting for a post-YTK post.


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