Friday, November 26, 2010

Oldies But Goodies

Chai Kislev, Reb Boruch Ber ZaTZaL

?למה נקרא שמו ברוך דוב

In Kremenchug During WW1

3 Days In Kislev


  1. eh, in lubavitch its friday already. i van already smell the karpas...

  2. I'm a little suprised that you linked to the "RBB name post", given that it has been rather thoughly debunked. By the family that I spoke to, and the facts of Slutsk Jewish life at that time, with the only source being " heard from Karliner Chassidim".

  3. You still "convinced" R'BB named after the Mezritcher??

    Why not back it up?
    Because you can't?

  4. I did back it up.
    I heard it from an "ur-eynikel" who heard it from Karliner Chassidim.
    That's all.
    And that's all I said.
    You're welcome to deny it.

  5. Wonder what would happen if I mentioned all the things "I heard" about Lubavitch.
    I can bet you they are much more reliable!
    Actually, lately with what's happening in the East Asia, many would agree


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