Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Yohrtzeit Pictures - Beis Kislev


  1. It's also Reb Nosson Z"l yurhtzeit. You should show your respect to someone who had a mashiach suitcase, got excited by loud noises and was famously was mikayme tzipeeysuh l'yishuah. On Simchat Torah, it was a sight to see, watching him lead the whole oylam in "achakah loy" (no doubt they thought that he was referring to himself)

    It bothers us that the kat put such a bad taste/association of Moshiach in our minds that we don't stress it enough. It is a tragedy.

  2. you should show your respect to the man who reminded you people that the 12th animaamin was still relevant in America.

  3. and you need to think the Chassidim for making a Reb Nosson...

    was, shmas. don't nitpick.

  4. if Tzig forgot anybody it was Rav Akiva Sofer of Pressburg.

    we can argue what Reb Nosson accomplished in this world, but with the Pressburger Rav it's indisputable.

  5. Oh know. He had a Chabad melamed in cheder? He got a bruchoh from the RR?

  6. but I'm glad to see you REALLY know about Reb Nosson....

  7. Tell us, does Yoel Kahan also believe that he was a murderer or he is confident enough to live with opposition?

  8. comparing a nice man like Reb Nosson to a gianyt like Rav Aron zatzal is silly. period. I wish my fellow snags would stop with the foolish comparisons already.


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