At the wedding of Rabbi Yakov Yosef Twersky of the Chotiner shul in the Bronx, 1961: [RYYT married the daughter of the Kopycznycer Rebbe, Reb Avrohom Yeshua Heschel, zt"l. ] (L-R) The Bluzhever Rebbe, Reb Yisroel Spira; The Boyaner Rebbe, Reb Mordche Shlome Friedman; The chosson, Rav Aron Kotler, Rosh Yeshivas "Eitz Chaim" in Kleck and BMG in Lakewood. RYYT was the son of the Azarnitz-Chotiner Rebbe, Reb Mordche Yisroel Twerski HYD, and led the Chotiner Congregation in the Bronx until his passing in 1991. He may have been a talmid at BMG, I do not know, which would explain RAK's presence at the wedding, or maybe it was his relationship with the KR that brought him there. The Boyaner Rebbe was a cousin to the Kopycznycer, and later his mechutan, when his son Reb Zushe's daughter married the Boyaner's grandson, Nochum Dov Breier, the present Boyaner Rebbe in Yerushalayim. The Bluzhever Rebbe was a fellow member of the MGT of the AI. Behind them with the black beard is the Boyaner Rebbe's gabbai, Katz.

The second photo finds the two again at a chupah, with an unidentified third gentleman at the KR's right. [ aderaba, if you know who it is let us know, as well as who any of the others in the photo may be.] RAK, with his fist clenched and sefer in hand, seems engrossed in a sugya, as he surely was. Click on the photos for amazing detail and clarity. You feel like you're right there with the Gedolim, watching them as they walk down the aisle. Today is Reb Aron's Sislovitcher's yohrtzeit, and to show you fellas how impartial and open-minded I broke the bank and posted these pictures, so that my YESHIVISHE brethren can have a little geshmak too. Other sites give you nothing but watermarked tiny rehashed pictures, we give you quality, large and clear pictures that let you be mekayem והיו עיניך to the fullest and beHidur. That's right, kids, your man Hirshel Tzig is always on the lookout for you, helping you do what's right and just, and always with a smile and free of charge. Don't you ever forget that, even when you think you see me being disrespectful to certain luminaries, it's all a figment of your imagination.

Exhibit 3 was sent to us by a good friend of the blog. What we have here is a Datshe somehwere in di Lita, maybe Druskenik, where bachurim, Roshei Yeshiva and Baalei batim mixed freely and basked in the glory of the great men of their day. Today the hierarchy is afraid that the hameyn am will see that they're human, so they're whisked away to far-away Switzerland or Florida, and are kept away from the oylem. Then they had nothing to hide. Here the Klecker Rosh Yeshive is talking to among others his cousin from Vaboylnik, [who has his back to the camera] who married his cousin, the niece of Reb Isser Zalman Meltzer. Lebben zei shteyen Bnei HaYeshiva, eppes a BaaliBos mit a kurtze sirtuk un a heyche yarmulke, and also what looks to be a local goy (left) with the mustache next to RLS. They may have taken a break from learning and are about to head back into town. Maybe the goy is a Baalegoleh who's negotiating a fair price. I hope you enjoyed the pictures and the break I took from the heavy, political writing you've had from me these last few weeks. I'd love to hear your opinions on the pictures.
Chotiner? Which geza is it? Skwer? Tolner? Trisk? where does the name Takov Yosef come from? it is not a chernobler name, the old Skwerers name came from Ustrorer Ziede
Chotin is in Bessarabia, IIRC, they were eyniklach of Reb Aron Tchernobler and fled to Rumania around WWI, or when the Soviets took over in Russia.
I think the Boyaner Rebbes Gabai was Freund not Katz, he was very frum a big mekusher but didn't eat in the Rebbes house.
ידער זאך דארף האבן עפעס א קשר צום לובאוויטש. ווער נאך איז אן עדים ביים קאפיזניצער?
?פארוואס מוז עס האבען א קשר
ר' זלמן גורארי איז געווען דער עלטסטער איידעם
a Chernobler einikel of Queens NY printed a big coffee table photo album of the Chernobler geza, I think he is related to him. he has a lot of unique photos, Reb Dovidel of New Square fumed on the guy for daring to print photos that he would wish to stay under the rug.
אזארניץ-חאטין was the official name, the father of Reb Mordche Yisroel was Reb Boruch Meir, he was Rebbe in Azarnitz, Russia, and his son was Rebbe in Chotin. Another son, Reb Yitzchok, was Azarnitzer Rebbe in Beltz, Bessarabia.
Who is "RLS"???
RLS = Reb Lazer Shach
Hirshel definitely meant
Ribeini Lazer Shach
How do you manage to get these photos?
rule # 1
never ask a blogger where he gets material from...
derech eretz for rav zishe heshel ztvk"l
one of the few men who walked the streets of the big apple in our time who refused to become a rebbe even when handed to him on a silver platter with a ksav hachtara signed by all the gedolei yisroel.
he refused so someone you know and his mother shouldn't feel slighted...
derech eretz is hereby given
In photo #2, I think the man in the back in the middle is the late Rabbi Joseph Tendler, the mechuten of Rabbi Moshe Feinstein z"l and father of Rabbi Moshe Tendler etc. On the right is Rabbi Hersh Ginsberg of the Agudas Harabbanim. On the left I am less sure. He might be Rabbi Kravitz z'l who was a rosh yeshiva at RJJ. Just a guess.
G-d bless you.
Kopycznycer, and later his mechutan, when his son REB! ! ! Zushe's daughter married the Boyaner'....
now fix it in the post
ur not a paylishe sharfe choosid that has the excuse of being on first name basis with EVERYBODY... he wasn't on the moetzes
ok, REB
I corrected it
I was talking at the time, not now.
there was a Heshel a rebbe after the Kapishnitzer? there are some Heshels in BP, yungeliet who are they?
רבי משה מרדכי
was a son of רבי אברהם יהושע
he passed away in 1975, IIRC, at a young age
the Yungeleit are his sons
Why are they not Rebbes? did they convert to Hisnagdus?
Anon 7:29: Come on, so he left out a reb by accident, it's not chutzpa. Let's go nuts on the titles, why don't we. Everyone gets kvod kedushas including RAK or the tzig's an evil baal machlokes.
By the way, can you post a new luach roshei teivos like you did a while back?
A luach roshei teivos is not necessary.
Hirshel can do what is mekubal by every other author worth their salt, and he can decipher the name the first time it is mention in the postings and then use the roshei teivos subsequently.
He can even do that with other contributors and authors who have learned his silly style of leaving names of people a mystery.
"RLS" is a mystery to you people? the Rabbon shel kol bnei Beraq - I mean, Hagolah??? past nisht
I'll let it go this time, since you cannot see his face.
"his cousin from Vaboylnik, [who has his back to the camera] who married his cousin, the niece of Reb Isser Zalman Meltzer."
Maran haRav Schach was his cousin before marrying his cousin?
"RLS = Reb Lazer Shach"
R. Elozor (Menachem Man).
"Rabbi Joseph Tendler, the mechuten of Rabbi Moshe Feinstein z"l and father of Rabbi Moshe Tendler etc."
R. Joseph Tendler shlito is someone else, he is in Baltimore now.
You meant R. Yitzchok Eizik Tendler z"l, a Kamenitzer Yid if I recall correctly, and Rosh Yeshiva on the Lower East side.
"Why are they not Rebbes? did they convert to Hisnagdus?"
A) You can ask them. By the way, there is someone with the title Kapitchnitzer Rebbe in EY. B) No.
Chaim Grade in his book “The Yeshiva” has a description of Dache, including all the various Rosh Yeshivas. Most interesting is his description of Rav Aron as a fiery young man trailed by students listening to every word of Torah from his mouth. Some one should post the paragraphs if possible, I am sure the Oylem would enjoy it.
HT, I haven’t posted much lately, but I will say that I read it regularly, and enjoy the much improved tone (although not all the commenter’s seem to have got the message).
he was not a cousin before marriage, IIRC. They only became cousins after marrying cousins.
nice to hear from ya
תבוא עליך ברכה
"derech eretz for rav zishe heshel ztvk"l"
I remember him from Camp Agudah. A wonderful Yid.
"Why are they not Rebbes? did they convert to Hisnagdus?"
Not at all Snags, but VERY skeptical and dismissive of current Chassidus and especially Rebbes. The Kopisnitzer Rebbe in E’Y’ is a cousin. His mother was a daughter of the old Kapisnetezer Rebbe Reb Avrohom Yeshua Heschel, the last Rebbe before their father. He has a schul in E’Y the size of a small living room. He is a Torah Vdas Talmid.
The second picture is one of employees of the yeshiva RJJ - Rabbi Jacob Joseph School on the Lower East Side. Rav Kravitz zt"l (to the left of RAK)was a talmid of RAK and RAK therefore said shiurim in RJJ occasionally.
Reb Moshe Mordechais children are not misnagdim at all, they are ehrliche Chassidishe yungerleit. There are three sons and none of them assumed position as Rebbe but they are all Chassidishe Yidden and not at all misnagdim.
The cousin in EY has a Shul that is a little bigger than a living room, he has a decent sized shtiebel with average of 50 people on Shabbos. HE also recently opened a Kapishnitzer shtiebel in Beis Shemesh. He is the head of Machon Sifsei Tzaddikim, famous for printing many of the classic Chassidishe seforim.
These pictures are famous pictures, I have hard copies of 3 out of 3 of them.
Very nice pictures, yasher koach for posting them
ok thanks for the pics to the guy who called reb aaron kotley zyo a baal machlochais hum let me think he got along with many rebbes including the above he was good with the satmar rav even though they had diffrent shitos because they both has heaven in mind besides shitot about the state of israel they dissagreed about kollel rak sent his talmidim for semicha to reb moshe
let me continue rak sent his talmidim for semicha to reb moshe even though he dissagreed strongly with a psak not just for halocha reasons but also hashkofah anyways reb aaron had many chasidishe talmidim like reb gedalia shore nadvorne rebbe etc he loved every jew from the bottom of his heart when we see the churban chabad today we can understand what he saw
very "orthodox" jew
you are a sore loser and a shmuck. who gave you reshus to go to college? reb aaron or reb moshe?
reb aaron said that when he comes to shomayim and they ask if he was a chosid he will say kapichnitz!
Thanks, Tzig.
Nice pictures and nice post. A whole paragraph about the godal hador zt"l and nothing too snide or cynical. I, for one, am proud of you.
Agav, there is a rumor floating around about regarding the mashgiach RMS, RAK and a chaloim.
what was the chalom about? and why was RMS and not RMK or one of the Rosheshives zoche to the dream?
matzav.com has the chalomos
See this comment:
Orthodox Jew
When the the Nadvorner was in Lakewood he was a total snag, he was begged by his wedding to dress in the chassidic garb, by today he is going with the bigdie tzivonim since its a big help for Parnossa and shiduchim
no annon i never whent to college reb moshe assurs in his teshuvos
shota orthodox jew, why does your profile list you as a lawyer liar?
industry: law
p.s. why the name calling i guess the truth hurts
people with blogs that have pots with nothing but vulgarities....
are fools at best
you work in law with out a license? noch erger!
ortho fool, im a bigger snag to lubavitch then you. if you want to compete with me as a local flamethrower, chotch zug tzim zach!
I heard awhile ago that Reb moshe Mordechai and his Rebetzin worked In Rabbi JJ Hechts office? can someone verify it?
aha herd r elya ber tonite speak in honor of reb aaron and reb nosson s' yartzeit wow what a goan
Reb Moshe Mordechai (The Rebbe Zt"l) worked in the diamond district and there are many amazign stories about how he helped others out while in business even when it hurt his own business. What a tremendous tzaddik!
They say there is a book of Toldos Admorei Kapishnitz on the way to being published, anyone know anything about it?
ortho fool, will you be attending the thanksgiving fress convention?
non mouse il answer you when you stop calling names
gotto talk a mans language orthodox jew, i would be embarrased to quote what youve written on your own blogs due to their vulgar content
cmon lets have a factual informative obituary about the life of rebbetzin sochet, the mother of the stoliner rebbe
Sorry to ask this question in the wrong post, but since it's the most recent I will.
Here goes:
Do you think that Chabad Lubavitch & Rubashin made any mistakes in the way they handled themselves in the years leading to the arrest of Sholom and subsequently in the they time leading up the court case and during the trial?
Hopefully you''ll give a somewhat detailed answer.Thank you
1) why do you drag the whole Chabad-Lubavitch into this? Rubashkin is an independent businessman.
2) how many years are we talking about?
3) After the raid there's no question he should've been more careful, at least that's how I see it based on the little bit of info I have, which is mostly from the press.
hello, 'carefull' you mean not break the law ? right not 'just dont get qaught'
Are you doing a book review on the Moshe Sherer bubbe masse book
as only
she was barely laid to rest, shoyn you want a run-down???
book review? I have yet to see it other than the ads in the papers. Will you buy me one?
the Karliner Rebbe's court gave a press release on the morning of his mothers death that he would appreciate a total media blackout on his mothers obituaries
why would he do that to a Bas Kedoshim?
why shouldn't the younger generation know?
ICH ZUGT DI TZU read the book there is alot of blogging scayreh in there vhamavin yovin
“lets have a factual informative obituary about the life of rebbetzin sochet, the mother of the stoliner rebbe”
“why would he do that to a Bas Kedoshim?
why shouldn't the younger generation know?”
Know what? That his mother made googly eyes at his father through the Mecitza until they eloped/married? Then divorced her TV repair man of a husbad? That the previouse rebbe said “fun a Z Fegeley kenst nischt macen a Rebbe”. Some thing are better not to write about!!!!!
she wasn't the only one , and the others had their past whitewashed very nicely, TYVM.
let them write a very nice obit. how she was the Rebbe's daughter and mother and was the principal of Beis Soroh, blah blah blah
it seems like the SR is very much insecure with his past...
Old Karliner
maybe it is a plus to the Rebbe that he is not ready to write lies? or open a can of worms? I remember seeing his fathers monument in NJ, is was written with sechel
what does the Matzeivoh say?
which cemetery?
Interesting why all the minivulem and baaley lushen hureh come to this blog?
that is not r' schach with his back to the camera in the datche picture
who is it then?
Old Karliner.
the matzieva is very humble even in size, it basically says"father of the leaders of kheilas karlin and lutzk"
the cemetery is in New Jersey where Bobov,Satmar ,Spinka,Pupa
your still looking for the wedding pictures, we know your style...
were they all destroyed?
and who is "we?"
i remember from my days in brisk i heard from a lubavicher that rabbi m m shneerson also met his wife under similar circomstances as the stoliner rebbes parents nu nu as they say boys will be boys
The story with Kapitchnitz is that Reb Avrohom Yehosua Heshel Ztz"l was succeeded by his son Reb Moshe Mordcha who past away 7 years later. He left a family of yesomim and bez"h they all are today special chushiva chasidisha yungeleit. As a matter of a fact even though they did not continue with the rabistiva, the son Reb Zushe is a yoshev ohel he's learning all day in his grand fathers room next to the shul in BP.
Todays Kapitchnitzer Rebbe who's known to be a high elevated person with tremendous knowledge is a grand son of RAYH and living in Israel he was a ben bayis mamesh like a child to the Sadigurer Rebbe the Avir Yakov (he's not a torah vdaas talmud).
He has a nice shul on Ezras Torah which i found 2 weeks ago packed late at night with people learning there.
his name is Flinstien ?
Tzig i'd have to agree with a previous commenter the man talking to R Ahron in the picture is no way R Shach. The one with his back to the camera althouge from the side profile his face looks similar to a young R Shach but hes about 4 times R shachs size,in hight and in width!
"Todays Kapitchnitzer Rebbe who's known to be a high elevated person with tremendous knowledge is a grand son of RAYH and living in Israel he was a ben bayis mamesh like a child to the Sadigurer Rebbe the Avir Yakov (he's not a torah vdaas talmud)."
He most certianly DID learn in Torah Vodass.
Orthodox Jew
our great historian Shimmy Deutsch is not as well informed as you,he doesnt know what you know regarding the Rebbe shiduch, he could use some dirt on the Rebbe , since thats his claim to fame by the Anti Chabad groupies
He most defintely DID NOT learn in Torah Vodaas, he learned in Ponovitz, both Yeshiva Katana and Yeshiva Gedola.
In fact it is because of the curretn Kapishnitzer Rebbe that Ponvitz Yeshvia Ktana was started.
When the Kapishnizter Rebbe Shlita was bar mitzvah, his grandfather the Rebbe Zt"l came to Eretz Yisrael for the simcha. The Kapishnitz Rebbe and Sadigure Rebbe were sitting together deciding on where to send the bar mitzvah boy for Yeshiva Ktana when the Ponovitzer Rav came by to visit. The two Rebbes expressed to the Rav that there was no satisfiable Yeshiva Ktana for the young bachur. After thinking for a bit, the Kapishnitzer Rebbe Zt"l turned to the Ponovitzer Rav and said well maybe you should start a Yeshiva Ktana and....... The current Kapishnitzer Rebbe was from the first group of talmidim from that Yeshiva.
He never learned in Torah Vodaas.
Reb Avrumie Heschel, the youngest son of the previous Rebbe (Reb MM Zt"l) learned in Torah Vodaas. Reb Avrumie is a chashuva Chassidishe yungerman, a true Rebbishe kindt. To the best of my knowledge Reb Avrumie is not Rebbe and doesnt consider himself to be.
indeed, rav ginsburg & rav tendler.
Just to add to & give contex to the caption in the photograph featuring my holy father, HaRav Yaakov Yosef Twersky, zecher tzadik livrocho, of Khotyn and the Bronx, NY: My father received his semikha both from the Skulener Rebbe and from Reb Moshe Feinstein, zt"l, whose levaya was on this day, Taanis Esther, exactly 30 years ago today. HaRav Feinstein, who lived on NYC's Henry Street on the Lower Wast Side, not far from my zaide, the Kopitchenitzer Rebbe zt"l on Henry Street, were like brothers.
My father was an administrator at Yeshivas Chaim Berlin (under Harav Yitzchock Hutner, zt"l) shortly after his arrival in the USA and having survived five labor and concentration camps.
Harav Kotler, zt"l, who was extremely close with the Kopitchenitzer Rebbe, zt"l, attended the chaseneh, as did virtually all of the gedolei hador at that time (1961). Among those participating was the Satmar Rebbe, who accepted the Kopitchenitzer Rebbe's request to be the mesader kidushin. (That rare and historic photo has been published by my brother, Yitzchok Mayer Twersky of Queens, NY, in his sefer on Khotyn titled, "Mi Yareinu Tov.")
Zchusam Yagen Aleinu v'all Kol Yisrael.
Mordechai Israel Twersky
March 23, 2016
Rav Isaac Tendler
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