Monday, November 8, 2010

Modzitzer Hits...

Tell this to a chossid who thinks he's not allowed to go and earn a living because it will shter zein avoydeh... Tell this to A Litvak who grew up on Modzitz and Shenker; He may have second thoughts about his choice of music... This is from the Divrei Yisroel, by the way. But you all knew that already anyway.


  1. Tzig ur on a roll.

    But nobody's changing anything my friend.
    The ultimate question is will this cause the 'yeshivishized chassidim' to throw the Me'ohr Einaym, Beis Aharon, Mitteler Rebbe, Divrei Yisrael out of their Kollelim.

    We'll be on the look out in Pinters...

  2. Mei HaShiloakh needn't worry. It was never on the seforim shonks in the first place

  3. Snaggy video
    But cute

  4. Do you have one original bone in your body?
    Stop bombarding the readers with this mindless drivel that proves nothing.

  5. דא"ח of גדולי תורה ועבודה is now "mindless drivel"?!?

  6. listen to this little snag Apikoresel here,

    Shlomo, you have any non-heretical thoughts in your body, boy?

  7. Why am I an apikoiresel?
    Because I"m not mekabel malches?
    Because I don't think a rebbe is "Atzmus umahus vos hot zech areingeshtelt in a guf"?

    You on the other are not an apikoires, rather an immature baby vos hot zech areingeshtelt in ah guf of an ervakseneh.

    Can't you get sechel somewhere??.

  8. no, you FERD, you're an Apikores because you called the words of the Divrei Yisroel "drivel."

  9. I was not calling his words drivel.It was about your ongoing "Mivtza" against any serious minded person that wants to learn.
    What you do is post stuff that you"ve been fed,that nobody disagrees with.
    It's to "eidel" for you to understand.It's called "context"

    The first letter from the Stoliner is stam ah medrash pliah.

    Interesting note:What would what an average Shliach does be called? Derech eretz,business?The same tayna is applicable to them

  10. שלמה'לע מיין קינד
    וואס א שליח טוט הייסט מסירת נפש!

  11. "I was not calling his words drivel.It was about your ongoing "Mivtza" against any serious minded person that wants to learn.
    What you do is post stuff that you"ve been fed,that nobody disagrees with"


    1)The point of all these posts is that ONLY serious minded people should sit and learn. The rest should go work. Hust richtig gezugt. So no need to pinch the Tzigeleh there.

    2)Nobody disagrees on these ideas?
    Hmmmm. Kewl. Kim lumir gein oif a shpatzir...

    3)The context of these letters is in the backdrop of people like you and me blogging. We are obviously the major learners. So lets face up to real life,

  12. Oh Shlomeleh. If u would read these letters well you would radiate with joy realizing that you can still have a 'Working connection' to God, u dont have to be a Daas Baal Habayis nebach sinning away by blogging on The Tzigeleh.

    GACHLEI RESAMIM MAKES PUSS BLISTERS SHLOMELEH. THEY HURT! Every second on Tzigs blog is Bittul Torah!!!

    Its LikeWhatever

  13. Shlomele
    "The first letter from the Stoliner is stam ah medrash pliah."
    if a ignoramus like you,does not get the holy words of the Karliner does not make it in to a midrash peliah.

  14. "if a ignoramus like you,does not get the holy words of the Karliner does not make it in to a midrash peliah."

    I can assure you that even Lubavitcher talmidei chachomim think this letter is a medrash pliah.
    I was probably meant for one individual and somehow got printed


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