Monday, February 7, 2011

All of it.

UPDATE 3:39pm - here's the rest - all of it.

Brisker "Wikileaks" - only because you asked so nicely.

It was probably written by Schlesinger of London, grandson of Moreinu Rosenheim, who's known as "Saba" in these pages.
Hanhagas Brisker Rov


  1. Why no write up on the SR book in English?

  2. I haven't read it.

    I hear it leaves lots to be desired, though.

  3. You know more about templates than the average Joe.

  4. it would be kiday for you to add a page for "wikileaks" it takes time to read 500 pages and like this the newer stuff and the tolna/brisker stuff will both be on top...

  5. This is not a wikileak all this and more is printed in a sefer called הדור והתקופה מאת רבי אליקים שלעזינגער ראש ישיבת הרמה לאנדאן
    Also besides more stuff he also prints what he heard from the Chazon Ish Harov Dushinsky and Harov Bengis required reading for all Bnei Teyreh.
    I would scan it but it is 73 pages.

  6. יקרק ןד ש ךןמל כםר איק דקכקר בוררקמאךט םוא םכ דאםבלץ

  7. sorry forgot to switch back to english - above is a link for the sefer at Zundel Berman but it is out of stock

  8. Reb Volf
    the printed has some stuff missing

  9. Tzig,
    Where I live, the local am haaretz Chabatzker Yold aka shliach, insists on re-fighting the battles between the Gaon and the Baal Hatanya. I told him, Mendele, by unz yeshivaleit, chabad has been off the radar shoin fun long - you guys are so irrelevant it's not even worth wasting any breath.
    Can you chabatzkers at least educate your shluchim before you send them out.

  10. A few points on the recent posts (great, hirshel!). I'm posting here, as some don't look back enough.

    1) Not guaranteeing, just saying: Re the Tolner wikileaks, the PM's sons came out with a gilui daas, and more. see here:

    2) Re the Rebbe and fiancee - This was a tayne (I've not seen it inside, just saw mentioned) that was brought in the Heilman-Friedman nonsense buch. Apparently their kloymershe "source" (sic) was a secualr one, thus not one to be seen by the PM..

    And just to note - re where the Rebbe was the night of the FR's arrest: In the link provided (and others in the same sefer), one clearly sees that the Rebbe was quite involved that night, arranging with the FR’s secretaries etc for logisitics:

    So much for the F-H hogwash..

    3) As per some of the comments here, dunno re authenticity of Brisker wikileaks either..

    4) Someone mentioned re RM Kasher as a "zayfen/m'zayef". Can anyone back that rediculous claim up, and on which of his seforim is it attributed to?!

  11. I posted 10:47 above. Here's 2 more for the road:

    1) Rav Ovadya Yosef paskens that Shiurei Torah are as RAC Noeh, not the Chazon Ish..

    2) The way shturem posted the gilui daas from bnei ha'PM which i linked to earlier, is as if it's only maygin on the Chabad Rebbeim's kovod which was smeared in the Tolner scribd. -- Whereas, in truth, it's also to defend kvodam of other various kdoshei elyon brought there as well.

    Authenticity aside, what i've observed here, interestingly, is the sharfe signon and "hiskashrus"- rebbe-Chosid style which is prevalent in the Ger-Kotzk dynasties throughout -- which is so reminescent of how it's in Chabad. (As compared with other kreizen..)

  12. Former
    "the local am haaretz Chabatzker Yold aka shliach, insists on re-fighting the battles between the Gaon and the Baal Hatanya. I told him"
    is that in Lakewood? or in your new place?
    If it is irelevent then why did Eliach on the initiative of rav Shach and Reb Chaim K. rehash the Machloke in his 3 volume hagiography on the Hagoan. He spent almost the half of the last volume on that subject.and a nive part in the Avi Hayshivos,I dont think he would spent so many pages on the of the Bes Midreash Elyon in Monsey rosh Yeshiva fist fight,or the Machloka in Cleveland between Gifter and Sorotzkin, Farshtantoo.
    Go back shopping at the Freehold mall with your Wife, and try to buy only Tzeniesdige clothes that is approved by the Mashgiach.

  13. I know it's a bit old news, but ppl are disccusiing HaGaon so here:

    1)Read here, for a dissecting of Eliach's HaGaon, amazingly published in (an older) Yeshurun.. [First page, click next for subsequent ones]:

    2) There was also an "Emes mul sheker" leaflet, against that rag of a book.

    I've once seen a PDF available online, but at least Two pages can be seen here.

  14. former lakewooder You said
    "I told him, Mendele, by unz yeshivaleit, chabad has been off the radar shoin fun long - you guys are so irrelevant it's not even worth wasting any breath.
    Can you chabatzkers at least educate your shluchim before you send them out."
    So why are you "wasting your breath"? How come someone of your "stature" of "lomdus", as one of the elite "yeshivaleit", jumps into the fray with an off topic moronic statement azoi vi ah Yovon in Sukkah? Since Lubavitch is "irrelevant", as you put it so succinctly,why waste your time posting at all? Shouldn't you be "shteiging" blimud Hataireh so that one day when you grow up you'll become a full fledged "Godol" that will make your mommy and daddy proud of you?"Shoin Fun Long"???? Is that English ,Yiddish or perhaps the name of a Chinese acquaintance of yours?

  15. Shoin fun long no one knows how to speak Hebrew, Yiddish or English. This needs to be talked out imyitcheshem when rebby gives shiyer.Shoin fun long-warm some up tonight!

  16. Hirshel
    "Shoin fun long" that you have stated you would not post such infantile gibberish as is written by the so called "former Lakewooder".It's a complete waste of time and resources and really does not have any redeeming value.Even Thomas Aquinas's magnum opus "Summa Theologica" which I just finished reading (arain gechapped ah bissel apikurses as I once told you)makes much better reading (but not for your average Yeshiva bochur)
    So why bother to respond?The only excuse I can come with is my big Yetzer Hora.

  17. if you would only know the kicks I get out of "shoin fun lang"s like him you'd understand, anon3.

    Maybe it was my 1 MILLIONTH UNIQUE HIT that put me in the good mood..

  18. when you finnish getting hit... it will be your yortzait, not 11 months.

  19. Anon3

    Do you learn mussor?

  20. "Anon3
    Do you learn musser?"

    As I said earlier I just finished Thomas Aquinas's magnum opus "Summa Theologica" I have also just started reading Constantine's Sword: The Church and the Jews -- A History
    James Carroll (Author).Excellent reading, for my daily dose of apikurses. This in addition to my ,lehavdil,other shiurim. Does that answer your question?

  21. I see, anon3. you only read books that the Rebbe would approve of.

  22. "Vi a yovon in sukkah" is a perfect analogy for a chabatsker in a Beis Medrash

  23. Chabad is very successful.At least outwardly.If it was a franchise fast food business their business ideas would be copied.
    Alas, that is really just a chitzoiniyusdiggeh blik.After all we are not talking hamburgers here.Inside the Chassidus is struggling,morally, mentally and theologically.
    Time will tell us where it will go.
    Actually to cover the mess inside they double up the outreach to frei,frum or anyone who wants or at least will to hear their message.The message after pealing away the layers is Rebbe.Rebbe this, Rebbe that....That's when normal people start realizing that something has gone awry and this is looking very much like hero worship.

  24. To paraphrase
    The message after pealing away the layers is the Rosh Yeshiva this, rosh yeshiva that....That's when normal people start realizing that something has gone awry and this is looking very much like hero worship.


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