Saturday, June 25, 2011

"געשפילט דורך היימישע אינגעלייט"


  1. whats the surprise? aint you a hisidic accountant? you sure didnt learn big number like that in spinka...

  2. Accountants, meileh. But saxophone and trumpet players with Tallis Koton and Vestlech?! שומו שמים

  3. The holy Munkatcher Rus was makpid by the great wedding in mien hiemland, that only Bnie Bris, should play the musical instrument.
    He said that certain hamsoches at the wedding come from the musicians, and only bnie bris are vessel for hamshoche

  4. Hirshel,

    I assume you didn't check out the link
    before posting it,in the future you should es past nisht....

  5. zei kenen doch ober nisht!

  6. Hirshel Tzig - הירשל ציגsaid...
    "Accountants, meileh. But saxophone and trumpet players with Tallis Koton and Vestlech?! "

    emes, but would you recommend that they should c"v play it without the t"k that would be a real tragedy

  7. פאסט נישט

    I still haven't seen the link, but I have removed it on your advice

  8. In bobov chsidishe yinkelite playing all kinds of instruments in the sukkah and by simchus for many many years now in front of their rebbes, it seems now others are doing it to

  9. thanks for taking it off.


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