Tuesday, June 21, 2011

buy Bentche's הגדה

First Edition "Rebbe's Haggodoh" - 1946 for sale on Ebay.

Bids start at $200.00 American.


  1. Wow ! That stamp on it should really impress all the Williamsburg and Monsey sforim dealers.
    $200 mamash a metziah !
    By the way did the item come from the Aguch Library or did Barry steal it from Bentche to get even with Avremel ?

  2. Just wondering who is selling it his kids

  3. wow, still hasn't recieved a single bid...

  4. Schneur

    is every sefer ever bought now suspect?

    why bring in the Aguch library into this?

  5. According to the seller [whom i emailed], the Hagadah was, in all likelihood, once the property of the Chabad House in London, not a personal item from the private library of Reb Bentche.

  6. Way out of line price-wise. I am sure many of these haggadahs still exist and are in the hands of older Chassidim (or their descendants) in CH, London (if you want the stamp), EY etc.

  7. .rolleyes. Bere Moicher Sforim could have only stolen it directly from Avremel.

    Reb Bentsche was in gan eden long before Bere started his short-lived sideline as a bookseller.

  8. I don't think that:

    1) Reb Bentsche AH was even alive when Bere Moicher Sforim started his sideline as a moicher sforim.

    2) It was even Reb Bentsche's to start with.

    In any case, it is hardly museum or library material. I'll trade the seller 20 old Maxwell House haggadahs for it just to get it into hands (not even my own) who would care for it.

    I'd even trade "Veishei Yisroel" by the present Skverer Rebbe for it.

  9. Anonymous -
    I thought Chabad chassidim had a sense of humor, at least the White Russian ones I knew.

  10. Your historical posts are so amateurish that I can hardly tell if you are joking or serious.

    "I'd even trade "Veishei Yisroel" by the present Skverer Rebbe for it" I think that proves my sense of humor.

  11. Anonymous. Thanks for the hissororous, I did not realize that writing here was like writing for such serious historical journals like Tarbitz , Kabbalah Journal or Zion. From here on in I will try to recruit true historians from Yale Harvard, and Columbia to do the writing here. And I will try to include endnotes and bibliogrpahies in all my comments. What bibliogrpahic format and transliteration rules do you suggest we both follow ?Should our notes follow our comments or immediately ater the conclusion of the complete comment.
    ? Should our comments also be peer reviewed by professors or other bloggers . Finally should our comments be published by a university press , Kehoth or a commercial press , perhaps Artscroll would do.

  12. Anonymous it just dawned on me that you are on the wrong blog, you got lost in cyber space, for serious history which you seem to seek may I recommend On the Main Line and Seforim blog , There you will not be delaing with amateurs but with professional historians of the kind you are used to.

  13. White Russian? Chochem du, you think I mix my vodka with cream and some sort of sweet liquor for the vaybelach? I'm a real Lubavitcher. I drink full strength 96.

  14. un d'"dude" heist a "veibele" ? du azus ponim du!


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