Sunday, August 28, 2011

New Blog Design - you like?

What do you think? Do you like the header, the whole thing? both? let us know. I had to change the whole design just to be able to upload the picture for the new header. No. There are no subliminal messages in the picture. I would've liked to keep the old design. It's simple and easy to maneuver, but all good things must come to an end, they say. I also cannot figure out how to transplant things like the e-mail, Facebook and Twitter widgets, as well as some of the other banners that I had. It gives me all kinds of error messages. It'll take a little bit of time until we finalize the look. Please take a moment to vote in the poll on the right, it'll take about 5 seconds, no more. It's the least you can do!


  1. the design u had an hour ago was better. this black background to the text is glaring and painful to the eyes. switch it for the blue

  2. it tkes to long to load it used to go quick

  3. it's nice but i didn't think anything was wrong with the old one.

  4. Why are Litvisher only invited in the english and not the Yiddish!?! Unless that is whom you mean by Anshei Mayseh. Which I doubt.

  5. Look at what you write in the new masthead in english "this blog is for Beni Teyre etc". In the Yiddish it only mentions Chassidim!!

  6. this was always the case, I think. Nothing changed, only the design.

  7. Tastefully done but some problem with the legibility of the links,blogs and archives side column.

  8. The word רשת is modern hebrew (obviously the word itself is לשון קודש, the the use of the word to mean internet is modern hebrew), and us jews don't like hebrew, maybe change it to אינטערנעט?

  9. since the header was designed for me, I would have to ask the designer to change that word. I cannot do that. He's a shtikkel Tziyoni, so maybe he won't be happy about changing it...

  10. Maybe you should change your blog's name into "Zlateh the goat"?

  11. Cool. R' Rubin allowed tzigalech in the Spinke Chaider? What's the tzigale doing... freigt di ma nishtana, mit di grobbe finger?
    I like your kishketel.

  12. Matchmaker matchmaker....."Yoshe Kalb(kelbel or kelev)" needs a wife.... "Zlate the Goat" would be a match made in himmel. Mazel Tov!

  13. Sorry to go against most of the comments here but I will be positive :) I like it!

  14. Much better design than before and easier to read!

  15. Tzig, the picture is taken from Maurice Sendak's illustration of I.B. Singer's "Zlateh the goat".

  16. מאנט מען פנימיות

    אל תסתכל בקנקן


  17. I like it, though I could do without the space between each post. The blog area should look more like the sidebar.

  18. Yoshe
    ווי קומט צו דיר אזא בקיאות אין אידישע ליטעראטור

  19. I do like it, but the font size is a bit too big for my taste.

    I also like the header image very much, but in my opinion the white around the outside doesn't quite go, and is actually a little bit glaring.

    Maybe your designer would want to fill the white in a little bit so it looked something like this (corrected for the proper colors of course):

  20. S

    I can crop the header and make the font a bit smaller. That much I CAN do.

    Your input was very much appreciated. If you haven't yet, please vote in the poll.


  21. The heck with the nahrishkayten about astetics! You have to search your soul regarding all the loshon hara, ms"r and rechilus, you disseminate on this blog. You know, that you can enjoy almost equal success even if you eliminate the worst ten percent of vile. It is not worth it for you, even if it was a chet kal, k"s...

    Any coldness people develop in avodah and emunah due to your blog is something that you will be held acountable for, in the olam haemes. Speak to somebody about how to do tshuva properly. Maybe go to kivrey tzadikim and daven for clarity in thought and action.

    Otherwise, you should go from strength to strength בשימחה ובטוב לבב

  22. Tzig, where do you think my pseudonym originates from?

  23. yes, Yoshe, but I never knew that you knew all the details and the pictures

  24. Dislike only because this new format does not render properly on mobile platforms. I have tried different ways to get it to work, but each time it causes my blackberry browser to crash.

    BB fanatic

  25. if you like't the old one why was it changed is it coming from העכרע וענסטרס?

  26. i wonder whare you get all this timeהאלוואי on me

  27. Anon
    "The word רשת is modern hebrew (obviously the word itself is לשון קודש, the the use of the word to mean internet is modern hebrew"
    if it is Loshen Hakodesh, then whats the problem of using the word to new technology,
    Didn't Rebinie Hakodesh use in the Mishna new words for Vessels etc..that were not mentioned in the Tnach?

  28. Yoshe
    Wasnt Yoshe Kalb the famous lost person in Galicia?

  29. תתחדש. משנה צורה, משנה מזל - לטובה.

  30. שיין. משנה צורה, משנה גיסטע: חיצוניות משפיע על הפנימיות.

    זאל זיין מיט א סך הצלחה.


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