Wednesday, September 21, 2011

מאמר ד"ה וכך הי' אומר אנא השם וגו' תשכ"ד

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No, this is not the Lubavitcher Rebbe saying a מאמר חסידות, but it sure sounds like that's what he's trying to imitate!!


  1. How do you download as mp3?

  2. in these times everything in chassidus is imitation, look at belz of today, he`s more in politics, a great asken, clever ceo, but all this is not the real chasiddus.

    belonging to the holy bobov chassidus, whitch is direct line to sanz, from there to the besh"t is a small jump.

    lubavitch rebbi was of the very last of the original real old time rebbis of course he lived in modern times, but yet knew all to well how to balance, so chasidus wont get sucked in to twists and bend like other chassidus of today. no wonder the bobov rebbi held highly of lubavitch while living in crown hights, (the tzemach tzadik and sanz`er rav held highly from each others as well).

  3. how can he imitate when he never heared the rebbi delivering a mamer????

  4. After the first thirty seconds it becomes clear that this is not the LR but someone else.I think it's much ado about nothing.Maybe Rav Kook spoke with such a nigun,too. By the way this is a fine Littvishe Yiddish-no trace of Poilishe Yiddish at all.

  5. Often imitated never duplicated! Is there a tape available from rav kook? Or from any other old-timer lutvisher/yeshvisher/chusid personality to compare ?

  6. you must mean try to copy the rayat"z, because he was saying mamrim long before the ramas"h.

  7. if you put up an easy link for donations, I might toss in a few dollars every once in a while. I would not subscribe for a dollar a month. Sorry. there was a nice post re something from the Baal HaTanya over at

    I thought it would make a good topic for your blog as well.

    take care,


  8. were you ever rejected for admittance to YCB? you seem obsessed with RYH...

  9. Anon
    "you must mean try to copy the rayat"z, because he was saying mamrim long before the ramas"h."
    Chasidim by Farbrengens are doing the usually schmoozing, but at the big farbrengens are repeating a Mamar bal peh, with the loshon horav and nusach harav.
    Rav Hutner being a tamid of Reb Shmuel Levitin, definitely heard a couple of Mamorim. Even if he never participated at the Rebbes farbrengen

  10. Bobover Rebbe in CH friendly with Lubavitcher ? Did he ever visit the Lubavitcher rebbe ?
    Did the Kluizenberger ever drop by in 770 to chat ?
    The Divre Chaim was meshadech with Chabadsker eyniklech like Rav Mordchai Dov of Horensteipel and others.
    Twists and bends you mean geflochtene ataros ?

  11. Mike Powers said...
    “Did he ever visit the Lubavitcher rebbe ?
    Did the Kluizenberger ever drop by in 770 to chat ?”

    yeah and SR did visit the LR and LR did visit SR.. even he didn’t live in CH.. here goes the bobov- buba-basra stories..!

  12. Rav Hutner being a tamid of Reb Shmuel Levitin, definitely heard a couple of Mamorim. Even if he never participated at the Rebbes farbrengen"

    So your claim is RYH was not intimating RMMS or RYYS, but the RASHAB as projected by his chasidim?

  13. Ok, I tried playing the file in Firefox, it didn't work. So I tried Google Chrome, it didn't work. So I tried IE, it didn't work. I tried to download the MP3 and it wants me to install their software, which I'm not going to do. Any other ideas?!

  14. Anonymous
    Stop wasting your time ,read a good Jewish book or contemplate the meaning of Ellul and life.

  15. welcome back bobov, we missed your wise and smart remarks, making once again the true colors of bobov come to surface.

    from sefer "mamlechet hatorah" (p. 1995):
    1) the bobov rebbi was corresponding with the rebbi with "torah" ect.
    2)bobov rebbi was menachen ovel 1n 1965
    3)bobov rebbi bought letters for moshiach's sefer torah
    4) bobov rebbi always davend in the bais chabad shul in LA
    5) his son bobov rebbi reb naftuli was always in contact with lubavitch rebbi and chassidim.

    this is all they were able to come up with, dear "bobov chusid" please add some off your 'true' facts regarding those the lubavitch rebbi and bobov rebbi. because to be honost with you i dont know how one can speak of lubabitch and bobov rebbi in one breath, bobov rebbi was such a nothing when standing next to this great manhig torah scholar the lubabitch rebbi.

  16. rav hutner was a chavrusa with the rebbi, but yet still never heared him as rebbi, only as ramas"h, what makes you think this is a recording of rav hutner?

  17. what was r quins position vs a vs all the ytv machlokesn?

  18. Can you put it up on you tube this way there is no Bandwidth issues

  19. talmud bavli said...
    “bobov rebbi was such a nothing when standing next to this great manhig”


  20. this is a tape of the Rav Hutner recorded i believe in ch when he had his kolel on president street and KIngston

    It was recorded by an old man ( who needs a refuah shlaima davens in my shul ) and given to the public lately he has loads more of these tapes and they are priceless!!!!

  21. As a relative. R quins position was 100% r yaynkev. Ask all who were in ohr shraga etc.
    R Hutner was a Chevre Man. Re the kvius w/rebbe ramam the Shver
    rebbe Maryatz warned the rebbe Marmam er vet dir alts tzuganvinnen

  22. Please encourage him to give more of his tapes.

  23. Mike powers
    "Did the Kluizenberger ever drop by in 770 to chat ?"
    I think he never visited anyone in the USA, unless you came to visit him in Union city.
    In Igroith Kodesh He has a letter from the Maryatz for his own wedding, its a answer for his request for a bracha.

  24. Anon
    "So your claim is RYH was not intimating RMMS or RYYS, but the RASHAB as projected by his chasidim?"
    I did not say anything,
    Rav Hutner learned chasidus with the Rebbe, in the early years on a personal level on a written basis and personal level. Reb Shmuel begged him to stop, but the didn't stop to learn with a yid chassidus no matter his motives.
    Reb shmuel was a talmid of the Reshab, and a chosid from all the 3 Rebiem, don't even try to build some castle out of clay.

  25. Not at all similar (in tone) to a Chabad maamer. But very intresting shmuess. A towering talent indeed which doesn't subtract from other aspects of his multifaced personality. Is it possible to download?

  26. click on "track details" in the player. It will take you to a page where a big blue button allows you to download it

  27. A zeese geshmakeh yiddish. Soon to be lost in CH. What a shandeh.

  28. Hirshel,As "mamelooshon" has indicated ULY is changing from Yiddish to English.Perhaps such a sorry event which will be a bechiyeh ledoros should be the topic of a post on this supposedly Lubavitch site?This is a real tragedy.

  29. "Hirshel Tzig - הירשל ציג said...

    click on "track details" in the player. It will take you to a page where a big blue button allows you to download it

    Thursday, September 22, 2011 2:35:00 PM"

    When you try to do that it tells you you need to first download their software, which I'm not gonna do. Can't you post it some other way?

  30. Mamalooshen leben. Vus is pshat? Is CH slowly becoming MO? Zai farliren di gantze yiddishe taam in geshmak. CH doesn't look much different than Cedarhurst. Der Aibishter Zol Helfen.


  32. I hear no similarity to the Rebbe.Not the style or cadence.Also very different type of discussion.I was not in doubt for even a second that it was not the Rebbe

  33. Here's the "Looshen fon di Mama". It wasn't Russian. She wasn't schooled in CH so it wasn't English. Check out this beautiful Rebbishe handwriting.. what a nachas. I wonder what she would say to the Kingston Ave paraders?

  34. you guys are unreal. You think that anyone who has some original style "imitates" the Rebbe. He grade was very talented and didn't deen to imitate others to bring out his own.

  35. MJ is absolutely right no similarity whatsoever


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