Friday, September 23, 2011

Do as I say, not as I do...


At the major asifa of Rabbonim called by Reb Matisyahu Solomon and the Skulener Rebbe, this week in Newark, NJ. One Rabbi is seeing filming the speech of RMS on his Android device... Another Rabbi took the picture of him with another non-kosher device.... וואס וויל מען פון אונז קעלבלעך אז די קוהען פאלגען נישט די אייגענע הלכות????

The Invite...

The Rabbonim sign...


  1. nothing new here,it has always been like that,after all it is us little people who must go to a DIN TORAH,and not CHALILAH to secular courts,but all the big REBBES.oh they can fight with each other for years in secular courts,by the way there are very few yeshivas and organizations that are not connected to the internet.

  2. ROFL!
    also classy move copyrighting the invite!

  3. Lets be dan l'kaf zchus.
    Maybe it's a dumbed down smart phone without android service?

  4. Anonymous 9:05 PM is right and that is probably the biggest sakana in Klal Yisroel today. The rules don't apply to the in crowd. I know of a case in which a tremendously chashuve talmid chacham was forced out of Lakewood because his kid was nebach molested and the father wanted to go to the cops. To make a long story short he was forced out of town and the molester.... Now let's say that kids last name was Kotler. Totally different outcome. My take is that molestation is not the type of activity the CEO wants publicized. It's bad for business.

    Cynicism, hypocrisy greed and ignorance are killing Klal Yisroel as we speak, not the INTERNET!

  5. He certainly isnt speaking to the converted!

  6. HT©, once again creating a maelstrom and not getting credit for it.

  7. failed scotty thanks you for another great hit piece on heimishe yidden....

  8. Tzig seems other blogs picked up on your story here and are claiming that your posting a pic that wasnt taken at the asifa you refer to.
    any comment?
    where did you get the pic from?
    why dont you prove that it was indeed taken at the asifa?

  9. what's wrong with a droid??? It's only the iphone that was being mentioned. BTW droid is the best invention since challah in honey they are mamosh gevaldikeh machines.

  10. SamRapp got it from where I got it and posted it while I was in line at the Monsey PO for half an hour on Friday. How do I know? he told me he was. I just didn't think that anybody would see it... I got it two days before him but was too busy with the real world..

    Scotty is a ganev and a shakran, but this time he can probably say that he didn't steal it from me.

  11. btw what about the guy who took the picture and sent it over the internet - the HOLE ding is a tzchoik oso lonu. se freilich oifen velt - it keeps people occupiep looking busy with asifois.

    to hell mit di aleh ganovim -- that's what we should be calling meetings for.

  12. פון וכך היה אומר ביז וכך היה מונה איז א ווייטער וועג.

  13. Tzig, is there a person in CH or the world wide Chabad community who is concerned with this sort of issue
    Why post on thissubject ?


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