Monday, October 31, 2011

דן ידין עמו

רבי דן

One thing's for certain. He has/had name recognition. You may have not known what he was doing at the moment, whether the Yeshiva was active or not, but you knew the name. It's tough not to with a name like that. Reb Dun showed us that if you try hard you can make it in the Olam HaTorah even if you're a Galitzyaner... " In the daily paper we were told that he was the "primary talmid of Reb Shlomo Heiman." I assume they mean living talmid. I'm sure some other talmidim in the past would take umbrage to that statement. The other things we learn are quite impressive; how he came here as a teenager and become a Ben Torah despite not having his parents here. We were also informed that "virtually the entire Monsey community attended the levaya." I wish they wouldn't do that. There was no need for that line. The obituary could've been just as good with out that line, with is totally baseless anyway. I'd be surprised if there were 1,000 people there. But that's "neither her nor there." How do we classify Reb Dun? where do we put him in the roster of American Gedolim or Litvishe Gedolim in general? You might say that the terrible machlokes that BM"E found itself entangled in, both back in the day and again a few years back, when it was an internal Ungarisher Machlokes,  hurt his reputation and the reputation of his Yeshiva for all eternity. The big ancient building on Main Street sits virtually empty. I think the minyan on Shabbos is alot bigger than the Yeshiva is.. I would say that it's not one of Hershy Friedman's better investments as far as donating to Mosdos goes.Even the "Beis Medrish Elyon hat," the bent-up hat with pinches, is almost no more. Besides for Reb Don and some old timers, nobody wears it anymore.

See Here


  1. chief talmid Horav Sziszgal the son in law of Rav Moshe F. He left his kesovim to him.

  2. im sure a kind soul will dig up the piskei din that unsettled the place forever...

    who was appointed/annointed as the next invisible gadol as rosheshiva?

  3. עס איז דא א ווארט "דן מיטן כולל איז בגימטריא גנב" והמבין יבין
    איר וועט נאר פארשטיין אויב איר וויסט וויאזוי ר'דן איז געווארן באלאבוס פון בית מדרש עליון

  4. hirshel,
    i, and many others, are still waiting for a piece from you about rav menashe hakaton.

    your friend dovy

  5. Dovy

    it'll take time. I'm working on it. Thanks for being patient.

  6. I didn't hear about the most recent machlokes, the "internal ungarisher" one. What was that about?

    BTW that so called BME hat, with the bent up hat and 2 pinches, was warn by the Rayat"z in the earliest picture of him.

  7. Some info. Reb Don davened mincha each day in Breslov on Main St and was nice and friendly to all chassidim, always.

    I dont think there was a real internal machlokess, there, I think thats inaccurate.

    His nephew Reb Yerachmiel who moved to Lakewood to open his own mossad, (R Simcha Shustals eidem) was the one that built BME and he left on good terms because he wanted his own place where his kids could get jobs.

  8. 1."internal Ungarisher Machlokes", figment of Tzig's one track mind imagination. Shame on you, motzi shem rah. go beg mechila at his grave.
    halevai all machlokes in klal yisroel would be like that.
    2. not one word of his gadlus in torah, hasmada, yiras shamayim, midos, etc. this gadol was just nifter and all you can do is blab like a yenta about his pinched hat, and hershey freidman.
    its obvious how shallow you are.

  9. take it easy chaim. he put up the link to the hamodia article so you can read about his gadlus.

  10. As others have pointed out to you Hershel, there was no "machlokes" between R' Dun and his nephew. You should really delete that lie.
    But of course you wont. if its a shaila of being motzi shem ra on the niftar or hershel Tzig's pride-admiting he made that up and deleting it.
    There's no shaila.

  11. I usually don't comment on such subjects but I was upset with this post. Either lay out what faults or geniva you believe ought to be mentioned at the occasion of his petira, or link to the Hamodia article and be done with it. But it's not a way to leave this post on the internet, hinting at faults and making fun of a man who bothered no one, sat and learnt his whole life and put out the chidushim of Reb Reuven.I am confident if the many people who benefited in learning because of him read your post they would be yelling and screaming.

    Anyway, I for one remember Reb Don Ungarisher favorably. I spoke to him in learning on two occasions and he made a strong impression. Imagine the influence he had on his mekuravim.

  12. I don't think I "made fun" of RDU, and I don't think you want me to sit here and go through the whole history of BME either. I think I was pretty diplomatic!!

  13. Tzig:

    This is beyond low.

    !עפרא לפומך

  14. HT said: "I don't think I "made fun" of RDU and.....blah blah blah", Yeh we know, you'll never be wrong, you sound like my 2nd grade son for crying out loud.

    look, if G-D came directly to you Tzig and said: Hershel, please delete the lies you posted about Reb Dun, and if you dont I promise you'll go straight to hell. I dont think you would listen.
    how do I know this?
    cus you didnt delete it even though you KNOW its motzi shem ra.

  15. ok, so after I take the עפר out of my mouth, what is it that I need to correct?

  16. "ok, so after I take the עפר out of my mouth, what is it that I need to correct?"
    If you would actually red the posts people send you on your blog for a change you obviously wouldn't have that brilliant question. but since you dont read anything we write there is no reason to tell you, since your not gonna read this anyways.

  17. Chaim

    I guess not having power for a few days got to you?


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