Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Stop the Bombardment!!!

"Please buy my book!!!" 

You would think that this is WW2 and we're the German or Japanese people being told to give up and force their leaders to surrender. (pardon the inappropriate analogy) Or maybe we're the good people in Gaza being told that the F-16s are coming and that they get the heck outta there. Anywhere you turn you're told that you need to buy דרש דוד. That it's the new חידושי ר' חיים הלוי על הרמב"ם. That all Gedolim and Rabbonim and Rebbes told you so. That not since the times of Rabbeinu Hakodosh has there been תורה וגדולה like there is by Hofstedter. What did we do to deserve this? Is this part of the punishment for the Internet and Tznius issues? Is this one way that G-d punishes us? Why does DH feel like he needs to become the next Gadol as well as Gvir? Is Dirshu not enough? When will the madness end? Please, I beg of you, newspapers, magazines and poster printers, please decline his business just for one week. Stop with the Dirshu advertorials and דרש דוד ads for just one week. G-d has his ways, he'll send you other advertisers to fill the gap. I know he will. He'll do it because you made so many Jews happy by doing it.


  1. who was his ghost writer?
    I guess he wants to be the new reb efraim zalman margolies,
    I would advise him to print the Dirshu Mishne Berura on his name, that would make his a semi godul,I guess the ghost did not listen

  2. give it a year or 2 we will get a Kisvie Heshi& Riezi on Shas from Heshi and Riezi of Montreal,

  3. ...אן דעם״דרש דוד״ זיינען מיר נעבעך אלע פארפאלענע

  4. read rav shteinmans "haskoma". i laughed out loud when i read it, its just a reciept. "he gives money for torah so we bless him" ad kan lshono hakadosh!

    the chutzpa is that he called himself "rav h", why wasnt rabbi enough for a balebos?...

  5. the next kinyan torah limud will be dorash dovid with mkoros, be'iyun...

  6. Spot on. Read Reb Shteinman Haskama carefully וד"ל

  7. When will we be getting a schottenstein and oz v'hadar edition? And then a menukad and mevoar. And finally an artscroll edition with linear translation.

  8. er iz a lebediger mussar sefer. gelt is nit geven genug far im. er hut g'darft kovod oichet.

  9. there is still the Teiva missing from the trinity,

  10. Don't forget Acheinu! DH was mimale mokom Rav MY lefkowitz as nossi!!!! Lol

  11. Great post, HT, I think he genuinely believes the Torah is fantastic.

  12. http://collive.com/show_news.rtx?id=16980&alias=is-there-really-a-chabad-lite

    they beat you to the update!

  13. Wow, that was powerful, Grainom. I believe Reb Yoel already decried Lubavitch's being held hostage by misapplied ahavas yisroel.
    What I don't understand is the taynah of what do we tell the children when they ask why, and the need to answer "because they're "X"". This is universal, not just among Chabad. Why do we have to explain what other people do? Here's an answer - "I don't know why she dresses like that. We dress the way we do because that's what it says in halacha, or that's what we've been taught, etc." Let's promote what we believe to be right without degrading others - it works better, too.

  14. Herscel, I smell jealousy..

  15. The "Gaon" Hofsteder (anyone know what his real credentials are, anyway, other than inheriting $$?) could learn a lot from his fellow community members the Reichmanns. Although in their heydey (and perhaps even now) they had a lot more money than Hofsteder's wealthy father Sandy, the Reichmanns conducted themselves with a great deal of quite and dignified modesty. It was hard to find even a picture of them, while the "Gaon" Hofstedter has some unexplainable need to broadcast picutres of himself at every dais and by every gadol he can pay his way in to and to barrage us with ads for his book proclaiming his greatness.

  16. Anon
    I would rather live with a arrogant gevir with a big hand then the humble Riechmans.
    Tzedaka is the only mitzva that can be done with no Kavanah and sheloi lishma, since it depends in the Mekabel...

  17. To the writer of the last post, It is obvious to all that you have a bone to pick with the riechmans. I live in toronto and am not in any way related to the riechmans, but your comment is so way off it is obvious that you are either David Hoftstter himself or a close relative of his.
    Shame on you.

    The riechmans single handily built torah, real torah in toronto. It is a ir veaim byirsroel because of them.
    Despite all of the efforts of the so called torah Jews, the end result shows that what the riechmans built in torah and torah values is strong and keeps on growing.
    I for one am makir tov to all that they have done and keep on doing for our community. Sadly to say the same can not be said for the Hofstadter family. I am not here to judge or to slander, but the record needs to be set right.

  18. More info on his father please. Was he a machzik torah?

  19. This is whole thread is a disgusting display of sinas chinam. This is my first time ever commenting on a thread of any type on the internet. I've never read anything so disgraceful. The internet is not a place to come and speak lashon harah bc nobody can see you. This whole thing made me nauseous.

  20. I cant believe what I am reading. R' Hofstedter is working leshem shamayim and his position in his organizations clearly requires some publicity. Ill take his chelek any day over the motzei shem rah in this group. Terrible!


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