Wednesday, November 16, 2011

מצגת לעלוב


  1. he was a holy jew, but this video is pathetic. sorry

  2. Actually was done pretty well for a a Heimicha israeli chasidis it is moving.. corny but nice

  3. I must agree with comment #2 that the video is very nice and quiet moving as well, some nice footage of the rebbe as well, i especially liked the niggun, and the yom kippur nusach at the end, since he dies on yom kippur if im not mistaken,
    but the interview was pretty lame.. i was expecting a little more, very draged out and as emotional for him, but not an amazing story, im sure they could have got some better stories and better speaker as well,
    maybe this yungerman is a big donor of theres...

  4. Anyone else notice daled bovos in the background?

  5. hasofer i think you're ah shtikel wrong & here is why.
    tzadikim that give brachos that work, nothing new there.
    but in this case it was more than a bracha, the rebbe said "hust g'poyelt" now that's something else altogether.

  6. Why is it that 99% of the mofsim out there have to do with pregnancies? Maybe it's because even without brochos women get pregnant al pi teva even after many years of barreness.They certainly get pregnant with fertility treatments.How about a mofeis of someone who has a tumor that has metasticized to major bodily organs and via a brocho the said patient is miraculously cured.
    Give me this gutter yid's name and I'll seriously consider him as a potential Rebbe.I imagine that if he exists his number will be "unlisted, or maybe it'll be under "B" for" Baba."

  7. i'm with #2, the video & pics are special, if this guy would shut up and let the music do its job, it would be a classic.

  8. How about a mofeis of someone who has a tumor that has metasticized to major bodily organs and via a brocho the said patient is miraculously cured

    i know someone his father, rmm did close to that for with a brain tumor

  9. Who's RMM-the Lub. Rebbe?

  10. Mort safkon,
    Ah rachmunis af dir if that's your criteria for choosing a rebbe.

    But you should know that there were (are?) Plenty of rebbes capable of the major stuff.

  11. Anon7:12 No time for rachmones-Just tell me who has the power today- not yesterday. A groeisen dank.

  12. mort, i dont know. all i know is, that if you wanna serve the one above b'emes, you can find someone to help you.
    i personally, have shaychis with someone who's official title is rov.
    mofsim or not, it works for me.


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