Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Today's Link

BOF: Top Bansha"k Claims MOs Want Sainthood for Anti-Zionist Rebbe


  1. It is a documented fact (details are available) that the MO/מזרחי in America did intervene and contributed largely to the liberation of SR z"l while kastners train was halted in transit! while the frum אגודה in EY did nothing!!! not than and not after his liberation.

  2. Thanks for the link. Hope that your readers who follow the link will khop that it's a parody of a Forward article.

  3. whitefish says: " there is only one אמת'ן דרך המקובל לנו מאבותנו
    מדורי דורות

    This quote I have hearted before from true gedoli yisruel, just that there is different paths for different people how to get to it but at the end there is only one truth

  4. This article, evidently a parody, is too "teef" and referential to something I haven't seen. Hence, I "don't get it". I will project this onto others and tell you that I think most people, even the highly intelligent readers of this blog, won't get it either.

  5. yehupitz

    click the link at the beginning of the post. you can see and read what I'm lampooning in five minutes or less. Nothing teef about it.

  6. He's quite clever and emess is emess...

  7. MO is a bottom up concept mostly MZ (mizrachi), and YU aluminous, So is OU, MZ OU and YU in America was founded in part by the children of reb ר' חיים סאלאוויטשיק בריסקער רב ז"ל Residing in america ר' משה סאלאוויטשיק and ר' יוסף דוב the brothers of ,ר' וועלול יצחק זאב סאלאווייטשיק הקנאי who spearheaded the protests in EY and in part combined with SR leadership here in America against גיוס בנות mostly without the aguda involvement, The aguda kept complaining why SR took up delegations of MZ discussing the situation but refused to do so with the agudah! (For obvious reasons) So did SR have many correspondents – on many pertinent subjects - with the MZ and YU here in America! “Before WWII” which YU has a slue of documents on it in their possession! So relations are forming (סאטמאר בריסק) MZ MO YU OU and SR!!! Although very strange bedfellows ( there was times when מיימון from קוק'ס MZ wanted a חרם ! against SR) but he SR, I guess believed in their fair mindness (not in their politics or daas torah, of course) more than in the convoluted and hypocritical agudah’s

  8. 12:17 & 12:26 say: " err "

    what's all this err about ?


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