Monday, December 12, 2011

תולדות ר' מנחם מענדל בן אדמו"ר מהר"ש נ"ע

אזוי, זוכענדיג עפעס אנדערש איז מיר דאס צוגעקומען
אויף עמ' 50 קען מען זעהן די הסכמה פון רז"א און רמ"מ אויף ר' הלל'ס פלח הרימון, וווי אויך די הסכמה פון די ליאדיער רבי'ס. ביי מיר איז דאס א שטיקל חידוש אז מ'האט אונטער געשריבן אין איין ספר, כאטש די מחלוקה. אפשר איז דא א מעשה אונטער דעם. אפשר איז די מחלוקה נאר געווען צווישן דעם רבי'ן רש"ב און די קאפוסטער, אבער די אנדערע ברידער האבען יע געלעבט בשלום מיט די שוועסטער-קינדער זייערע? און ווער האט געברענגט דעם ספר לדפוס? פארוואס האט ער נישט געבעטען פון דעם רבי'ן אן הסכמה? וויל די רביים פלעגן נישט שרייבן קיינע הסכמות

תולדות ר' מנחם מענדל בן אדמו"ר מהר"ש נ"ע


  1. I am surprised that you are surprised.

    The Liyadier and the Maharash got along well.

    In fact, I think that one could even say that רוב מנין ובנין of the Anash of the Maharash and Rashab, were first Chasidim of the Liyadier.

  2. I guess you're right, although the fact that they were Lyadier first doesn't mean much, I would think?

  3. Sorry but the letters are scrambled by me. how do I fix that?

  4. Sorry, but it's still scrambled. It happens quite often by you. :(

  5. Thanks! that did the trick.

  6. Was RM"M frum his whole life? Were there any yidden where he moved to?

  7. Why then should he move to a place where there are no frume yidden. Also, his daughter was not frum.A misnagid once claimed to me that a disproportionate amount of children of Lubavitch "Rebbes" became frei or close to it.I only remember that he gave an example of the Riyatz's daughter who married Hornstein, and the Rebbe's brother Leibel. I therefore wondered if this was another case.

  8. Horenstein was frum. Let's not get carried away here.

    Why he moved to Corsica they say because of money issues. The same reason he moved to France.

  9. Are you sure Horenstein was frum even in 1940? Was she "modern-Orthodox" style?

  10. Herschel,
    Would I be correct in assuming that the Mahariyatz's daughters were quite modern due to the fact that there was no "beis yaakov/yavne" school system in Russia?

  11. we can assume all we want....

    And I also don't think they turned out so bad!

  12. But compared to your grandmother...

  13. Can you explain from a sociological perspective why she turned out a greater tzadeikus than them? Was Hungary more fertile ground for "yiddishe mames" than Russia?

  14. my Bubbe was a greater Tzadeikes than Rebbetzin Kanievski is what I said. Not than the Lubavitcher Rebbetzin.

  15. "I guess you're right, although the fact that they were Lyadier first doesn't mean much, I would think?"

    When the Liadier passed away and his Chassidim preferred the Maharash/Rashab over the Kapuster, would indicate some kirvas hadaas, no?

  16. Was R. Mendel divorced or widowed from his first wife? In one part of the teshura she seems to have had a second husband. At the end it says she died. Was the Raz"a also divorced from his first wife? Is that why they lived with their mother?

    Why did the Mahrash have to go to Cracow to the chasam sofer's descendent to find a shidduch for Rm"m? It seems so far removed from Lubavitch style. Were they wealthy? It seems that the Mahrash liked doing wealthy shidduchim.

  17. BTW, it says in Bais Rebbe that the Maharash visited the Ladier when he was sick to daven for him.

  18. I guess in 10 years from now I will be allowed to publsih my Toldos HoRashba"g ZT"L

  19. Look in the siddur maharid (from the liyadier's son and he writes how his father davened for his uncle when he was sick etc. and you can see the closeness. The machlokess was only with Kapust and it entailed 1)Money (Kolel Chabad control), Prestige (Rebbistveh, the kapuster was feuding with his uncle from the time that they were kids together in Cheder (the Kapuster was older than his uncle and his uncle oit did him at times... when chastized by his brother the 1st (6 month) Karuster (muhari"l) to have derech eretz because he's older (R' shlomo Zalman kapuster) the maharash answered ich bin elter mit dee taate's yahren... and in terms of who's bigger he said "vos gresser di rooken altz gresser dee ferd)....Well you can imagine that the machlokes so deep rooted was different than the other brothers who were rebbelach in shtet without a fight..... vyesh lehaarich aval ein hazma"g!

    Y"T Sheini


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