Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Matisyahu goes OTD...

"No More Chassidic reggae superstar"

I guess there is no life after Chabad... I suppose that living in that culture does have an effect, no matter what you have on your face or on the side of your head. This is not to attack the man, just observing and maybe using him as a case in point. In any case, we feel for Matis and hope that he finds his way back. Maybe if he was less cryptic in his messages we'd know where he's up to and not have to resort to guessing games.


  1. I commented on CH.info that he looks like he just got smacked across the eyes with a bottle during a barfight. Shaving the beard and visiting a masseuse are the least of his problems!

  2. I feel bad for baalei teshuva - they feel ffb people are always wondering when they will go back OTD

    and this doesnt help

  3. עיין ש"ס חגיגה ט"ו ע"ב אחר זמר יווני לא פסק מפומי', וזה הי' סבת אחר שיצא ר"ל למינות וע"ש ברש"י דהי' לו להניח בשביל חורבן הבית

  4. Did he say he was OTD?
    Did he move his home?

  5. All these blogs lump all BTs together. What about all the gezhe FFB rabbis sons who go OTD? Not zero.

  6. i noticed that chabadniks are branding this as some sort of triumph and vindication for chabad. actually chabad is the one that created this monster in the first place.

  7. anon 2;37,
    1. why is this any more zemer yevani than any other Jewish singer?
    2. What exactly are you trying to prove from Rashi?

  8. Anon
    ". actually chabad is the one that created this monster in the first place."
    how did they create him?
    by stopping him on the street,and asking him if he is jewish?
    Did the teach him Regagie?

  9. Anon
    "עיין ש"ס חגיגה ט"ו ע"ב אחר זמר יווני לא פסק מפומי',"
    is this chazal for all non jewish music as solo kokosh? or only Yoven?

  10. Was this degenerate a full fledge karliner chosid? he went to the Rebbe in
    Givat Zeev? Did he daven in karlin Yerushalieem? or Brooklyn?
    Did he start screaming shachrith from Leolum...

  11. So long you superficial fraud. And thanks for finally ending your pretense of "pnimius"? Now we know you are nothing but a stoner and attention-seeking scenester who will do anything for 15 minutes of fame.

    As far as his offish behaviors go that is a legacy of his being a stoner Phish-head back in the day. He never really left that phase of his life behind when he showed up in CH. Just the fact that he went through Hadar Torah and claims to have never learned anything shows that he did not apply himself as Chassidus demands that one should. He went along with "chassidus" as long as it was cool, fresh and appealed to his need for novelty. When it became boring and too much work he moved on to something else, just like so many others to go through the BT system over the years and fail.

    Don't cry for Matthew Miller. He is old enough to take responsibility for his own actions.

  12. Bunch of Jew haters. He said in a tweet that he went to shul and to mikvah today in the morning. Nobody even cares to look.

  13. ...and yesterday he tweeted about visiting the "best masseuse in NYC". So, which is it?

  14. thats why he went to the Mikva....Vehu Rachum Yechaper Oven

  15. on the other hand, this gentleman is going thru a tough phase in his life, and we are entrapped in the big Issur of Mischabed Bikolan Chavairoi

  16. 160


    Here we go again....its the BT thing, I can just here all you Gezher G-ds gift to chabad salt of the earth and we are so perfect that we wod never want to marry YOUR KIDS.
    Well this might just surprise you to know that the biggest drop we know that the biggest drop out rate from chassidic mainstream behavious are gezher kids not BT's. Reason I heart you say? Coz BT kids are educated, honest with thenmselvesand those around them and frankly make the best frum jews in the world. They don't hide behind a NAME or FAMILY LINEAGE to cover nefarious behaviour. NEVEL was along time ago and just calling a family gezh simply on the basis of having a zeide that pished in NEVEL means diddley squat in the patheon of what we call today erlicher ernnster yidden. I'm talking no drugs, no proskeit, shmiras shabbos, kashrus bhidur, shmiras hamitzvois, tefillah btzibur, wearing yiddisher clothing as the Rebbe wanted, covering the hair, skirts that fit and length fit, etc etc. CHARITY BEGINS AT HOME! PARENTS OF SO CALLED GEZHER KIDS GET A REALITY CHECK BeFORE JUDGING OTHERS.

  17. could someone from LA let us know if his kids are still in chabad cheder?
    how far has this gone?
    if it's only the beard, yippee yeah, he's going thru a stage.
    if it affects his kids and marriage Ch"V, houston we've got a problem.

  18. The irony is that may of these "I told you so" people were amongst his biggest fans.

    I personally never saw anything Jewish in Matisyahu's music or that of the multitude of Jewish rap & reggae singers. If you want to listen to goyishe music go ahead - just don't pretend it is OK just because the singer is a 'chassidisher' yid.

  19. While I laugh at the Chabad backing away from him as fast as possible (and somehow this proves you guys right?), I think there is a more important factor going on. Raise your hands if you think anyone would have heard of him if he had never changed his name and his look. Ok, hands down, no one? Exactly. This was about selling records from the beginning. Now he thinks he doesn't need it or he thinks this cutting off of his beard will generate the attention instead.

  20. Hey, it was shave or let his beard turn white....

  21. Why so nasty?
    I wish him well, he is a good man, still seeking...

  22. What do we need BTs for at all? If they want to return and do teshuvah-fine- but why seek them out? Their lives get destroyed when they "cool down" and return to their old "free" ways. Many end up in divorce and emotional breakdown and they contaminate the frum peole who are mekarev them with ideas that are foreign to halacha and Hassiduth.You think the gezha kids that frei out haven't learnt a thing or two from their BT neighbors?One example of BT contamination is the way they talk about sexual matters. No erliche Yid from any "kreize" would talk in public that way.They talk in graphic detail about matters that would make a heimishe Yid "bury" himself from shande. The Bts are Amerikaner and don't understand this.They have destroyed from the inside the foundations of tznius and kedusha.This breakdown from the inside can't be quantified but it is there and has done great damage to the "soul" of Lubavitch and other "BT -maker" organizations.

  23. Halevai we should take a tenth as much interest in the problems of the people around us.

  24. Another catastrophic example exposing the lubab BT myth, they don’t bring any light to them, it's the other way around they bring the goyishe literature and זמר יוונית to CH and beyond, many thousands of CH children where exposed to this fraudster's זמר יוונית drek!!! An awakening call to lubab? Ah never! Can you awaken the dead? Hopefully I'm wrong.
    CH should arrange a bon fire on eastern parkway and burn all his tapes with his effigy!!!

  25. Anon 4:03 "is this chazal for all non jewish music as solo kokosh? or only Yoven? “

    סתם מקשן ע"ה

  26. I guess he stopped selling his records, so now he will sell his beard for sheitlech (kosher hair toveled in mikvah)

  27. He is an unstable young man, not a surprise.

  28. Anon
    "ell this might just surprise you to know that the biggest drop we know that the biggest drop out rate from chassidic mainstream behavious are gezher kids not BT"
    I don"t disagree since I don"t have any data, but I would like to know where are you getting you statistics?
    Is there a data bank where this statistics are kept?

  29. False Mattisyahu.

    He grew "bord und peyos" and magically he is a mishelonu.


    This video deserves a full analysis.

    This is not your grandfather's Chassidus.

    West Chester,PA 738 miles from Peoria

  30. Snagville is right. Matisyahu wrote "No more Chassidic reggae superstar" that means "Matisyahu no more reggae superstar" because the non-Chassidic reggae singer Matisyahu is as exciting as looking on a wall while the color is drying.

  31. Dear Mort Safkan.
    As a Choizer bitshuvah myself, I obviously cannot answer you without having vested interest in the matter, however the questions arise that are quite obvious:
    Such concepts as all Jews are responsible one for another, and that every mitzvah is nitzchis and brings Moshiach closer, and every Yid by nature is bound to Hashem and His Torah, so it is a danger to a Yid not to do mitzvos, and therefore just out of compassion (and the Jews are rachmonim bnei rachmonim, and if not - it is a question on the ancestry) these Yidn should be helped - all these concepts sound foreign to you?

  32. yakov 12:29, "and the Jews are rachmonim bnei rachmonim, and if not - it is a question on the ancestry"

    yes it's true in concept what u say, but all the will in the world and racmunis will not work? take it from moshe rabbanu who accepted the עירוב רב and look what happened! in todays world when the so called 'FFB frum yiden' need all the help they can get! (get it?) the BT should also have racmunis 'on them' and stay away !!!

  33. Yakov-I understand your position as a BT. Please understand my position as someone with a shtarke shayches to Old Lubavitch.Balei Teshuva like R. Velvl Green A'H are fine with me. My problem is with the eastern religion,meditation,free love,drug intoxicated,borderline avodah-zarah BT.Their presence in Lubavitch has been a complete disaster.

  34. Also Just Observing. This is the biggest story in Lubab land. Check out COL, at this moment there are 335 comments. I guess that he was the most important mashpia since..... or whatever. Nebach on all of us.

  35. blogged about it here:

    The Israeli Ministry of the Interior has Yordim= Emigrants, Olim= Immigrants and Noshrim= immigrants who couldn't cope or adjust and became emigrants. In Frum Society we have Shona U'peerishniks= Those who grew up frum and chucked the lifestyle, BTs= those who grew up Frai and then adopted the lifestyle and???? What do we call BTs who become Shona U'peerishniks?

    It is tragic whenever someone loses their allegiance to Halakha. More tragic still for the BT who sacrificed much to gain their allegiance to Halakha. Most tragic of all was someone who gained their allegiance to Halakha in a very high-profile way that brought attention to Torah Judaism and got people thinking and talking about the relative merits of a Torah-Observant lifestyle.

    And so tonight I mourn the loss of Matisyahu's beard. From the tweets he sent to his fans it sounds like he cut off his beard to spite his faith.

    As a master lyricist his latest act inspires me to fit new teeth on an old saw.חסידיו מדקדקים עם הקב"ה בחוט השערה . Or, as Billy Joel might say: "Facial nudity, it's hardly ever beard but mostly what I need from you"

    Also as a G2 and on a vsiceral level Chasidim with formerly copious beards who now have shaven beards remind me of what Nazis did to Jews in the Ghettos.

    Poor Matisyahu. All I can say is that the next time he feels ambivalent about his Yiddishkeit and gets the urge to cut that he try rhinoplasty.

    Here's my "tweet" to Mattisyahu:
    "At the end of the of day I look for you at sunset, When the tide goes out hope you're not devoured by regret"

    Tzig...how was your simcha?

  36. The Bray of Fundie 3:30 said...
    חסידיו מדקדקים עם הקב"ה בחוט השערה . Or, as Billy Joel might say..

    I would suggest stop mixing billy.. with chaza"l

    ליקוטי מאמרים ר' צדוק מלובלין עמוד קי"ט תודה"ק:

    ...וגלות יון בקלקול החכמה..וכן ההתחלה בהעתקת התורה יונית .. פי' שעי"ז התחילו להתערב
    חכמת יונית בחכמת התורה ונעדר אור התורה האמיתי...

    ...כי טמאו כל השמנים היינו בני יון ע"י חכמות יונית שהיא נגד תושבע"פּ זלעו"ז...
    ...וטמאו כל השמנים הם כל החכמות אמיתות של חכמי ישראל נטבעו ונתערבו בחכמות חיצוניות..

    חגיגה ט"ו ע"ב
    אחר - זמר יווני לא פסק מפומי', וזה הי' סבת אחר שיצא ר"ל למינות וע"ש ברש"י דהי' לו להניח בשביל חורבן הבית, מכח בשיר ישתו יין

    אחר and matisyahu sharing the same faith

  37. I was mixing Billy with my corruption of Khaza"l.

    That would be Matisyahu with Avuyah...no?

  38. The Bray of Fundie 4:34 said... “I was mixing Billy with my corruption of Khaza"l.That would be Matisyahu with Avuyah...no?”

    I don’t know much of either.

  39. he probably has cancer and is trying to hide it.

  40. anon 5:45
    that's a pretty silly comment, don't you think?

  41. all this gets me thinking

    How long has "Geza" concept been around? pre-Dor Shvii?

    If I'm 2-3 generations back, does that count? Or davka 7?

    Does any other Chasidus have anything remotely like Geza?

    תורה היא וללמוד אני צריך

  42. Not silly..anon HaTzadiks wishful vindictive thinking

  43. The concept of gezha has taken on new importance in the last "tekufah" due to the massive "deRussification" of Lubavitcher Hassidus as a result of the movement being inundated by BTs,American Torah voDaas types,American,French,and Israeli sefaradim,and even a contingent of Ingarishe. Hence the indigenous Lubavitcher from Nevel to Homel feels besieged and invalidated as he attempts to withstand the onslaught of "outsiders."Yichus plays a significant role [within reason] in Hassidism,but it has disappeared in the push toward a "universalist" Lubavitcher movement that is rootless and bereft of a common historical narrative.

  44. why do people find it wrong with him now being "תוכו כברו"?

  45. Mort wrote: My problem is with the eastern religion,meditation,free love,drug intoxicated,borderline avodah-zarah BT.

    Er, like "Reb Shlomo" Carlebach? Or like "Reb Zalman" Schachter-Shalomi? And who do you think was mekarev the BT's you're thinking about? It's all home-grown.

  46. Anonymous @ 1:38:
    The Rebbe taught that the best help to oneself is to help others. I am not advocating close relationship with unstable individuals. But the point is that each case should be dealt with in individual way, not a blank dispensation to through them (us) all out. It is like with one's own children who can behave with various degrees of deviation from what is right: some need to be gently guided, some can handle sterner approach without ultimate rebelling or "breaking the vessel", some need professional help.

    I understand your point.
    Regarding hippie style mekurovim - I guess in the middle of Crown Height the people should try to educate their children the same way as the shluchim that manage to educate their children in the middle of nowhere do, by explaining the world outside, by personal example, by having real geshmak in chabad life. Granted we all don't have such a syata dishmaya as the promise of the Rebbe to the shluchim regarding their children, but still, if you look at the drop outs in the insular Williamsburg community, you'd see that that is not the only reason.
    Regarding gezhe,
    Considering that the Rebbe made clear explicitly that he is considering his chossid one who tries his/her best to do what the Rebbe asks in general and in particular, any Hungarisher has a fair chance at that. And I think that the only way of gezhe to remain gezhe is not to approach it as an inundation and derussification by outsiders - after all who are you to decide who is outsider if the Rebbe does not consider them thus - but to work on oneself something like: If these not born in 5 generation chabad family are such mekushorim and oivdei hashem, me, from the gezhe, al achas kamo vekamo.

  47. Take it from a real BBT. BBT you ask ? That means "Boring Baal Teshivah". Yes, that's what i am. I wasn't a fighter pilot, green beret, doctor or pop star, i am just a plain old idiot trying to pay tuition and figure out how to pay for another chasunah. Wow, i guess i have made it! All of you FFB's are so enthralled by the "elite" BT's. you stick your heads up.. well you know where, when you meet "stars" whether it's pop stars, money stars, lomdeshe stars, chasideshe stars.
    I for one don't give an efffffff about this guy or his music for that matter. Now if metallica would become baaley teshuva that would be news :)

  48. Mort
    ",but it has disappeared in the push toward a "universalist" Lubavitcher movement that is rootless and bereft of a common historical narrative."
    Toras chabad is not for Russians the same as the Rambam is not exclusive for Yemenites Or the Rema for Galiciyaner,
    Its all nonsense.
    Chabad is above and beyond the perimeters of Nevel,CH,Kfar Chabad and Detroit.

  49. Anon
    אחר - זמר יווני לא פסק מפומי', וזה הי' סבת אחר שיצא ר"ל למינות וע"ש ברש"י דהי' לו להניח בשביל חורבן הבית, מכח בשיר ישתו יין

    אחר and matisyahu sharing the same faith"
    It seems that u crowned your self for the inhouse Quoter on the Circus Tent.
    Can u find the Chazal(Yerushalmi maybe?) that Achar original sin that caused his OTD, was caused thru his fathers bad thoughts by his Seudas Bris?
    can u find some analogy of that episode by Mattes father too?

  50. Anon
    "..כי טמאו כל השמנים היינו בני יון ע"י חכמות יונית שהיא נגד תושבע"פּ זלעו"ז...
    ...וטמאו כל השמנים הם כל החכמות אמיתות של חכמי ישראל נטבעו ונתערבו בחכמות חיצוניות..

    חגיגה ט"ו ע"
    you doing a diservice by dignifing that gutter music of Mattes, by calling it Chochma...

  51. He's lost my respect! If it mattered.I thought he stood for something it's sad!!! Fame!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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